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fishaholic18 04-06-2003 06:44 AM

What line do you use?
Just cuorios on what line you guys use weather it be mono,braid, or whatever. I mainly use Spiderwire Super Mono 14#-20# test with pretty good luck.

striperjerk1 04-06-2003 08:03 AM

i use big game now 15 to 20#,and like it very much.i was using ande but decided to switch last year ,so far so good.these are on spinners.will be trying braid 30# though on one reel. ande i feel was little stiff.

tlapinski 04-06-2003 09:18 AM

berkley trilene big game 25# for spinning, 30# and 40# conventional, berkley whiplash 65# spinning, and spiderwire stealth 65# spinning. no problem at all with any of these!

Young Salt 04-06-2003 10:15 AM

12-20# Test mono....Berkley big game or Yo-zuri hybrid.

Mike P 04-06-2003 10:28 AM

20 and 25# Big Game mono.

20 and 30# Fireline

50, 65 and 80# Whiplash/Spiderwire Stealth.

tlapinski 04-06-2003 10:39 AM

does anybody have any solid experience with Yo-Zuri hybrid? i like the look/feel of it, but i am a little uneasy about using a fluoro as a main line. any advice on it?

Strippedgear 04-06-2003 10:59 AM

20, 25, 30# Big Game

65, 50# Whiplash

I just purchased 50# Power Pro on the recommendation of an old friend who claims that it stays slicker than the Whiplash. I hope that this is true, but I will find out this year. :confused: :confused:

Fisherwoman 04-06-2003 11:13 AM

7'8" rod- 14 lb fireline
9 ft rod - 15 lb yozuri hybred
11 ft rod- 17 lb berkley big game
Boat rods- 80 lb power pro, 20 lb big game, 30 lb ande.

t.lapinski, I have used the Yozuri Hybred for three years now and love it on my 9 ft rod, especially when into 8 - 13 lb bluefish. One thing you should know about the line is that you don't want to go too heavy on the lb test as it does not flatten on the spool like regular mono. I only use 15 lb test on the rod. I started with 20 lb and what would happen is that when you would open the bail to cast the line would just come coiling off. So I went done to 15 and have never had a problem since. It's tough stuff, but cast very smoothly. I like it alot, hope this info helps.

Van 04-06-2003 05:43 PM

ANDE 20,30,40.....

Any kind for schoolies 10-12 lb..

I'm gonna try Hybrid this season. 12 for youngens'
20 for big brothers, and 40 for mamas....

jeffsod 04-06-2003 06:24 PM

Canal jigging I was using the FINS braid that M&D's had in bulk (which by the way has been discontinued). I will try Cortland Spectron this season in 50lb. For plugging in the canal I have used 25lb Big Game.

Plugging the outer beaches I use 17lb Berkley Trilene XL. Schoolie or light tackle poles same but 12lb.

I tried Fireline and liked the sensitivity but did not like the loops on light lures when casting into the wind.

capndave 04-06-2003 06:30 PM

10# Fireline - Schoolies etc.

14# Fireline - Fluke etc.

30# Fireline - Large


IFG 04-06-2003 06:33 PM

Power Pro 10 Schoolies
Power Pro 20 Jigging from a boat
Power Pro 80 Jigging the Canal

Big Game 20 Plugging the canal
Yo Zuri 8-20 for Plugging

keeper 04-06-2003 06:57 PM

:D Hybrid 20 lb ,great line for $.My bigest 42lb( keeper) was taken on HYBRID , I swear on this line.

JohnR 04-06-2003 07:12 PM

Big Game 12,20,25,30 Green - nuff said

Will likely try braids this year...

capesams 04-06-2003 07:27 PM

17# silver thread= all bass up to 44.5# to date anyways.
65# whiplash= ditch jigging
80# whiplash= cod jigging

Fly Rod 04-06-2003 07:48 PM

:) Since I'm a good sport at striper fishing and don't want to create stress :rolleyes: I use #50lb test main line and #40lb floroucarbon and haul them to the boat and put them in the cooler. My buddy likes to use #20lb test and play the fish for an hour and then release them. He says he believes in conservation. Can you imagine the stress.

TheSpecialist 04-06-2003 09:25 PM

I don't have to imagine the stress I have seen it first hand.

Van 04-07-2003 07:39 AM

Re: Line

Originally posted by Ifishgibbs
Power Pro 10 Schoolies
Power Pro 20 Jigging from a boat
Power Pro 80 Jigging the Canal

What is "power pro" ?????
Who makes it ??

fishsmith 04-07-2003 07:41 AM

big game 15lb for spinning reels
spiderwire 30lb for boat reels.

RickBomba 04-07-2003 08:23 AM

Used to use hybrid 20# only on conventional rod (I caught my biggest fish ever on this setup two years ago). Putting it on all reels this year (spinning). Wish I would've read FW's report, I wouldv'e gone down to 15#.

Fishpart 04-07-2003 08:29 AM

Conventional- 35 Cortland Spectron for beach fishing

50 Cortland Spectron for Canal Jigging (will straighten an 8/0 Mustad jig hook :D )

Spinning- Big game mono, 12 lb mostly for schoolies. Also tried 35 spectron when I changed the line on my ABU 6500.

JohnR 04-07-2003 08:53 AM


What line do you use?
Come here often? :laughs:

My, those are pretty eyes :smash:

Got any Irish in ya? :cheers:

Was that your boyfriend last night with his young counsin - they're pretty cloase, eh? :wall:

Oh line :smash: :bshake: :whackin:

The only times I used Yozuri was some 15# test that I saw no reason for it to be better than Big Game. Notaro, use Flouro for leader and mono or braid for your main line...

macojoe 04-07-2003 08:58 AM

I use 65 pound spider (15 Dim) for everything, with a floro leader in different pounds for different fish, and different sitiuactions.

Fisherwoman 04-07-2003 09:47 AM

Van, Power Pro is made by Spectra it is a braided line, very similar to cortland. Isn't flat like fireline, isn't as light in the air as whiplash, so it doens't knot up as easily.

Nice stuff, tried it on my 7'er a few years ago, went with 20 lb test on spinning and had alot of knot trouble, I am going to try 30 this year, but if the same thing happens I am going back to my trusty 14 lb test fireline on my light rod. Everybody has there own preference for braided lines. have found that after trying alot of different ones I have gone back to fireline.

One flaw that the fireline has is that it is coated and if you do not have hard guides on your rod it will cut the tip guide and from the friction of the line going thru the guides it will fray a bit and cause you more wind knots. But with hard guides this problem is eliminated.

schoolie monster 04-07-2003 12:20 PM

20lb big game on my eelin' rod and large surf (spinning) rods
10lb big game for some schoolie applications

30lb magibraid for plastics or any situation I want the sensitivity

trying 20lb magibraid for flats fishing

My uncle spooled some yoz hybrid a couple years ago and was breaking off bluefish left and right... IMO, he needed to back off the drag a bit cause of the low stretch.

Steve K 04-07-2003 02:42 PM

Big Game Green 12, 15, 20, and 25 # - spinning

Power Pro 30# - spinning, 50# - conventional

Cortland Spectron 50# - conventional canal jigging

Notaro 04-07-2003 02:55 PM

why should i use floro as my leader, john?

TheSpecialist 04-07-2003 03:13 PM

Notaro it would cost you less to use Big Game monofilament for your reel, and use a leader of flourocarbon. He is just trying to help you save money, and use it for other things like plugs, or whatever.

Notaro 04-07-2003 03:16 PM

oh, i see, thanks guys. i hear that a braid line doesn't have any strong abrasion resistant. is it true?

tlapinski 04-07-2003 04:28 PM

another reason why pure fluoro is a BAD choice for a main line is that it will explode off a spinning reel. due to the memory of flouro, it does not like to be wound on a spinner. at the first chance it gets, you will have a mess on your hands!

so far, the only person that i have heard of using Yo-zuri hybrid on a spinner in the higher pound tests would be the iron man. he uses 20# hybrid on his VS reels. i'll have to talk to him about that stuff.

hooked 04-07-2003 04:38 PM

Big Game 15# and 20#
Power Pro 50#

Tried Yozuri Hybrid 10# on a schoolie rod and had problems with coils flying off the spool and lost a couple fish due to breakoffs. May try it again on a backup rod.

TheSpecialist 04-07-2003 08:12 PM

John the green not being compatable with his gear. I know where he got that one. I once went to a certain tackle shop, near a big ship. I asked to be spooled with 15lb Big Game Green. The owner told me all he had was clear, he does'nt carry the green cause too many people complaim about it's performance on spinning reels. Now I have never had a problem with it. So it is a place of last resort for me.

JohnR 04-07-2003 09:54 PM


Originally posted by Notaro
uh, no, john, it just occured to me. i did used it on the castle island. every time i cast, it tend to tangle.maybe im wrong. who knows? i didnt say that i became an instant expert. hey, im learning. like i said, maybe im wrong. i used it last winter on the castle island. i didnt do well with that.
Do you recall how you wrapped it?

In a nutshell, it is very good line and the same as the clear. My preference for green is based on the color and some wierd quasi-reasoning that I have - not that it is particularly different than the other Big Games...

But I do base my feelings with it on the fact that I've been using it for years.

Just about all lines are tougher in cold weather - seems to remove the suppleness and adds memory...

Also BUY THIS WEEKS New England Fisherman!!!!!!!!! Has a great article on Novice Surfcasters that you MUST READ!!!!!

JohnR 04-08-2003 09:26 AM

If you have it - OK :) ... Read (not glance) all of the threads from the past few days that you've replied to - you will find many suggestions and even a couple offers. Start there.

When I said make a plan for this spring - will you do that?


JohnR 04-08-2003 10:07 AM

Sounds good Notaro.

Jimbo 04-08-2003 10:46 AM

Notaro, if I could echo what John said about making a plan, I would also suggest creating a file system for yourself. I in no way consider myself an expert in any specific branch of saltwater fishing, and that's why when I see a new topic that interests me, that I might want to try, I grab a manilla folder and I start filling it with everything I can find on that topic. For example, a couple of years ago I was asked to go on a tuna charter. I had never done this before, but what little I knew about it excited me. It was an overnight trip, it wasn't cheap and I wasn't going to go and be embarrassed because I didn't have a clue, so I started researching everything I could find on the terminal tackle, rods, reels, line, techniques, species, what I needed to bring with me, the boat, the captain, etc. I went out and bought a lot of stuff including a new rod and reel. The day the trip came I was confident, but reserved (being the newbie). With a little advice from some seasoned veterans on the trip out I got some more advice on knots, how to disguise a circle hook in a butterfish, practice what to do if I hooked up, that I should put on my transderm scop patch before I felt seasick, etc. Well needless to say it's been three trips and still no tuna, but I keep trying and adding to that file when I find something, and before my next trip I'll pour over that file again and gather together what I need for that type fishing. I keep files for cod, stripers, flounder, weakfish, as well as spots I've been to, spots I've heard of, some miscellaneous stuff, etc., and I buy books that seem appropriate, too. This all has a sort of nerdy twist to it, but until I can do it by rote like some of the knowledgeable and esteemed peers here, that's how I have to do it. Exhaust the Internet, Notaro. Alot of it is right there at your fingertips, the rest you just have to experience and learn first hand, which you can do if you've prepared ahead of time.

macojoe 04-08-2003 01:54 PM

Also Keep a log. I have a log saved rt here on my computer. Every time you hear the Herrin are running or the first schoolie was caught, A rig someone used, The weather for the day, Water temp that day, What Tide it was which way it was running, Ect,Ect,....... I to am no pro. But this helps alot. you can look back to pervios years and start putting a history toghter. You will then be able to figure out about what time of the year the fish will show. ( do you think that people pull a date out of a hat for when the fish show up) I no when the fish will be at some of my favorite spots and the best time of day and which tide to fish for them by just looking back at my log.
But this will take time to compile, and you have to log stuff in after every trip!! Don't wait 3 or 4 days then put the info in because you will forget small details that might just help you. If you do not you will have nothing to look back on. Its tuff to fish all day then sit at the computer and type it all in but I for one am glad that I did because I can now go out and catch fish Every Trip!! I rember a time when I would go out and come home with nothing more then a empty bait bucket. And how fustraded I was. I did not have the option of turning on a computer and getting all this info.\
People who catch fish all the time are people who have put in the leg work.
I hope this will help you out!!

Bliz 04-08-2003 02:20 PM

How has the 35# Spectron worked out for your ABU 6500?

surf fishing IN R.I. 04-08-2003 05:12 PM

I have 2 shamino bait runners 6500 i use power pro
65 lbs and the other i use 50 lbs


ragfly 04-09-2003 05:46 AM

14 & 20lb iron silk (new this year)
15, 20 & 25 big game
20lb power pro
30 & 50lb Stealth (new this year)

Gee, you think Berkley would put me on their pro staff...............

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