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wdmso 01-20-2023 11:24 AM

Rons at it again

Ron DeSantis government bans new advanced African American history course

Florida officials have blocked the introduction of a new advanced-level high school course that teaches African American history.

Governor Ron DeSantis' administration said the proposed course "lacks educational value and is contrary to Florida law".

The course is being rolled out in a pilot programme by the US College Board to 60 high schools across the country.

Officials did not specify what law the course breaks.

A statement by a spokesperson for Florida's Republican governor DeSantis said the course "leaves large, ambiguous gaps that can be filled with additional ideological material, which we will not allow".

"In Florida, we are taking a stand against the state-sanctioned racism that is critical race theory," Mr DeSantis said, citing the academic framework that denotes the existence of systemic racism in American society. yep he knows he need the MAGA white victimized base to win the nomination

Ron is in full blown culture war mode gearing up for His 2024 run and Florida is his guinea pig:btu:

wdmso 01-20-2023 11:38 AM

DeSantis Bans Woke Investments From Florida's Retirement System

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, approved measures Tuesday to prevent the Florida Retirement System Pension Plan from investing in accordance with the environmental, social, and corporate governance movement.

profits before people thats funny .... So ron will throw out ESG investments regardless if they produce Higher returns .. than his Non woke investments

talk about an abuse of power playing with people's retirement Money

for political points

nightfighter 01-20-2023 12:13 PM

Hold on, now. I don't pretend to know what this particular curriculum included, but I will say that the local high school pre-empted a study hall recently to have a speaker for MLK Day basically tell the predominately white student body that they were racists.... So just the course title should not give them a carte blanche to indoctrinate without checking out the facts....

I don't go for extremists on either end of the scale and this course has all the opportunity to be ripe with overstepping the boundaries.

Critical Race Theory or CRT’s base premise is that all white people contribute to racism. And I won't go for that. Do you, Wayne?

RIROCKHOUND 01-20-2023 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1237775)
Hold on, now. I don't pretend to know what this particular curriculum included, but I will say that the local high school pre-empted a study hall recently to have a speaker for MLK Day basically tell the predominately white student body that they were racists....

What town?

nightfighter 01-20-2023 12:22 PM

Marblehead. Three parents who got involved after hearing from their kids. Being hushed up in the local media.

RIROCKHOUND 01-20-2023 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1237777)
Marblehead. Three parents who got involved after hearing from their kids. Being hushed up in the local media.

I'd love to read a transcript of what was actually said rather than the 3 students perception of it. Not that I am doubting their word, but the full story would be nice.

spence 01-20-2023 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1237775)
Critical Race Theory or CRT’s base premise is that all white people contribute to racism. And I won't go for that. Do you, Wayne?

Um, no.

Nebe 01-20-2023 01:25 PM

Anyone who feels they are a victim of racism and accuses someone else of being a racist without any evidence of racist behavior is in fact..... wait for it...... A RACIST. :rtfm:

Jim in CT 01-20-2023 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237772)

Ron DeSantis government bans new advanced African American history course

Florida officials have blocked the introduction of a new advanced-level high school course that teaches African American history.

Governor Ron DeSantis' administration said the proposed course "lacks educational value and is contrary to Florida law".

The course is being rolled out in a pilot programme by the US College Board to 60 high schools across the country.

Officials did not specify what law the course breaks.

A statement by a spokesperson for Florida's Republican governor DeSantis said the course "leaves large, ambiguous gaps that can be filled with additional ideological material, which we will not allow".

"In Florida, we are taking a stand against the state-sanctioned racism that is critical race theory," Mr DeSantis said, citing the academic framework that denotes the existence of systemic racism in American society. yep he knows he need the MAGA white victimized base to win the nomination

Ron is in full blown culture war mode gearing up for His 2024 run and Florida is his guinea pig:btu:

what’s he at again, exactly?

If FL is his guinea pig, the facts suggest the people are thrilled with the results. He single handedly turned a huge, purple state red. 850 people a day from other states, are moving there.

but he’s a failure. right. He offered signing bonuses to cops when liberals wanted to get rid of them. His states unemployment didn’t increase as much as other states because he didn’t lock down as long. His schools
we’re open longer because he saw, sooner than almost everyone else, that there was no reason to close them.

And zero state i come tax.

Either she’s a terrific governor, or he’s a moron who’s been unbelievably lucky. Educated at yale and harvard, joined the military, sticking by his wife who has cancer.

You’re terrified of him, and with very good reason.

I don’t like what he did with disney, he’s not perfect. but if he can somehow get the nomination, then if the election were today, the only democrat who’d have a prayer is Michelle Obama. Nobody could defeat her.

Pete F. 01-20-2023 02:18 PM

Larry Hogan on DeSantis: "He’s done a really good job of getting on Fox News...But he certainly hasn’t done it the way Charlie Baker & Phil Scott and I have. We’re consistently the most, the highest job approval in the country...Desantis is down around 30th place among governors"
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-20-2023 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237788)
Larry Hogan on DeSantis: "He’s done a really good job of getting on Fox News...But he certainly hasn’t done it the way Charlie Baker & Phil Scott and I have. We’re consistently the most, the highest job approval in the country...Desantis is down around 30th place among governors"
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

he won re election in a landslide against a popular opponent in FL.

Pete F. 01-20-2023 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237795)
he won re election in a landslide against a popular opponent in FL.

Never underestimate the power of Fox News to prop him up as a front runner, and the MAGA masses to use group think and blinders to obediently follow what the Fox overlords say.

Better get himself some lifts like Trump, he’d be the shortest president since Truman.
Though I think he’s using them to get to 5’9”
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-20-2023 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237810)
Never underestimate the power of Fox News to prop him up as a front runner, and the MAGA masses to use group think and blinders to obediently follow what the Fox overlords say.

Better get himself some lifts like Trump, he’d be the shortest president since Truman.
Though I think he’s using them to get to 5’9”
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Hey looney tunes, is it a fox myth, or irrefutable fact, that he won what was a purple state recently, by a landslide?

850 people a day moving there...another myth.

Pete F. 01-20-2023 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237811)
Hey looney tunes, is it a fox myth, or irrefutable fact, that he won what was a purple state recently, by a landslide?

850 people a day moving there...another myth.

Well retard, nothing will deter your addiction to DeSantis.
And certainly not a non wacko like Hogan.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 01-20-2023 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237811)
Hey looney tunes, is it a fox myth, or irrefutable fact, that he won what was a purple state recently, by a landslide?

850 people a day moving there...another myth.

Greatest hits all day every day just tune in people to hear your all time favs.

Jim in CT 01-20-2023 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1237815)
Greatest hits all day every day just tune in people to hear your all time favs.

when you lunatics stop saying he’s incompetent, i’ll stop pointing out facts that show otherwise. fair enough?

bob, FL is a huge and diverse state,,and very recently it was a purple state. He single handedly turned it red, won in a landslide, won miami dade county, and did so largely by showing ridiculous courage in not following the herd on covid-19. i thought he was a lunatic for opening up, but he saw the data and refused to pulverize his citizens for no good reason. that’s pretty much the definition of leadership. and his resume? impressive by any honest standard.

Jim in CT 01-21-2023 08:09 AM

unlike wdmso, i took the time to look up what the syllabus was and why the state objected to it. Part of the syllabus was reparations. That’s telling one group of kids that their skin color makes them guilty of something. There’s a law against public schools peddling that crap in FL, and the citizens there recently had a free election where they re elected the guy who signed that law, by a landslide. This is what Floridians want. And not just what floridians want, judging by the massive numbers of people
moving there.

Nebe 01-21-2023 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237811)
Hey looney tunes, is it a fox myth, or irrefutable fact, that he won what was a purple state recently, by a landslide?

850 people a day moving there...another myth.

They move there for the warmth and the tax befits.

Jim in CT 01-21-2023 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1237824)
They move there for the warmth and the tax befits.

southern CA is warm and people aren’t moving there.

tax benefits are obviously a direct result of conservative politics.

obviously they aren’t moving there because they hope to catch a glimpse of Desantis. They’re moving there because they like his policies, one of which is no state income tax.

nebe, the guy showed unimaginable courage by not following the herd and locking down for years during covid. his residents benefitted enormously from that. You can’t give him credit for that? everyone who works, every kid in a public school, benefitted from his leadership on this one issue. Yet Governor Cuomo ( who locked down much longer, has a smaller senior population, yet had a higher death rate) is called the “gold standard” in covid leadership.

spence 01-21-2023 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237826)
They’re moving there because they like his policies, one of which is no state income tax.

Dearest Jim, Florida abolished personal income tax in 1855.

wdmso 01-21-2023 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1237775)
Hold on, now. I don't pretend to know what this particular curriculum included, but I will say that the local high school pre-empted a study hall recently to have a speaker for MLK Day basically tell the predominately white student body that they were racists.... So just the course title should not give them a carte blanche to indoctrinate without checking out the facts....

I don't go for extremists on either end of the scale and this course has all the opportunity to be ripe with overstepping the boundaries.

Critical Race Theory or CRT’s Critical Race Theory or CRT’s base premise is that all white people contribute to racism. And I won't go for that. Do you, Wayne?

My issue is Critical Race Theory or CRT’s are not being taught K-12 anywhere in the nation

Conservatives define CRT as anything they don’t like.. it’s just a trigger word for them .

I think many white people who didn’t grow up in the MLK day or have no experience with blacks as students or friends. hear and think their being accused of being racist

But just being told hard Truths we’ve come a long way from The 50s and 60s but we are definitely not past racism . As a whole

Critical Race Theory or CRT’s base premise is that all white people contribute to racism. And I won't go for that. Do you, Wayne?

My understanding CRT isn’t based on all white peoples are racist. But rather institutions laws and policies and practices are inherently Racist.

And I can understand that argument seeing many laws and still laws are passed to reduce a racial group’s voting rights . Or like the laws between crack and cocaine huge racial differences in sentencing and usage . home mortgages home price lists. Are other examples..

For me in a nutshell CRT is institutional problem not a white person. Problem
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-21-2023 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237783)
what’s he at again, exactly?

If FL is his guinea pig, the facts suggest the people are thrilled with the results. He single handedly turned a huge, purple state red. 850 people a day from other states, are moving there.

but he’s a failure. right. He offered signing bonuses to cops when liberals wanted to get rid of them. His states unemployment didn’t increase as much as other states because he didn’t lock down as long. His schools
we’re open longer because he saw, sooner than almost everyone else, that there was no reason to close them.

And zero state i come tax.

Either she’s a terrific governor, or he’s a moron who’s been unbelievably lucky. Educated at yale and harvard, joined the military, sticking by his wife who has cancer.

You’re terrified of him, and with very good reason.

I don’t like what he did with disney, he’s not perfect. but if he can somehow get the nomination, then if the election were today, the only democrat who’d have a prayer is Michelle Obama. Nobody could defeat her.

General Flynn was in the military

Don’t be fooled by military service or education or his latest election victory.. against a bad candidate

And paying bonuses for cops with other people’s money is not brave Jim it unethical and political

Florida has never has income tax since 1968 nothing to do with Ron

but if he can somehow get the nomination

How could he lose with all these campaign stunts
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-21-2023 10:30 AM


Another conservative trigger work that somehow equates to CRT

Is Ron going to ban history lessons that we the USA sent tens of thousands of Japanese Americans took their property and sent them to internment camps. Then paid reparations.. claiming CTR.

Not understanding the example above is text book CRT. Because all those actions were instituted by American institutions not individual whites .

In a nutshell Ron and many conservatives want to whitewash history. No pun intended
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The Dad Fisherman 01-21-2023 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237829)

And paying bonuses for cops with other people’s money is not brave Jim it unethical and political

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

But somehow using other people’s money to pay student loans and/or reparations is A-OK……..nothing unethical or political there. :rolleyes:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-21-2023 10:54 AM

[QUOTE=The Dad Fisherman;1237831]But somehow using other people’s money to pay student loans and/or reparations is A-OK……..nothing unethical or political there. :rolleyes:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device[/QUOTE

Another one who doesn’t understand the difference between for the Social good . And the responsibility of a nation to admit it was wrong

Last time I checked no student’s loans are canceled.. or forgiven thanks to the GOP. Who of course think No Conservatives students would benefit

Poor Ron doesn’t even hide why he does what he does he’s helping himself .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-21-2023 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1237827)
Dearest Jim, Florida abolished personal income tax in 1855.

and under desantis, there still
isn’t one.

Spence, which governor did a better job than Desantis, during covid, regarding education for children? Who showed actual leadership by ignoring what the sheep were doing, and following actual factual
data which said schools did not need to be closed?

Unlike democrat governors, Desantis isn’t beholden to teachers unions. Therefore he did was was actually best for kids, rather then what made life easiest for union members, , which came at the expense of children.

He showed courage on this one issue, and hit it 800 feet out of the park, and america knows it.

Jim in CT 01-21-2023 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237830)

Another conservative trigger work that somehow equates to CRT

Is Ron going to ban history lessons that we the USA sent tens of thousands of Japanese Americans took their property and sent them to internment camps. Then paid reparations.. claiming CTR.

Not understanding the example above is text book CRT. Because all those actions were instituted by American institutions not individual whites .

In a nutshell Ron and many conservatives want to whitewash history. No pun intended
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

reparations was on the proposed syllabus. that’s against state law. you left that out.

Jim in CT 01-21-2023 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237829)

And paying bonuses for cops with other people’s money is not brave Jim it unethical and political

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Hey einstein, where does every single cent you ever made as a corrections officer, come from? Do you have a lemonade stand yiu set up that generates that money? Or does it come
From the confiscation of other peoples
money? Which is ok, as long as it flows to you.

The guy who supports the idea that everyone else should kick in and repay part of his kid’s student loans, all of a sudden says public spending is unethical?

Wayne, he won in a landslide. His constituents think you are full of crap.

Jim in CT 01-21-2023 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1237831)
But somehow using other people’s money to pay student loans and/or reparations is A-OK……..nothing unethical or political there. :rolleyes:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

the lack of actual principles, is stunning.

Everything is ok when democrats do it, everything is evil when republicans do it.

P.S. false equivalence! I call false equivalence!

Jim in CT 01-21-2023 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237830)

Another conservative trigger work that somehow equates to CRT

Is Ron going to ban history lessons that we the USA sent tens of thousands of Japanese Americans took their property and sent them to internment camps. Then paid reparations.. claiming CTR.

Not understanding the example above is text book CRT. Because all those actions were instituted by American institutions not individual whites .

In a nutshell Ron and many conservatives want to whitewash history. No pun intended
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

we haven’t made any reparations for slavery? 400,000 dead union soldiers? affirmative action? welfare spending in the trillions?

let’s take your suggested approach to helping blacks. Put an abortion clinic on every corner in black neighborhoods, reduce police presence in black neighborhoods, force poor black kids to remain in failing schools that cannot possibly help them, and now, let’s have legal, open drug spaces where they can be enabled to do hard drugs.

How many open-air, legal, hard drug zones will there be in Greenwich CT, or on Nantucket, or in Beverly Hills? Any guesses? They’ll all be in the poor cities. Because we love those people?

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