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mikecc 04-16-2006 09:14 AM


fishaholic18 04-16-2006 09:16 AM


MAC 04-16-2006 09:23 AM

Yes and for all Mass filers; Don't forget line 33 Use Tax due on out of state purchases :conf:

Slipknot 04-16-2006 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by MAC
Yes and for all Mass filers; Don't forget line 33 Use Tax due on out of state purchases :conf:

oh ya, sure, I'm all over that one.:yawn: where do I send the check?:poke:

I just love this time of year :rollem: all my money goes to social security which I might as well burn it since by the time I need it, there will be none left:af: :smash:

taxes are due Tuesday here in Mass.
but I sent mine out certified/return receipt requested , on Friday. I don't want to take any chances with our wonderful gov. screwing up and forgetting about a mail truck in some loading dock for a week or so then hitting everyones' return in there with a big fat penalty and interest for being late:fishslap:

BigBo 04-16-2006 09:45 AM

Done. I'm hurtin' big time this year.:wall: We paid a shiite load of taxes and still ended up having to pay back $3K:yak:
I'm really hurtin' bad...............:mad: I'm glad I could do my part to help out all the illegal aliens and bogus welfare recipients. I hope they appreciate it.

tattoobob 04-16-2006 10:03 AM

our GOV. needs some serious reform,

I have already spend my return and wishin I got more back.
I turn down over time because they take like 50% of my pay

"uffah!!" 04-16-2006 10:27 AM

Hey Slipknot, I don't care if you don't pay any taxes at all, but be sure you pay your Social Security Tax, because I'M depending on people like you to pay. That way, I can keep collecting mine!!!!!!!

Skip N 04-16-2006 10:40 AM

Ever noticed how most Americans sound like Republicans come tax time! We all get pissed and want lower tax rates just like Republicans are for. The best way to get people stirred up and to really lower our taxes is to not have our taxes withheld from our weekly checks. If Americans had to personally write our tax checks say once a month to the feds and state we would go nuts! But by having our taxes automaticlly withheld from our pay we dont realize how much they are taking.

Just remeber, your Democratic friends in Washington want to roll back the previous tax cuts. Higher taxes if they come to power my friends!

"uffah!!" 04-16-2006 11:20 AM

My father-in-law had a favorite saying,"I wish I could pay $100,000. dollars a year in taxes". I had asked him, why would you want to pay that much in taxes? His answer,"Because that ment I was making that much".

spence 04-16-2006 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Skip N
Just remeber, your Democratic friends in Washington want to roll back the previous tax cuts. Higher taxes if they come to power my friends!

Higher taxes for some, but not for you don't earn enough :hee:

You can spout all the oversimplified Reaganomics all you want, but the fact remains that tax cuts without fiscal discipline are going to hurt everyone in the end...and this time it's the GOP who's leading our children over the cliff :yak:

And Mike, just to set the record straight...I've heard that about 50 Billion in tax revenue is collected from illegal workers who don't see a cent of it in deferred benefits. They might just be subsidizing themselves!


Maloney 04-16-2006 12:36 PM

$ 50 Billion? Don't challange you on that because I don't know. How about all the "under the table" money? What is the differential between the hourly pay for a citizen and what is paid to an illegal? If I lose my job and am willing to cut grass for milk and bread will I be paid a fair wage or the illegal wage? Or be told: you are a citizen, too bad.

JohnR 04-16-2006 12:44 PM

Skippy - if the current administration were fiscally repsonsible to the republican mantra, awwww nevermind, you just keep plugging yourslef into the BNN (Bush News Network) everynight, OK? At least it is worth the entertainment value...

I owe, I owe....

spence 04-16-2006 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Maloney
How about all the "under the table" money? What is the differential between the hourly pay for a citizen and what is paid to an illegal?

How about all the under the table money with business in general? There's plenty of corruption to go around.

As for wages...I think it really depends on the industry. While I'm sure there is a lot of very low wage labor in the service industries, in some sectors like agriculture the pay is actually very good as the illegal workers are much more productive than their American counterparts.


Skip N 04-16-2006 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by JohnR
Skippy - if the current administration were fiscally repsonsible to the republican mantra, awwww nevermind, you just keep plugging yourslef into the BNN (Bush News Network) everynight, OK? At least it is worth the entertainment value...

I owe, I owe....

Yes the current admin spends WAY to much. Most Conservatives have issues with this as well. I dont think i ever mentoined Bush in my statement earlier so i dont know where ya got that from. My point was that generally Reps are more prone to letting the folks keep more of thier money, while that other party believes in a large goverment and has no problem raping the Americans for even more tax money. I know what side i like! If you Dems enjoy paying higher taxes more power to you. But i'd rather keep more of MY money and have the Gov spend more wisely.(Yes that meens you too W) Tax increases should be for desperate times only, not so we can spend more on Welfare and social programs that only keep people dependant on recieving Gov money. And i dont enjoy paying my tax money toward Illegals either. Thats just BS

mikecc 04-16-2006 06:50 PM

[QUOTE][just to set the record straight...I've heard that about 50 Billion in tax revenue is collected from illegal workers who don't see a cent of it in deferred benefits. They might just be subsidizing themselves!/QUOTE]


TheSpecialist 04-16-2006 08:13 PM

I already got both my refunds. Got almost 8g's back. Between having the baby, and my wif not working, put me in a lower bracket. :gf:

spence 04-16-2006 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by mikecc

Perhaps, but based on what?

I'm not saying that illegals don't suck off the system, but that there's a give and a take.

In addition to that, who do you think picks the lettuce you eat, or hand sprays the soybeans used in a multitude of products?

This isn't to say that our open border isn't a problem, it certainly is, but there is a huge value add to our way of life these people also provide. 1 in 20 US workers are undocumented!

Any border policy needs to take this into account, or it will fail.


Nebe 04-16-2006 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by spence

In addition to that, who do you think picks the lettuce you eat, or hand sprays the soybeans used in a multitude of products?

thats a very valid point... i dont forsee in our future blue collar males in their mid 40's out picking tomatoes for $40 an hour... But, on the other hand, i can see these same guys picking tomatoes for $10 an hour after they loose their jobs to china and cant find any other work.

justplugit 04-16-2006 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Skip N
Ever noticed how most Americans sound like Republicans come tax time! We all get pissed and want lower tax rates just like Republicans are for. The best way to get people stirred up and to really lower our taxes is to not have our taxes withheld from our weekly checks. If Americans had to personally write our tax checks say once a month to the feds and state we would go nuts! But by having our taxes automaticlly withheld from our pay we dont realize how much they are taking

Ya got that right Skip, and ever wonder why taxes are due April 15th, six months before election day. :huh: Move tax due date upto October 15th and see how many politicians would get re-elected in November. They plan and are counting on us to forget by election day. :mad:

TheSpecialist 04-16-2006 09:07 PM

The illegals affect this country in many ways. They have a large affect on the rental market. They will live 5-10 in a two bedroom apt, and won't think twice about paying 1500 a month for it either. Now if you were a husband and wife with 2 kids, your wife stays at home to raise the kids, and lets be generous and say you make 70,000/ year. Are you going to be able to afford 1500/month for an apt, 2 car payments, insurance through the roof on the cars cause of all the insurance scams the illegals pull, clothes, food, and utilites? It goes on and on and on..

Now let's say there are no more illegals, you had to pluck lettuce. Who's to say that the lettuce guy isn't enjoying such huge profits now, that he would not be able to absorb some of the cost of raising wages to attract AMERICANS. If you had to pay .25 / per head of lettuce more would it kill you ?

spence 04-16-2006 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by TheSpecialist
If you had to pay .25 / per head of lettuce more would it kill you ?

Well, a few thoughts...

Thought 1) How many Americans want to pick lettuce?

Thought 2) How many Americans want to pay more for lettuce?

Thought 3) How many people don't want to think about who picks their lettuce?


Redsoxticket 04-16-2006 09:50 PM

Retailers will purchase crops from others countries in order to increase their profit margin because as a citizen there are labor practices that the farm employers have to adhere to such as minimum hourly wages, workmens comp., etc.
These farms could then be subsidized by your tax dollars or risk being bought up by development for housing, stores, etc..
History of the farms like dairy will likely repeat itself.

Redsoxticket 04-16-2006 10:06 PM


The closing of however many agriculture farms will result in further unemployment for those unfortunate to enter the labor market.

Skip N 04-16-2006 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by spence
Well, a few thoughts...

Thought 1) How many Americans want to pick lettuce?

Thought 2) How many Americans want to pay more for lettuce?

Thought 3) How many people don't want to think about who picks their lettuce?


Sounds like some good jobs for the people sitting on thier asses collecting welfare! Get them out there and they can feel as though they are earning thier welfare checks. And the homeless folks and unemployed Americans, why cant they do these jobs???

Redsoxticket 04-16-2006 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Skip N
Sounds like some good jobs for the people sitting on thier asses collecting welfare! Get them out there and they can feel as though they are earning thier welfare checks. And the homeless folks and unemployed Americans, why cant they do these jobs???

It depends on the demographics for that area.
I don't know this but there are probably less people on welfare in that area because the climate is condusive for jobs. However, the welfare role will likely increase in the near future.

spence 04-17-2006 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Skip N
And the homeless folks and unemployed Americans, why cant they do these jobs???

Skippy, a large percentage (a majority?) of homless are either mentally ill or addicted to substances...they wouldn't be of much help.

The majority of welfare receipients already work for a living, or are unable to work. While there are freeloaders I think you're placing a little too much into a well worn stereotype.

Remember that a lot of money earned by illegal workers is sent home, which is why they're here in the first place!

Have you ever seen the shanty towns outside of cities in California that house migrant workers?

The only way to get Americans to do the work is either provide a living wage or enslavement...there's a balance already that will be difficult to upset.


Jenn 04-17-2006 08:19 AM

I try to grow as much of my own lettuce as I can and i pick it myself. SO I can afford to pay my taxes......:uhoh:

Nebe 04-17-2006 08:23 AM

Just remember.. every job sent over to china has the potential for putting one american family on welfare.. One honest hard working family. Are they freeloaders?

fishaholic18 04-17-2006 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe
Just remember.. every job sent over to china has the potential for putting one american family on welfare.. One honest hard working family. Are they freeloaders?

Great point.
So true.

ThrowingTimber 04-17-2006 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by spence
Higher taxes for some, but not for you don't earn enough :hee:

You can spout all the oversimplified Reaganomics all you want, but the fact remains that tax cuts without fiscal discipline are going to hurt everyone in the end...and this time it's the GOP who's leading our children over the cliff :yak:

And Mike, just to set the record straight...I've heard that about 50 Billion in tax revenue is collected from illegal workers who don't see a cent of it in deferred benefits. They might just be subsidizing themselves!


Good one Spence :btu:

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