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wdmso 01-10-2023 08:51 PM

Hypocrites on parade
Incoming GOP chair says House investigation into Trump's Mar-a-Lago documents 'will not be a priority' Sunday November 2023 On CNN

It doesn’t take much to grasp the difference between the classified documents that were discovered in President Biden’s post-vice presidential office and those found at former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club.

Unless your this clown

Comer told CBS News Tuesday evening that "it appears that it's another cover-up. And we just have a lot of questions with respect to how Biden's been treated verses how Donald Trump was treated."

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, on Tuesday asked the White House and the National Archives to produce by Jan. 24 all documents and communications between NARA, the White House, the Department of Justice and Biden’s attorneys related to the classified documents while raising concerns about potential political bias at the National Archives.

Trump were suggesting on television appearances that the FBI "planted" evidence at Mar-a-Lago

Trump's claim on Fox News that he could simply declassify documents by thinking about it

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., picked up where Trump left off in a Fox News appearance Wednesday, asking: "Do I know that the boxes of material they took from Mar-a-Lago, that they won't put things in those boxes to entrap him?"

Of course republicans will twist this comparing like jim . compared Biden to Trump. But lie about what actually happened

So far the only thing Biden has in common with Trump is he had documents which may or may not have or still are classified just like Trump and that’s were the road ends

Biden’s people gave them to proper authorities when discovered

Trump not so much his explanation changed daily he refused to return them and then the DOJ issued

FBI’s search warrant,

Got Stripers 01-10-2023 09:14 PM

To carry the theme on, they ran on border security, so how do you do that by eliminating or defunding the agency responsible? They are the most transparent bunch of hypocrites and the revenge agenda of the party will be in full view for two years, of course Americans won’t benefit.

wdmso 01-11-2023 08:30 AM

To be clear Biden should not have had classified documents in his possession once he left office ,same goes for Trump .

Everyone is still waiting to see if these 10 documents were or had been declassified, they are 10 years old?

The Archives collected the documents the morning after they were discovered and the matter is under review by the Justice Department.

If Trump had just returned them when asked by the Archives this wouldn’t even be News

Sauber said in a statement that the documents "were not the subject of any previous request or inquiry by the Archives"

Another glaringly difference between the 2

Of course this from GYM Jordan. They knew about this a week before the election, maybe the American people should have known that," Jordan told reporters. "They certainly knew about the raid on Mar-a-Lago 91 days before this election,

Gym keep thinking it would have helped your midterm debacle just like you thought hunters laptop was going to help Trump

Jordan leaves out how the public was informed What the raid about

Trump told on himself Claiming he didn’t have any documents

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1237306)
To carry the theme on, they ran on border security, so how do you do that by eliminating or defunding the agency responsible? They are the most transparent bunch of hypocrites and the revenge agenda of the party will be in full view for two years, of course Americans won’t benefit.

the republicans are calling to eliminate border patrol without replacing it with anything?

check your facts.

Pete F. 01-11-2023 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237314)
the republicans are calling to eliminate border patrol without replacing it with anything?

check your facts.

Roy: So it's time right now for the house majority to do our job and we’re going to have stop funding a DHS that refuses to secure the border.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-11-2023 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237321)
Roy: So it's time right now for the house majority to do our job and we’re going to have stop funding a DHS that refuses to secure the border.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The gop never state how the border either physically or via Staffing has DHS refused to secure the border or how or why their arresting so many

It’s just more lies and conspiracy that their base eats up…
Hell the FBI is against Americans for not investigating pro abortion attacks and stopping the hunter stories that everyone read or the IRS is coming for your money ..

It’s comical
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 01-18-2023 06:19 PM

For McCarthy to talk about reducing debt, while refusing to raise the debt ceiling is hypocritical beyond belief. One quarter of our historical debt (200+years) was accumulated during Trumps four years. The other irony when it comes to McCarthy is he has a leader title and yet he has been and continues to be lead around by the same crew that held him hostage for so many votes.

wdmso 01-18-2023 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1237689)
For McCarthy to talk about reducing debt, while refusing to raise the debt ceiling is hypocritical beyond belief. One quarter of our historical debt (200+years) was accumulated during Trumps four years. The other irony when it comes to McCarthy is he has a leader title and yet he has been and continues to be lead around by the same crew that held him hostage for so many votes.

It was raised 3 times while Trump was in office with no hostage taking
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-18-2023 07:55 PM

"If you don't make special concessions to me, I'll hurt everyone" is not negotiation. It's extortion.
The response to extortion like this, whether from Republicans threatening national default or Russia threatening nuclear annihilation, is a hard no.
Anything else invites more.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 01-30-2023 09:43 AM

Talk about the king of hypocrisy, Trump telling the voters in NH, he believes in holding on to tradition, you mean like accepting the will of the people and peaceful transition of power.

wdmso 01-31-2023 02:58 PM

ExxonMobil on Tuesday reported a record-smashing annual profit of $55.7 billion for 2022, soaring past its earlier record of $45 billion in 2008. The news comes just days after another American oil behemoth, Chevron, drew the ire of the White House when the company announced its biggest windfall ever, with $36.5 billion in profits for the year.

Yet Republicans want to limit Biden using the strategic oil reserves to help American drivers

For more. Permits to make more money for big oil and screw consumers….

The gop base are moronic
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-31-2023 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1238478)

The gop base are moronic
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Biden nominated someone to a federal judicial position,?
her confirmation hearing was this week, she was asked what article 2 of the constitution does. She wasn’t asked to recite it, just to explain what it does. She said article 2 wasn’t coming to mind. A federal judge. she’s never read the constitution,,but hey she’s a black woman, that’s what counts.

Bernie Sanders is giving a speech on the evils of capitalism. He’s charging $95 a ticket. who would t want to give $95 to a multi millionaire to hear him talk about the evils of capitalism? Genius.

Us konservatives on the right kant be az smart az yuz geniuses on the…the…i forget what’s the opposite side of right.

wdmso 01-31-2023 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1238481)
Biden nominated someone to a federal judicial position,?
her confirmation hearing was this week, she was asked what article 2 of the constitution does. She wasn’t asked to recite it, just to explain what it does. She said article 2 wasn’t coming to mind. A federal judge. she’s never read the constitution,,but hey she’s a black woman, that’s what counts.

Bernie Sanders is giving a speech on the evils of capitalism. He’s charging $95 a ticket. who would t want to give $95 to a multi millionaire to hear him talk about the evils of capitalism? Genius.

Us konservatives on the right kant be az smart az yuz geniuses on the…the…i forget what’s the opposite side of right.

Base. The base, the Gop base

What part don’t you understand you’re part of the base.

Funny I don’t recall you crying about

Judge Amy Coney Barrett was unable to name all of the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution during her Supreme Court confirmation hearing

You’re just a Right wing mouthpiece
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-31-2023 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1238485)
Base. The base, the Gop base

What part don’t you understand you’re part of the base.

Funny I don’t recall you crying about

Judge Amy Coney Barrett was unable to name all of the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution during her Supreme Court confirmation hearing

You’re just a Right wing mouthpiece
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

and the democrat base likes the idea of. president nominating a federal judge who has never heard of article 2 of the constitution.

the democrat base is happy to hand over $95 to a multi millionaire to listen to him talk about the evils of capitalism

stupidity, like everything else, is ok when democrats do it.

please tell me why the idiots buying Sanders tickets, are not part of the democratic base. i’m all ears.

wdmso 02-01-2023 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1238489)
and the democrat base likes the idea of. president nominating a federal judge who has never heard of article 2 of the constitution.

the democrat base is happy to hand over $95 to a multi millionaire to listen to him talk about the evils of capitalism

stupidity, like everything else, is ok when democrats do it.

please tell me why the idiots buying Sanders tickets, are not part of the democratic base. i’m all ears.

Jim your delusional clearly your base didn’t care about Amy’s lack of recall

Then of course you move on to another obscure topic fed to you by fox

So people who by ticket to hear sanders speak are moronic maybe

But try to be honest who’s been fleeced by Trump more than the gop base ? Again the 2 examples are not remotely relevant

Here’s another example of institutional racism

The Internal Revenue Service audits Black Americans at three to five times the rate of other taxpayers, a study found.

Think about 13% of the population getting audited 3 to 5x the rest of the country.. ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-01-2023 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1238501)
Jim your delusional clearly your base didn’t care about Amy’s lack of recall

Then of course you move on to another obscure topic fed to you by fox

So people who by ticket to hear sanders speak are moronic maybe

But try to be honest who’s been fleeced by Trump more than the gop base ? Again the 2 examples are not remotely relevant

Here’s another example of institutional racism

The Internal Revenue Service audits Black Americans at three to five times the rate of other taxpayers, a study found.

Think about 13% of the population getting audited 3 to 5x the rest of the country.. ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

First, you said my claim was factually wrong.

I asked for clarification.

Instead of telling me why I was wrong, you said I was delusional and that my reference was to an obscure event (which may be true, but that doesn't mean it's factually incorrect when I bring it up).

Let's talk hypocrisy. You criticize me for bringing up two obscure things (the Bernie thing is fairly obscure but hilarious...I don't think a congresswoman calling police racists is obscure, but we can disagree). Half of what you and Pete do, is posting that some unheard-of republican somewhere, committed some obscure, menaingless offense. You guys do that constantly. I'm not saying that's all you do, some of your criticism of republicans is about big events and the criticism is well deserved. But a lot of what you cry about is obscure stuff.

But it's OK when you do it.

For the third time, if Bush calls police an institution of #^&#^&#^&#^&e supremacy, how is that not calling police offers racists? What's the difference? If she's not calling cops racists, then what is she saying is racist?

She's saying that cops, and YOU, are the enforcers of white supremacy. And because she has a "D" after her name, you don't care that she called you that. For that reason only, you give her a pass.

"The Internal Revenue Service audits Black Americans at three to five times the rate of other taxpayers, a study found.

Think about 13% of the population getting audited 3 to 5x the rest of the country.. ?"

Right now, the IRS works for Joe Biden. Why isn't he fixing it? Are you saying he's OK with institutional racism?

I'm not saying there's no racism. I'm saying police officers are not part of an institution that's based on white supremacy. Blacks benefit tremendously from the presence of police, who often risk their lives to help blacks. Why would white supremacists do that?

Jim in CT 02-01-2023 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1238485)

You’re just a Right wing mouthpiece
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Who hates Trump, was in favor of gay marriage when Obama and Hilary were opposed to it, is opposed to the death penalty, and hopes for smart, effective gun reform.

Wayne, who is more honest about criticizing their own side, me or you?

wdmso 02-01-2023 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1238504)
Who hates Trump, was in favor of gay marriage when Obama and Hilary were opposed to it, is opposed to the death penalty, and hopes for smart, effective gun reform.

Wayne, who is more honest about criticizing their own side, me or you?

You say it all the time 2 things can be True at the same time .

Also iam not waiting for something and not someone to tell me who or what to criticize .

Republican can’t get out of their own way between their constant lies and their being lead by the nose by their constituents and their never ending conspiracy .

There’s not much to find to criticize Dems for there just is no comparison
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-01-2023 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1238509)

Republican can’t get out of their own way between their constant lies and their being lead by the nose by their constituents and their never ending conspiracy .

There’s not much to find to criticize Dems for there just is no comparison
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

“Republican can’t get out of their own way.”

yet they have a majority in the house, 49 senators, and a large majority of state legislatures and governorships.

“there’s not much to find to criticize dens for”

Clearly, america doesn’t agree. thank goodness.

Jim in CT 02-01-2023 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1238509)
You say it all the time 2 things can be True at the same time .

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device


but if i disagree with the gop on some big policy issues ( you don’t disagree with democrats on anything) and i can criticize the gop ( you just admitted that you can’t), i’m pretty sure that proves i can think for myself and you are a party sheep.

What does an honest, independent thinker look like, if it’s not someone who disagrees with his party sometimes and doesn’t care about criticizing them when they deserve it? are you saying an honest, independent thinker can only be someone who agrees with democrats 100% of the time? sure sounds like that’s what you’re saying!

you are hysterical.

wdmso 02-01-2023 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1238513)

but if i disagree with the gop on some big policy issues ( you don’t disagree with democrats on anything) and i can criticize the gop ( you just admitted that you can’t), i’m pretty sure that proves i can think for myself and you are a party sheep.

What does an honest, independent thinker look like, if it’s not someone who disagrees with his party sometimes and doesn’t care about criticizing them when they deserve it? are you saying an honest, independent thinker can only be someone who agrees with democrats 100% of the time? sure sounds like that’s what you’re saying!

you are hysterical.

Jim it easy to expose the republicans for the majority are sedition supporters who are disappointed they could overturn the election. And the same party that is pushing Trumps Lies is their party platform

GOP report shows plan to ramp up focus on disproven election fraud claims
The report prepared by the Republican National Committee proposes expanding ‘election integrity’ activities in response to perceptions of a rigged process

But when the democrats reach this level of deceit .. I’ll have no issue with criticizing their behavior…. But all you and the GOP and you criticize are lies from hunters laptop to FBI going after parents and let’s not forget the Biden crime family..

House republicans are destroying what’s left of the GOP . All in the name of feeding the base .. nothing on crime because there was no increase but they thought it would help them in the midterms it did not
Nothing on gas or inflation same reasons.. most are grandstanding over on Newmax with their usual lie that conservatives are being silenced. Because Dish network work Carrry them ..

Just more of the same culture war and outage politics is all they have

January 2023 on track for lowest monthly southwest border encounters since February 2021

WASHINGTON – Encounters of Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan non-citizens attempting to cross the southwest border unlawfully has decreased drastically since President Biden announced an expanded parole program for these individuals, putting the month of January on track to see the lowest levels of monthly border encounters since February 2021.

If I was a conspiracy theorist I say it slowed Fox and Republicans stopped tellling everyone we have open borders after it didn’t help them in the midterms It definitely isn’t the weather keeping them out��

The Dad Fisherman 02-01-2023 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1238509)
There’s not much to find to criticize Dems for there just is no comparison
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-01-2023 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1238520)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

kind of hard to know how to even begin to respond to that.

but i’m the thoughtless partisan robot, not the one who said “there’s not ich to criticize anyone on my side for”. tens of millions of democrats, nothing to criticize. They walk on water.

Pete F. 02-02-2023 07:29 AM

2 days after saying he still believes Putin more than the US Intel Community, the current Republican front runner for President reposts a message encouraging people to be “locked and LOADED” to “physically fight for him this time.”

Normal signs of a well-functioning democracy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-02-2023 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1238536)
2 days after saying he still believes Putin more than the US Intel Community, the current Republican front runner for President reposts a message encouraging people to be “locked and LOADED” to “physically fight for him this time.”

Normal signs of a well-functioning democracy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

(1) Agreed, Trump is a lunatic and unhealthy for the country. Can't disagree.

(2) many polls show desantis beating him in ahead to head primary. Which is sadly not going to be the case, there will be 12 idiots who run, splitting the non-Trump vote

(3) Biden said he'd like to "beat the hell out of Trump" up in a locker room or something like that, Schumer explicitly threatened 2 supreme court justices with violence after Roe was overturned, one of whom had an assassin show up at his house. Yet that doesn't concern you as not being normal for a healthy democracy. How come?

Answer: its OK when democrats do it. None of you care what people do, only what party they belong to.

wdmso 02-02-2023 09:47 AM

Former President Donald Trump vows to punish doctors and teachers who promote gender-affirming procedures for minors if he's reelected to the nation's

Back to attacking a minority of people for votes

one of whom had an assassin show up at his house. Jim why lie that never happened no one showed up at his house

Your assassin called the cop on himself

Why do conservatives have a hard time with telling the Truth based on actual evidence rather than based sensationalism ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 02-02-2023 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1238520)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Skilled at posting Gifs. Beyond that just an empty vessel
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 02-02-2023 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1238522)
kind of hard to know how to even begin to respond to that.

but i’m the thoughtless partisan robot, not the one who said “there’s not ich to criticize anyone on my side for”. tens of millions of democrats, nothing to criticize. They walk on water.

Only you Jim want to Criticize people for the sake of criticism

And only you feel all criticisms are only valid when done equally.

Like I said get back to me when Democrats start investigating the Trumps children for selling their Art. Suggesting it’s money laundering

Now the GOP are art critics

Guess they never bought original art
Are Trump NFT money laundering?

Yet Republicans aren’t even considering looking at Jared’s 2 billion dollar deal

So Hunter selling 500 K in artwork is criminal. Jared get the 2 billion deals from Saudi Arabia is good business and this hate is all based on hunters pass drug use. It seems the conservatives have no problem loving the my pillow guy who also has a drug infested past but he found God wears is the cross include the election was stolen so all is forgiven

That’s why the GOP are hypocrites
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 02-02-2023 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1238548)
Only you Jim want to Criticize people for the sake of criticism

And only you feel all criticisms are only valid when done equally.

Like I said get back to me when Democrats start investigating the Trumps children for selling their Art. Suggesting it’s money laundering

Now the GOP are art critics

Guess they never bought original art
Are Trump NFT money laundering?

Yet Republicans aren’t even considering looking at Jared’s 2 billion dollar deal

So Hunter selling 500 K in artwork is criminal. Jared get the 2 billion deals from Saudi Arabia is good business and this hate is all based on hunters pass drug use. It seems the conservatives have no problem loving the my pillow guy who also has a drug infested past but he found God wears is the cross include the election was stolen so all is forgiven

That’s why the GOP are hypocrites
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

when did i say criticism has to be done equally? just fairly.

You never criticize democrats, and you never compliment republicans. you even made that laughable statement that it’s hard to find things to criticize democrats for.

take a drive through bridgeport CT and tell us there’s nothing to criticize democrats for!

you are hilarious

wdmso 02-02-2023 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1238551)
when did i say criticism has to be done equally? just fairly.

You never criticize democrats, and you never compliment republicans. you even made that laughable statement that it’s hard to find things to criticize democrats for.

take a drive through bridgeport CT and tell us there’s nothing to criticize democrats for!

you are hilarious

No Jim your hilarious and your conservatives so called principals that scream smaller government then blame Democrats leaders for government’s failures.. for what ever is happening in Bridgeport

so your the Republican mayor of Bridgeport what’s your plan besides blaming Democrats? I am guessing like most so called principled republicans you don’t have a plan .

You love chasing the evil democrat car .. but deep down inside you never want to catch it then you might have to put up and finally shut up…. That’s what’s happening now in the GOP house they’ve complained so much about democrats Driving. They never thought to learn how to drive themselves :cheers2:

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