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Jenn 12-27-2018 10:28 PM

So Whats Brewing?
I'm missing Saltheart in more ways than one :( He always kept the homebrew conversation going here....soooooo...whats brewing? Anyone?

Currently have a"tropical" IPA in the fermenter , been on the IPA hiatus so Im excited to have one up and coming. Just brewed a 10 gallon batch of light lager on christmas day in hopes of having the timing right for early spring yard work :)

Nebe 12-28-2018 01:15 PM

I miss him a lot too. He taught me a lot about home brewing through pm’s and emails.
What hops did you use for your tropical ipa? I can’t get enough of galaxy and mosaic hops.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jenn 12-29-2018 10:05 AM

Haven't been brewing as much the last few months so I tried using up what I had in the freezer instead of buying more! I used Cascade, Citra & of course Mosaic :) with more citra & Mosaic for dry hop. Hoping to keg today if its ready.

Nebe 12-29-2018 11:18 AM

Yuum. Have 1 for me :)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

rphud 12-31-2018 12:21 PM

Robust Porter with some coffee and chocolate added. Still conditioning in the bottles for while longer. Not too shabby right now, but likely much better in a couple of months.

NEIPA likely up next for spring time. Been doing my "research"....Julius, Green, Doppelganger, Doubleganger, Grimms, Singlecuts....

MikeD 01-03-2019 03:18 PM

Yum, those sound good. I'm not a home brewer but love what you guys are putting down. For you RI guys and ones that get Proclamation. The last batch of Derivative Galaxy was so good. Perfect ABV@6% and huge flavor. Our Xmas eve party had every one bringing the big guns like TH, Trilly, HF, Foam etc and the Proclamation held right up. Cheers!

rphud 01-04-2019 07:33 PM

maybe we should do a Saltheart collaborative beer for a gathering

Jenn 01-04-2019 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by rphud (Post 1158734)
maybe we should do a Saltheart collaborative beer for a gathering

I love the idea...but we would have to be careful on the rules of the event/location/etc. as far as "bringing it". I didnt chat with him extensively on his styles or preference so input on what he would brew would make it special! Ill be unemployed in a few weeks soo....I should have time!:hs:

rphud 01-06-2019 01:02 PM

"interstate transportation of alcoholic beverages"?

We could do some research on style.

rphud 01-08-2019 04:08 PM

my research turned up this psot by Saltheart

You get three things from hops...Bitterness , flavor and aroma. I love all the hop flavor and aroma I can get but I am not big on bitterness that is out of balance. Its the bitterness that people associate with highly hopped beers like IPA's which is too bad. Sam Adams Boston Lager has a lot of hop aroma but not the high bitterness.

When I make beer I use noble hops like Hallertauer Mittlefruehs and East Kent Goldings. The Mittlkefruehs are nearly perfect for my preferences because they have huge aroma , good taste but low alpha acid content so the bitterness is easy to control. The East Kent Goldings have a great (but different than Mittlefrueh) aroma profile and also lots of flavor. Their Alpha acid content is 2 or more times that of the Mittlefruehs so more care is needed to get the flavor without over bittering. Czech Saaz hops are another good choice to get flavor and aroma with easy to control

JohnR 01-08-2019 10:05 PM

I've been on Bourbons lately ; )

JohnR 01-08-2019 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by rphud (Post 1158734)
maybe we should do a Saltheart collaborative beer for a gathering

; )

I miss Mike

The Dad Fisherman 01-09-2019 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1159124)
I've been on Bourbons lately ; )

Picked up a nice bottle of Henry McKenna BiB last week, pretty damn tasty

JohnR 01-09-2019 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1159132)

Picked up a nice bottle of Henry McKenna BiB last week, pretty damn tasty

Have to try that. Sooooo much choices, so little dime.

I got another Midwinter Night's Dram ; )

rphud 01-09-2019 08:52 AM

got me some Angel's Envy for Christmas. Very nice.

The Dad Fisherman 01-09-2019 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by JohnR (Post 1159138)
Have to try that. Sooooo much choices, so little dime.

I got another Midwinter Night's Dram ; )

Haven't tried that as of yet, don't see it up around here.

I hear ya about the Dime, but some of the higher end beers now, like singlecut, are running $25 a 4 pack, and I can get a 750 of Buffalo Trace for $20

The Dad Fisherman 01-09-2019 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by rphud (Post 1159142)
got me some Angel's Envy for Christmas. Very nice.

on my list....

Rockfish9 05-04-2020 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jenn (Post 1158252)
I'm missing Saltheart in more ways than one :( He always kept the homebrew conversation going here....soooooo...whats brewing? Anyone?

Currently have a"tropical" IPA in the fermenter , been on the IPA hiatus so Im excited to have one up and coming. Just brewed a 10 gallon batch of light lager on christmas day in hopes of having the timing right for early spring yard work :)

Don't know if anyone else is brewing these days.. just uncorked my first batch of oatmeal stout.. darn tasty, silky smooth with a frothy head, slight bitterness in the after taste that IMHO is out of place, but barely noticeable...I believe it's just a "young" beer and not a tannin issue. Time will tell... I've made a few adjustments in my process that will take care of the/any tannin possibility.

bottled an Irish red ale yesterday and have a Imperial Blonde Ale in the fermenter I'll transfer it to aging latter this week when it clears a bit more...brewing an all grain "Fat Tire" clone this coming weekend...Plan on doing a Belgian triple after that, the boats ready so that'll due me until I'm done fishing in the fall..

rphud 05-04-2020 05:43 PM

I was thinking a Triple as well, but I think I have talked myself into a Saison DuPont clone. Once known as the best beer in the world, but so was Fin Du Monde Triple. Once upon a time(s).

Pete F. 05-04-2020 06:48 PM

I'll stick with these from one of my local brewers and I'm happy with any.
Imperial Red Ale - 7.5%

Claudia Light Hybrid - 5.1%

Sapsucker Maple Stout - 6.3%

Scotch Ale - 6.3%

Superb Fairywren IPA w/ Galaxy and Vic Secret - 6.6%

Luster of Life # 1 APA w/ Ekuanot and Mosaic - 5.9%

Tree Sparrow IPA - Galaxy, Citra, Simcoe - 6.4%

American Robin IPA w/ Mosaic - 6.4%

Tiny Changes Vol. IV w/ African Queen, Mosaic, Simcoe - 6.7%

I just want to be able to go visit again

Rockfish9 05-21-2020 12:16 PM

in the spirit of keeping the thread alive..I'll post up ,my latest brew..

I brewed up a black IPA ( I know it's an oxymoron to pure brewing/drinking purists) I got the recipe from Great Fermntations…

recipe lists ABV @ 5.4 - 7.2 IBU @ 63 -68 SRM @ 30 -34

OG @ 1.060 -1.071 ( I graded out @ 1.068) and FG @1.016-1.019..

it's hop heavy with Simco, Cascade Cryo,Ekuanot Cryo and a dry hop of Citra smells awesome.. we will see how it turns out after the dry hop and bottling...

rphud 06-07-2020 06:55 AM

Just finishing off my Black IPA. One of my favorite styles and my batch was pretty darn good.

On to Saison DuPont if I can get any of the online stores to deliver the yeast. Been two weeks of screw ups so far, but I think all will be delivered by Thursday for next weekend brewing.

Just have to figure out my water profile and brew it.

Rockfish9 06-07-2020 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by rphud (Post 1194773)
Just finishing off my Black IPA. One of my favorite styles and my batch was pretty darn good.

On to Saison DuPont if I can get any of the online stores to deliver the yeast. Been two weeks of screw ups so far, but I think all will be delivered by Thursday for next weekend brewing.

Just have to figure out my water profile and brew it.

Nice, mines got another week in the fermenter. then it gets transferred and dry hopped..
I have multiple salt water aquariums so I had a RO/DI system that i.use for brewing, it takes my 9.6 tap water to 7.2, a teaspoon of gypsum brings 6.5 gallons to 5.4..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Sea Dangles 06-07-2020 07:12 PM

Joe, what type of RO system do you use.?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Rockfish9 06-07-2020 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sea Dangles (Post 1194806)
Joe, what type of RO system do you use.?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I have a 100 GPD RO buddy membrane, with automated pump,sediment and carbon filters plus DI canisters that I refill my self by buying bulk resin.the pump has an auto flush and boosts the pressure and capacity of the system .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

rphud 06-13-2020 08:58 AM

Today is the day! yeast is expanding and all ingredients are finally in the house. What a pain that was.

Rockfish9 06-15-2020 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by rphud (Post 1195155)
Today is the day! yeast is expanding and all ingredients are finally in the house. What a pain that was.

did you make a starter of just pitch the yeast..

Jenn 06-24-2020 10:20 PM

I've been too damn busy to have anything in the fermenter...last couple batches I did were not my a bit of a brewing slump if you will....looking to redeem myself soon...vacay next week (stay cay is more like it with projects galore) but hoping to work a solid brew day somewhere in between the projects! Have a stock pile of ingredients....just need some inspiration!

Rockfish9 06-25-2020 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jenn (Post 1195788)
I've been too damn busy to have anything in the fermenter...last couple batches I did were not my a bit of a brewing slump if you will....looking to redeem myself soon...vacay next week (stay cay is more like it with projects galore) but hoping to work a solid brew day somewhere in between the projects! Have a stock pile of ingredients....just need some inspiration!

Trying to post some inspiring pictures, my phone is smarter than me.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

rphud 06-27-2020 08:46 AM

Starter for the White labs and smack pack for the Wyeast. Just flipped over to secondary and added the remaining half of the yeast combo. Promptly left the house for NJ the next 5 days. Beer is on it's own for a while. Hopefully chugging away for another 10 days or so, then into the bottles! Still trying to decide to filter or not. Leaning towards not.

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