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redcrbbr 02-02-2013 10:49 AM

stomach bug/flu
anyone else had it, sickest i've been in 30+ years:yak5:

Swimmer 02-02-2013 01:34 PM

An 80 year old friend of mine died from it. Got extremely dehydrated, did not drink fluids, and kept telling his son he felt better. Wouldn't let his son take him to the ER and had a heart attack after his system shut down after three days of vomiting.


basswipe 02-02-2013 04:01 PM

Norovirus is here.Have had it twice.

Didn't know certain muscles even existed until after yaking for 12hrs straight.Went to the ER the second time and got me some really good dope and a few bags of saline.

Slingah 02-02-2013 04:53 PM

I had the Norovirus last year.....I'll never forget it. :yak5:
Get well Red.

redcrbbr 02-04-2013 02:15 PM

back to work today, three and a half days of ill, still weak and feel like i tore a muscle in my gut from the vomitting. gonna give it a go. wish this on no one.

bassballer 02-04-2013 03:32 PM

i got it. I was actually nervous I was so sick. Was begging the wife not to go to work. Thought I was dying. ate 6 saltine crackers in 3 days. The 4 hours of dry heaving really put a strain on stomach muscles. Didnt know what I had, now i know.

Raven 02-05-2013 08:47 AM

I was asking my Doctor about it yesterday
and how close the FLU shot variety was to
what actually is out there in the form of a virus....
they said : very close! (it's always mutating)

and that's the problem !
reluctantly i took a flu shot anyways ... since i was there...

Her Answer was that the FLU bug doesn't cause the stomach
upheaval and that's a separate illness...
I highly recommend that you BOOST your immune systems

i use Emergen C 1,000 crystals packets to put in Grape juice
my favorite is the rasberry flavor and it sells out fast...

combined with SLOW release C-1000 mg by puritan pride
5 bottles for 13.98 here >
Vitamin C-1000 mg with Bioflavonoids & Rose Hips 100 Caplets | Vitamin C Supplements | Puritan's Pride

Plenty of sleep: at least 8 hours to maintain a healthy immune system

HOT and spicy food will double the power of your immune system

Chinese GREEN tea.... is an immune system booster thank-you KARL

echinacea herb combo with golden seal is a tremendous preventative
as is oregano anytime your having a meat dish as it kills e-coli bacteria
and not much else does that!

Bioflavonoids from eating the white fibrous tissue inside
large naval oranges between the sections
makes vitamin C WORK MUCH BETTER!

i also take equal amounts of Honey and apple cider vinegar 1/3 cup
to make a stirred batch of protection to add to either cranberry or welches grape juice pitchers
to create a definite acidic cocktail as germs don't live long
in an ACIDIC environment and your Ideal body PH (chemistry) should be slightly acidic...

if your going to take vitamins
don't rely on a single pill
as you cannot squeeze everything you need into a single dose (pill)
and i have been mega dosing vitamins for 40 years.
how do i know?
I have 5 brothers and i look like Hercules's compared to them

PRBuzz 02-05-2013 09:00 AM

Norovirus is not the same as the FLU!

While it seems nearly everyone in Boston is sick or recovering from some kind of ailment, many are wondering what they’ve come down with and how to best manage their symptoms. Do they have the flu or the stomach flu? Is it possible to have both at once?

Dr. Joshua Kosowsky, vice chair and clinical director of Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s emergency department, told me he’s seeing a lot of patients with influenza -- aka the flu -- and some with an intestinal bug that’s circulating called norovirus -- aka the “cruise ship” virus.

How do you tell the difference between the two?

At first blush, it seems fairly simple. The flu is an upper respiratory infection that causes sore throat, chills, body aches, runny nose, and coughing. Norovirus is a gastrointestinal illness that causes diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Both can lead to severe dehydration if you don’t drink enough fluids.

“Both infectious diseases are very common and very contagious,” said Kosowsky. “It’s not inconceivable to get both this season.”

Usually the body doesn’t come down with two infections at once, but it can get infected with one bug right after the other if the immune system is weakened.

Many people, though, who have been infected with this season’s Type A flu strain that’s predominant in the Boston area have developed gastrointesintal symptoms -- vomiting, stomach cramps, mild diarrhea -- on top of their cough and runny nose.

“There is some overlap between flu and norovirus symptoms this year,” said Kosowsky, and it’s probably due to the nasty H3N2 strain that’s circulating and causing more severe flu symptoms than normal.

But, he emphasized, the vomiting and diarrhea associated with norovirus tends to be more explosive and intense.

Both conditions should be managed by getting plenty of rest, taking over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce fever and aches, and avoiding close contact with others for the first few days. Drink plenty of fluids, and if you aren’t able to eat much solid food, make sure those fluids contain some salt and sugar -- juice, soup, sports drinks, for example -- to keep your electrolytes in balance.

Raven 02-05-2013 09:08 AM

forgot to mention
feel better SOON Brother

RIJIMMY 02-05-2013 10:51 AM

sounds terrible, recover and stay healthY!

bloocrab 02-07-2013 12:19 AM

Big Red, you need to increase your intake of Portuguese Isopropyl....:buds:

Stay healthy my friend

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