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cheferson 12-23-2004 01:32 PM

Room mate beating my dog!!
Im f-in fuming!!!:af: COme home an hour ago , open my dogs kennel, he wont even come out. He always runs out goin nutz, never has he stayed in his kennel after i oopened the door. Once i get him to come out , he has his tail under his legs and is shaking. He wouldnt even eat a biscuit, ussally wolfs down 5 at a wack. Im peesed!:af: :af: Call my roomate and ask what the hell the deal is, says he didnt hit him , was like ya sure, he said he thinks hed know if he did. He denied flipping out on the dog too? Ive been back for an hour now and the dog is still shaking on the floor. Hes never acted like this in the year ive had him. Im so ripped right now , im contemplating beating my roomamte in the head till he sits in the corner and shakes, when he walks in the door.:af: :af:

Christian 12-23-2004 01:35 PM

take him to the vet .asap. just to make sure.

spence 12-23-2004 01:40 PM

If you think your He really did assult your dog I'd call the police.

I'd never advocate violence, but if someone hit my lab they'd get the living snot kicked out of them :(

I second the vet trip regardless, although if you bring the dog in and say your roommate beat him, the vet will most likely want to report it to the police.

Why on earth would he do this :confused: Is he wacked on drugs?


cheferson 12-23-2004 01:48 PM

Probally cause he hasnt got laid in a year, hes got the napoleon temper. I cant afford to bring him to the vet. Iam so ripped right now. Im gonna wig on him when he gets back, ill save his beating. He denied it on the phone, but i dont see why my dog would act like this. Gonna wait and see how my dog reacts when he gets back.:af: :af:

cheferson 12-23-2004 02:05 PM

Im so ripped right now, im shaking harder then my dog. Ive seen my roomate get mad when the dog is barking at other dogs in the yard and he tweaks. Im like hes a dog, he barks now and then.

bart 12-23-2004 02:12 PM

beat his f'n head in dude :af:

bart 12-23-2004 02:19 PM

it might be sick tho too actually. my dog had an allergic reaction one time and shook real bad and wouldn't come out of his cage, come to think of it.

sucks either way :(

cheferson 12-23-2004 02:41 PM

I dont think hes had a allergic reaction, he had his tail tucked under his ass, and has been slowly warming back up to me.Plus when i left 4 hours earlier he was fine. I know he had to do something to him, he hasnt liked the dog sence he flipped out on him and the dog went and made a 5 foot around pee stain on his bed:laughs: . Plus when i talked to my roomate he said hed be back in 30 minutes, been over two hours. Im tearin into him, he did something.:af:

Nebe 12-23-2004 03:00 PM

Chef go take your dog down to the beach with a tennis ball... have some fun and make sure your dog knows hes a good dog. deal with your room mate later- :smash:

BigFish 12-23-2004 03:23 PM

Beat the room mate first (let him know he is a bad boy) and then go to the beach!:smash:

ThrowingTimber 12-23-2004 03:23 PM

Sux dude, sorry to hear that, some people are seriously just a waste of skin and flesh. Losing faith in humanity one person at a time here...

BigFish 12-23-2004 03:35 PM and I are riding the same person at a time!:smash:

Bronko 12-23-2004 04:21 PM

Wait for him on the front steps if he walks right at you drop him in his tracks. He know its on....thats why he won't come home. People that mistreat pets need the same done to them. If he knows everytime he messes with your dog that you are gonna bang him out....I bet the dog abuse stops.


BigFish 12-23-2004 04:51 PM

Hit him on the nose with a newspaper.....wrapped around a lead ingot!:D

jugstah 12-23-2004 05:02 PM

Goddamn, I hate people like that.

vineyardblues 12-23-2004 05:26 PM

Chef go take your dog down to the beach with a tennis ball... have some fun and make sure your dog knows hes a good dog. deal with your room mate later-

correct answer is EBEN!


Raider Ronnie 12-23-2004 05:46 PM

Hope you're dog is ok!
If someone hit my dog, and I saw it happen, I hope some of my buds on this site would take up a collection so I could make bail!!!:af:
What type of dog is it anyway?
I have a 2 year old Boxer.

afterhours 12-23-2004 06:08 PM

take ebens advice, then make 100% sure of guilt- then wail on him!

cheferson 12-23-2004 06:13 PM

Hes a sheperd mutt that i got at the pound, great dog. I dont know what to think? Maybe my roomate didnt do anything and hes sick like bart said, did give him pop corn last night for the 1st time. Just have to wait and see how he acts when my room mate gets back, if he hides , my roommate is gettin stuffed in the kennel. If he gets up and greets my roomate, im gonna owe him an apology and gonna have to call the vet. Either way:(

Karl F 12-23-2004 06:34 PM

If dog cowers when he comes in, that's all I'd need to see.
If so, rub the roomates nose in the dog chit, and let the dog see ya do that. ;)

If the dogs sick, well ya gotta deal with that too, but, I've never had a sick dog act sheepish, tucked tail and avoidance, usually it's sad eyes, and the head rub on the leg, ya know, like... "Daddy, Help Me!"
The tucked tail and avaoidance, that usually does mean beat down... but, I'm surprised the dog would act that way with you :huh:

I hope he didn't beat him, hope ya get some answers, and the pooch feels better.

MAC 12-23-2004 07:55 PM

Pee on your room-mates bed and tell him you did it not the dog. Or better yet just pee on the pillow and flip it over to he won't notice till he goes to bed. :laughs: :laughs:

bart 12-23-2004 08:08 PM

thats funny,we used to do that at RWU to people we didn't like...

fishweewee 12-23-2004 08:10 PM

Put your room-mate on a leash and take him for a walk on the beach. Take a tennis ball with you, and make sure he retrieves it a few times from the suds. A loaded 9 mm pistol makes for a wonderful motivational training aid. :devil:

TunaCell 12-23-2004 09:29 PM


Originally posted by cheferson
did give him pop corn last night for the 1st time.:(
Give to my dog every once and while, never a problem ans she's the got the most delicate digestive system I've ever seen in a dog, although all dogs are different. The behavior you describe sounds like the dog got smacked.

Notaro 12-23-2004 10:35 PM

Tyler, calm down, man. Take your dog to the vet and ensure that he wasn't beaten up by your roommate and nothing serious injury on your dog. If he was beaten up by your roommate, call the cop. And kick his ass out. You got a better life than that, man.

Backbeach Jake 12-23-2004 10:55 PM

Joe, for a young kid you got your head on straight. ;) Besides whatch gonna do for the poor dog if you get locked up. And if you thump your roomies gourd, you will get locked up. The game changes from "He's Wrong" to "You're Wrong". Then you start spending real money to be right again.

Notaro 12-24-2004 12:18 AM

Exactly, Jake! It has happened to me before... Tyler, just think before you react or you will be screwed in the arse.

cheferson 12-24-2004 08:13 AM

Roomate came home last night dog got up and greeted him:D Apologized for accusing him of hitting him. So i called the vet. Vet said the way he was acting is typical of some dogs when they are ill. SHe said to take his temp. Had to go to the store and get a thermometer, and stick it in his bunghole. Turns out he was running a slight temp, vet said he should shake it a in a couple days. Looks a lil better this mornong but still not himself. The vet said the way he was acting , not coming out of his cage , shaking( common when dogs have a temp) and his tail under his butt, are common with dogs feeling under the weather. Guess ya never know. Thanks guys and happy holidays

spence 12-24-2004 08:44 AM

Oh the drama :rolleyes:


Nebe 12-24-2004 03:36 PM


just beat the crap out of him anyway:hihi:

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