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Jim in CT 01-10-2023 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237273)
House Republicans voted to gut the House Ethics Committee, and George Santos said it was 'fantastic

But I’m not fair to the GOP.

They are doing exactly what I said they would be doing with Mr. Santos nothing'

And House Passes Bill to Claw Back $80B for IRS Expansion

With their first economic legislation of the new Congress, House Republicans are making clear that their top economic priority is to allow the rich and multi-billion dollar corporations to skip out on their taxes, while making life harder for ordinary, middle-class families that pay the taxes they owe,

Yep Jim that’s how you fix Social Security ? that’s how you they cut spending ?by reducing revenues

keep thinking it’s for the future generations of Americans
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

pete, pointing out that they want to cut the IRS budget, and concluding that the gop likes tax cheats, are two very different things. What if there’s that much waste at the IRS? you’re prematurely assuming that the motive behind every single act, is sinister. and maybe their motives are diabolical, but you can’t just claim that with zero evidence. You saying something, doesn’t make it true.

I heard the GOP is going to make Darth Vader the next head of the RNC, did you hear that one? and that the gop wants to confiscate all the seeing eye dogs, and butcher them to eat in the GOP cafeteria.

We’re all doomed!!!

It’s not that you’re unfair. You’re beyond bonkers. and like most liberals, you’re assuming that supporting something ( like the IRS, or public schools), ALWAYS means that you should want to throw more money at it. liberals believe that money ( and more power to them) is the solution to every single problem in the universe.

wdmso 01-10-2023 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237277)
pete, pointing out that they want to cut the IRS budget, and concluding that the gop likes tax cheats, are two very different things. What if there’s that much waste at the IRS? you’re prematurely assuming that the motive behind every single act, is sinister. and maybe their motives are diabolical, but you can’t just claim that with zero evidence. You saying something, doesn’t make it true.

I heard the GOP is going to make Darth Vader the next head of the RNC, did you hear that one? and that the gop wants to confiscate all the seeing eye dogs, and butcher them to eat i’m the GOP cafeteria.

We’re all doomed!!!

It’s not that you’re unfair. You’re beyond bonkers.

Once again, Jim, your false equivalences, are without peer,

but keep excusing away, republican behavior, with your outrageous hyperbole to deflect from the actual truth on the ground

I’m sure America will survive their nonsense

And just because they fail to take all the seeing eye dogs. Does it mean they didn’t try?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-10-2023 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237264)
Diamond —of the right-wing, Trump- loving duo Diamond and Silk— has died. In late November, she was hospitalized due to COVID-19. The duo was fired by Fox News a couple years ago for spreading misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines. You cannot script this stuff.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

The pair's social media post mourned Hardaway as "a True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love and Humanity," and linked to an online fundraising page for a memorial ceremony

Grifters even in death
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237278)
Once again, Jim, your false equivalences, are without peer,

but keep excusing away, republican behavior, with your outrageous hyperbole to deflect from the actual truth on the ground

I’m sure America will survive their nonsense

And just because they fail to take all the seeing eye dogs. Does it mean they didn’t try?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

when you can’t concede that 12.4 is larger than 7, when you insist that democrats have balanced the budget after Bill Clinton was president, how much credibility do you think you still have?

i’m not excusing a single thing. but their actions aren’t immoral simply because you or pete say “they are immoral.”

How do you know it’s immoral to deny the big funding increase that democrats wanted to give the IRS?

the gop did it, so it must be bad

Do you know how Bill Clinton balanced his budget despite tax cuts? he kicked millions of people off welfare. if a republican did that today, you’d call him a monster.

When faced with irrefutable evidence of your hypocrisy and zero principles, all you do is say “false equivalence”, without ever explaining why the equivalence is false and not valid. you guys act like proclaiming something, is proof that it’s true. you do it constantly.

nice to not have to support any of your idiotic conclusions.

Pete F. 01-10-2023 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237277)
pete, pointing out that they want to cut the IRS budget, and concluding that the gop likes tax cheats, are two very different things. What if there’s that much waste at the IRS? you’re prematurely assuming that the motive behind every single act, is sinister. and maybe their motives are diabolical, but you can’t just claim that with zero evidence. You saying something, doesn’t make it true.

I heard the GOP is going to make Darth Vader the next head of the RNC, did you hear that one? and that the gop wants to confiscate all the seeing eye dogs, and butcher them to eat in the GOP cafeteria.

We’re all doomed!!!

It’s not that you’re unfair. You’re beyond bonkers. and like most liberals, you’re assuming that supporting something ( like the IRS, or public schools), ALWAYS means that you should want to throw more money at it. liberals believe that money ( and more power to them) is the solution to every single problem in the universe.

You should really quit with the misinformation.
Claiming all the things you do about Democrats is tiring.
Ask an enrolled agent how bad dealing with the understaffed IRS is.
Perhaps you can explain the GOP’s motives in defunding the IRS?
Maybe a little cost benefit analysis?

The failure of the government in pursuing white collar and high income crime is well documented.

The greatest trick the Right ever pulled off was convincing so many everyday Americans that the people wanting to give them affordable healthcare, education & a living wage were somehow the bad guys.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-10-2023 11:35 AM

When you see Republicans trashing helping people with Medicare and Social Security, REMEMBER that they GAVE 2 TRILLION in Tax Forgiveness to 600 Billionaires, that WE are paying for.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-10-2023 11:38 AM

Today in the U.S., corporations will steal $137 million in wages, rich people will steal $2.75 billion in taxes, and 1,300 people will die from poverty, air pollution, and medical error. Think about who benefits from ignoring this and focusing on low-level crime instead.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237281)
You should really quit with the misinformation.
Claiming all the things you do about Democrats is tiring.
Ask an enrolled agent how bad dealing with the understaffed IRS is.
Perhaps you can explain the GOP’s motives in defunding the IRS?
Maybe a little cost benefit analysis?

The failure of the government in pursuing white collar and high income crime is well documented.

The greatest trick the Right ever pulled off was convincing so many everyday Americans that the people wanting to give them affordable healthcare, education & a living wage were somehow the bad guys.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

"Claiming all the things you do about Democrats is tiring."

I'm sure it is. You're not used to anyone who isn't as crazy as you are.

"Ask an enrolled agent how bad dealing with the understaffed IRS is."

Sure. I'm sure that's exactly what you did, you polled IRS agents, before you concluded the GOPs idea was wrong. You didn't just immediately leap to the politically convenient conclusion, no, you did some research, which for some reason you won't share, in order to support your position? Gee I wonder why that is?

"Perhaps you can explain the GOP’s motives in defunding the IRS?
Maybe a little cost benefit analysis?"

I have absolutely no idea. I have zero basis to say anything knowledgeable on the subject, which is precisely why I am not saying the idea is great, nor am I saying it's evil. I don't know. I cannot give an informed opinion on everything. Neither can you, but that doesn't stop you from jumping to insane conclusions.

"the people wanting to give them affordable healthcare, education & a living wage were somehow the bad guys."

Is healthcare or education cheaper now, than it was a few years ago? Not in CT it's not. Please explain...

An equally impressive trick, is the lefts ability to convince seemingly normal Americans that cops are bad (cops being the one single urban institution in the country that works), men can share locker rooms with girls with no downside, that advocating for abortion is done to enslave women rather than to protect innocent babies, that it's racist to want a secure border, that everyone who disagrees with the left on anything is loathsome, and that the solution to everything, is to throw money at it. Oh, and that government always knows better than parents, which school is best for their children.

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237283)
Today in the U.S., corporations will steal $137 million in wages, rich people will steal $2.75 billion in taxes, and 1,300 people will die from poverty, air pollution, and medical error. Think about who benefits from ignoring this and focusing on low-level crime instead.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Vintage Pete.

The GOP doesn't care about rape, murder, fentanyl poisoning. Nope. They want to focus all their attention on jaywalking.

There's nothing you won't say, no matter how stupid it is.

"Today in the U.S., corporations will steal $137 million in wages"

How will they do that? And which political party do the largest corporations donate to? These things are called "facts".

Business donates more to democrats than to the GOP. So who is in bed with big business?

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237282)
When you see Republicans trashing helping people with Medicare and Social Security, REMEMBER that they GAVE 2 TRILLION in Tax Forgiveness to 600 Billionaires, that WE are paying for.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I concede SS and Medicare are helpful to those who benefit. No one disagrees.

Pete, tell us how you'd pay for current benefits to remain in place. This is another example. You are bashing Republicans who say benefits need to be reduced so that cash out more closely resembles cash in.

You and Wayne say that's evil. Fine. Tell us why the GOP is wrong when they say it's necessary. And saying "people want that money", doesn't come close to showing that changes aren't required.

this is something I know about. Those programs run massive annual deficits. They have surpluses from older years to rely on, but those reserves are running out, the actuaries know when they will be gone.

Are you saying the actuaries are wrong who say that those programs are heading towards bankruptcy unless we do something?

If they're not wrong, either we need to trim benefits, or raise the tax, or both.

Since you are opposed to making cuts, tell me how you'd pay for them. If you have no clue how to pay for them, you have no business bashing those who say we can't afford them.

I'll wait.

And I hope there's a viable plan. But we can't tax everyone 5% more and funnel that money top SS and Medicare, and that might not be enough anyway.

SS and Medicare are going broke. Here in CT, the teachers pensions and healthcare plans are similarly going broke, and for the same exact reasons. The Baby Boomers are retiring in massive numbers, they want that money, and they're going to expect it for decades. But the contributions were NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH to fund the benefits.

Whose fault is that? It's the fault of elected officials who have known this for 40 years, but did nothing (that's both parties, but at the state level in CT, it's mostly democrats who doomed us, and we are doomed).

What do we do about it? Beats me, but what I do know, is that I put every cent of my retirement savings into a Roth IRA, not traditional, so that if huge tax hikes take place, I'll be protected.

wdmso 01-10-2023 12:17 PM

when you can’t concede that 12.4 is larger than 7,

Still waiting are you self employed

If not you only pay 6.2%

And if you are the business pays 6.2 and the employees pay 6.2

And I don’t insist Dems had balanced. Budgets after Clinton

I basically said there wasn’t a balance budget since Clinton.. never used the word after Clinton now with all the complaints of my spelling and grammatical errors suddenly you take what I say to heart?

An equally impressive trick, is the lefts ability to convince seemingly normal Americans

No the average American doesn’t care what people sex is where they use the bathroom or who they love or if you’re an immigrant

But Republicans have convinced their followers drag queens are evil gays are evil transgender are evil liberals are evil immigrants are evil mail in drop boxes and early voting are evil the FBI IRS the courts and the Government itself are enemies of the American people all the from the party who

Supported Trump and his attempt to steal the election. Seat fake electors. Ask for a certain number of votes to be found. and all the republicans who voted against the certification of the election after the capital was attacked and repeated his election lies ..and now republicans are trying to re write history by investigating trumps investigators With their alternative facts

And everyone is coming to take your white Christian way of life with your jobs and only we the GOP can save you!

Only the cults ignorance allows thid logic to resonate with them and they see Republicans at least in the house as patriots
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237287)
when you can’t concede that 12.4 is larger than 7,

Still waiting are you self employed

If not you only pay 6.2%

And if you are the business pays 6.2 and the employees pay 6.2

And I don’t insist Dems had balanced. Budgets after Clinton

I basically said there wasn’t a balance budget since Clinton.. never used the word after Clinton now with all the complaints of my spelling and grammatical errors suddenly you take what I say to heart?

An equally impressive trick, is the lefts ability to convince seemingly normal Americans

No the average American doesn’t care what people sex is where they use the bathroom or who they love or if you’re an immigrant

But Republicans have convinced their followers drag queens are evil gays are evil transgender are evil liberals are evil immigrants are evil mail in drop boxes and early voting are evil the FBI IRS the courts and the Government itself are enemies of the American people all the from the party who

Supported Trump and his attempt to steal the election. Seat fake electors. Ask for a certain number of votes to be found. and all the republicans who voted against the certification of the election after the capital was attacked and repeated his election lies ..and now republicans are trying to re write history by investigating trumps investigators With their alternative facts

And everyone is coming to take your white Christian way of life with your jobs and only we the GOP can save you!

Only the cults ignorance allows thid logic to resonate with them and they see Republicans at least in the house as patriots
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

"Still waiting are you self employed"

Yes and no. I own an LLC that does actuarial consulting. And I also have a job with a company.

"If not you only pay 6.2% "

If not, my employer and I each pay 6.2. So 12.4% goes into SS on my behalf, attached to my SS#. Teachers currently pay 7% (it was 6% when I taught), and the rest has to come from taxpayers.

I'll ask again, is 12.4 more than, or less than, 7?

If 12.4% doesn't fund my SS benefit (and it doesn't), there's no way that 7% of a teachers salary comes close to funding their pension.

"And I don’t insist Dems had balanced. Budgets after Clinton "

You did insist it recently.

"I basically said there wasn’t a balance budget since Clinton"

Go read what you wrote. You said only democrats had balanced the budget after Clinton.

"No the average American doesn’t care what people sex is where they use the bathroom"

I don't think the average american wants their girls to be forced to undress in front of boys at school.

"Republicans have convinced their followers drag queens are evil "

We feel draq queens who enjoy doing their thing in front of children, are weird. As are parents who see nothing wrong with it.

"Supported Trump and his attempt to steal the election"

Democrats supported the house democrats who tried to steal the 2016 election. You won't condemn that. You can't. Because they are democrats, and democrats can never be wrong.

"And everyone is coming to take your white Christian way of life with your jobs and only we the GOP can save you!"

Your side tells Christians they must participate in gay marriage, under penalty of law. Your side said that churches had to close during covid, but liquor stores could stay open, and that mass protests against police could continue. So you could gather with a huge crowd and chant for dead cops, but your side wouldn't let people gather in small crowds to pray.

That's what happened. Whether you like it or not, that's what happened. People who believe in a big god, don't have any need for a big government.

wdmso 01-10-2023 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237288)
"Still waiting are you self employed"

Yes and no. I own an LLC that does actuarial consulting. And I also have a job with a company.

"If not you only pay 6.2% "

If not, my employer and I each pay 6.2. So 12.4% goes into SS on my behalf, attached to my SS#. Teachers currently pay 7% (it was 6% when I taught), and the rest has to come from taxpayers.

I'll ask again, is 12.4 more than, or less than, 7?

Keep moving the goal post you personally pay 6.2 so that’s less than 7 . where the rest comes from is irrelevant and they aka teachers in no way impact your benefits

If 12.4% doesn't fund my SS benefit (and it doesn't), there's no way that 7% of a teachers salary comes close to funding their pension.

Neither plan is designed to Fund your retirement your contributions fund those who retire ahead of you

"And I don’t insist Dems had balanced. Budgets after Clinton "

You did insist it recently.

"I basically said there wasn’t a balance budget since Clinton"

Go read what you wrote. You said only democrats had balanced the budget after Clinton.

I know what I wrote and I’ve told you that’s not what I meant it was worded incorrectly . I fully aware there hasn’t been a balanced budget since Clinton

"No the average American doesn’t care what people sex is where they use the bathroom"

I don't think the average american wants their girls to be forced to undress in front of boys at school.

"Republicans have convinced their followers drag queens are evil "

We feel draq queens who enjoy doing their thing in front of children, are weird. As are parents who see nothing wrong with it.

But only Republicans are passing laws to prevent drag show?

"Supported Trump and his attempt to steal the election"

Democrats supported the house democrats who tried to steal the 2016 election. You won't condemn that. You can't. Because they are democrats, and democrats can never be wrong.

Keep twisting that same factually dishonesty knot

"And everyone is coming to take your white Christian way of life with your jobs and only we the GOP can save you!"

Your side tells Christians they must participate in gay marriage, under penalty of law.

Yes Jim discrimination is against the law . Offering services to the public including all citizens if I buy invitation from you you’re not participating in my wedding. You sold a product
Just more twisted logic

Your side said that churches had to close during covid, but liquor stores could stay open, and that mass protests against police could continue. So you could gather with a huge crowd and chant for dead cops, but your side wouldn't let people gather in small crowds to pray.

Clearly you don’t understand why liquor stores remained open shocking it’s called alcoholism and good forbid they didn’t want half the country going into withdrawal

Why they stopped people from gathering in mass inside and why outdoor was different had nothing with attacking religion

You’re side that’s funny Trump was potus Most states have religious exemptions to COVID-19 social distancing rules States that had bans. Alaska California WA state Idaho Montana Minnesota Ny New Jersey and Vt again facts aren’t on your side
Not shocked.

That's what happened. Whether you like it or not, that's what happened. People who believe in a big god, don't have any need for a big government.

No Jim everything happened for a reason and are easily explained and justified and temporary

Conspiracy Theories don’t help

Texas legislature, which saw the introduction of 10 separate bills designed to criminalize gender-affirming care for trans youth, criminalize drag shows, ban trans kids in sports (again), limit changes to gender markers on the birth certificates of minors, and limit discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.

Louisiana lawmaker wants to deny minors access to gender-affirming health care, even if parents approve of the procedures. The sweeping proposal would also override medical advice and stop insurers from covering transgender treatments.

A top Republican in the Oklahoma Senate wants to ban all gender reassignment surgeries for people under 26 years old. But you can buy an AR at 18 or shoot a teacher at 6. Don’t blame the gun

Keep thinking Jim the GOPs about freedom. We’ll they are just the freedoms they agree with
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237289)
No Jim everything happened for a reason and are easily explained and justified and temporary

Conspiracy Theories don’t help

Texas legislature, which saw the introduction of 10 separate bills designed to criminalize gender-affirming care for trans youth, criminalize drag shows, ban trans kids in sports (again), limit changes to gender markers on the birth certificates of minors, and limit discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.

Louisiana lawmaker wants to deny minors access to gender-affirming health care, even if parents approve of the procedures. The sweeping proposal would also override medical advice and stop insurers from covering transgender treatments.

A top Republican in the Oklahoma Senate wants to ban all gender reassignment surgeries for people under 26 years old. But you can buy an AR at 18 or shoot a teacher at 6. Don’t blame the gun

Keep thinking Jim the GOPs about freedom. We’ll they are just the freedoms they agree with
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i love it. “everything happened for a reason.”

but you don’t tell us the reason. because you don’t know what it is and the courts threw it out.

but nothing to see, because nothing can be wrong of democrats do it. everything the left does has a good reason. everything the right does has an evil reason. right?

Florida is now synonymous with “freedom.”

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237289)
No Jim everything happened for a reason and are easily explained and justified and temporary

Conspiracy Theories don’t help

Texas legislature, which saw the introduction of 10 separate bills designed to criminalize gender-affirming care for trans youth, criminalize drag shows, ban trans kids in sports (again), limit changes to gender markers on the birth certificates of minors, and limit discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools.

Louisiana lawmaker wants to deny minors access to gender-affirming health care, even if parents approve of the procedures. The sweeping proposal would also override medical advice and stop insurers from covering transgender treatments.

A top Republican in the Oklahoma Senate wants to ban all gender reassignment surgeries for people under 26 years old. But you can buy an AR at 18 or shoot a teacher at 6. Don’t blame the gun

Keep thinking Jim the GOPs about freedom. We’ll they are just the freedoms they agree with
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

you can shoot a teacher at 6? that was legal? funny the kid was taken into custody.

wdmso 01-10-2023 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237291)
you can shoot a teacher at 6? that was legal? funny the kid was taken into custody.

Don’t read much into taken into custody sounds worse than it is

Should read mother taken into custody honestly
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-10-2023 03:40 PM

Meanwhile republicans vote back in the Holman Rule, from 1875

allowing lawmakers to reduce or eliminate federal agency programs and to slash the salaries of individual federal employees.

During the House floor debate, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), an ally of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), blasted federal officials as “unelected bureaucrats, the true, real swamp creatures here in D.C.,” saying they had “run roughshod over the American people without consequence.”

I guess there are no Republicans working in government or will they use past voting records to determine who stays and who goes.

Installing loyalists and calling it draining the swamp wow republicans are twisted

If you’re a federal employee, this now becomes a risk that you have to think ‘I may get myself get in hot water or have my salary dropped to zero or my job could get axed’”

But none of it will get pass the senate
But they’ll waste the time grandstanding
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237292)
Don’t read much into taken into custody sounds worse than it is

Should read mother taken into custody honestly
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Agreed 1,000%!! i think it's long past time we hold these idiot parents accountable for the inevitable results of lousy parenting.

I also read that even after the teacher was shot in the chest, she made sure all her little kids were out of the classroom before she left.

THAT is a hero, a rare thing I bet we can agree on.

As to that poor kid, my God, what do you do with a kid like that?

Jim in CT 01-10-2023 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237293)
Meanwhile republicans vote back in the Holman Rule, from 1875

allowing lawmakers to reduce or eliminate federal agency programs and to slash the salaries of individual federal employees.

During the House floor debate, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), an ally of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), blasted federal officials as “unelected bureaucrats, the true, real swamp creatures here in D.C.,” saying they had “run roughshod over the American people without consequence.”

I guess there are no Republicans working in government or will they use past voting records to determine who stays and who goes.

Installing loyalists and calling it draining the swamp wow republicans are twisted

If you’re a federal employee, this now becomes a risk that you have to think ‘I may get myself get in hot water or have my salary dropped to zero or my job could get axed’”

But none of it will get pass the senate
But they’ll waste the time grandstanding
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Wayne, using your exact words, can I simply say "there was a reason" and that's good enough? Or is that only good enough for you to use?

I'm not an extremist. But there are unelected people in DC who are very powerful and have been there way too long. Obviously not every federal employee fits into that category. But there are some.

In a democracy, only those we elect should be able to make policy. That way we can vote them out if we don't like what they're doing.
Not judges, not bureaucrats. Do you disagree? That's a sincere question, not a gotcha question.

Pete F. 01-10-2023 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237284)
"Claiming all the things you do about Democrats is tiring."

I'm sure it is. You're not used to anyone who isn't as crazy as you are.

"Ask an enrolled agent how bad dealing with the understaffed IRS is."

Sure. I'm sure that's exactly what you did, you polled IRS agents, before you concluded the GOPs idea was wrong. You didn't just immediately leap to the politically convenient conclusion, no, you did some research, which for some reason you won't share, in order to support your position? Gee I wonder why that is?

"Perhaps you can explain the GOP’s motives in defunding the IRS?
Maybe a little cost benefit analysis?"

I have absolutely no idea. I have zero basis to say anything knowledgeable on the subject, which is precisely why I am not saying the idea is great, nor am I saying it's evil. I don't know. I cannot give an informed opinion on everything. Neither can you, but that doesn't stop you from jumping to insane conclusions.

"the people wanting to give them affordable healthcare, education & a living wage were somehow the bad guys."

Is healthcare or education cheaper now, than it was a few years ago? Not in CT it's not. Please explain...

An equally impressive trick, is the lefts ability to convince seemingly normal Americans that cops are bad (cops being the one single urban institution in the country that works), men can share locker rooms with girls with no downside, that advocating for abortion is done to enslave women rather than to protect innocent babies, that it's racist to want a secure border, that everyone who disagrees with the left on anything is loathsome, and that the solution to everything, is to throw money at it. Oh, and that government always knows better than parents, which school is best for their children.

Your rationale for your choice is to own the libs, and you think I’m crazy.
Good luck
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-10-2023 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237296)
Wayne, using your exact words, can I simply say "there was a reason" and that's good enough? Or is that only good enough for you to use?

I'm not an extremist. But there are unelected people in DC who are very powerful and have been there way too long. Obviously not every federal employee fits into that category. But there are some.

In a democracy, only those we elect should be able to make policy. That way we can vote them out if we don't like what they're doing.
Not judges, not bureaucrats. Do you disagree? That's a sincere question, not a gotcha question.

1st I said everything happened for a reason and are easily explained and justified

The gop has not shown explanation or a justification for needing an 1875 rule. Or investigating the investigators

Of course their are unelected bureaucrats in DC we have a supreme court full of them

Not sure why unelected maters when the position . Doesn’t require it

Of course the GOP won’t name these unelected positions and would they just replace them with other unelected people?who have pledged allegiance to them not the nation?

To answer you question as I understand it.

Federal bureaucrats don’t make policy they interpret laws and apply the rules and make decisions because congress has empowered them to do.

The reason judges seem to be making policies is the congress won’t fix what’s broken and some courts like the SJC. Are accepting cases they should be refusing. So state’s attorney keep going back because their nonsensical arguments keep being entertained

We have a court taking a case based on a woman’s business

That only exists on paper?

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-10-2023 09:39 PM

It’ll be interesting to see what Schumer does with the stupid MAGA stuff, does he just let it die or does he force GOP senators to take a vote on the actual House bills.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-10-2023 11:39 PM

Jim Jordan is now officially the Chair of a subcommittee that will investigate why the Biden Administration imprisoned untold numbers of parents all across America just for speaking at School Board meetings, also known as Biden’s Concerned-Parent Pogrom.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237301)

Of course their are unelected bureaucrats in DC we have a supreme court full of them

Not sure why unelected maters when the position . Doesn’t require it

Of course the GOP won’t name these unelected positions and would they just replace them with other unelected people?who have pledged allegiance to them not the nation?

To answer you question as I understand it.

Federal bureaucrats don’t make policy they interpret laws and apply the rules and make decisions because congress has empowered them to do.

The reason judges seem to be making policies is the congress won’t fix what’s broken and some courts like the SJC. Are accepting cases they should be refusing. So state’s attorney keep going back because their nonsensical arguments keep being entertained

We have a court taking a case based on a woman’s business

That only exists on paper?

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

"Of course their are unelected bureaucrats in DC we have a supreme court full of them

Not sure why unelected maters when the position . Doesn’t require it"

I guess I didn't say it well. If someone isn't elected, that means "we the people" can't vote them out, which means they are not answerable to us. That's why they should not be setting policy. Especially supreme court judges who are there for life, that's exactly why my side likes to say "they shouldn't legislate from the bench", because we have no mechanism to keep them in check. That would be totalitarian. Setting laws and policies were meant to only be the purview of people who are elected by us. The job of unelected bureaucrats is to implement policy, not to create it. If you think about it, it's very logical and democratic. In a democracy, policies and laws should only be created by those who are directly answerable to us.

Obviously in the real world there are grey areas. But we should strive for that ideal, not venture too far away from it.

I'm not a thoughtless conspiracy nut. You know that I believe Biden won fair and square. But I do believe there are unelected people out there, who have bene there way too long, who have way too much power. That's what MAGA folk refer to as "the swamp". It's healthy to keep that to a minimum.

"Federal bureaucrats don’t make policy"

They aren't supposed to. Sometimes it ends up happening though. That's what happened when SCOTUS legalized abortion, that was obviously legislating from the bench. When the attorney general decides that parents protesting school board meetings are committing a federal crime. Anthony Faucci had too much power. Lobbyists have too much power (like the NRA, for example). Defense contractors have too much power.

I'm not saying everything is completely broken. I think it can be improved.

But it won't be improved. The GOP likes to talk, they don't always like delivering.

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237301)

The reason judges seem to be making policies is the congress won’t fix what’s broken

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

But the constitution doesn't say judges can change their role if congress isn't doing a good job. It's up to the voters, not the courts, to fix a broken legislature. What you just said, seems to imply that you agree with me.

Judges aren't supposed to make decisions, based on whether or not they personally like what congress is doing. That's the definition of totalitarianism.

wdmso 01-11-2023 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237313)
But the constitution doesn't say judges can change their role if congress isn't doing a good job. It's up to the voters, not the courts, to fix a broken legislature. What you just said, seems to imply that you agree with me.

Judges aren't supposed to make decisions, based on whether or not they personally like what congress is doing. That's the definition of totalitarianism.

Tell that to the conservatives majority in the us supreme court

And Republicans who want them to legislate from the bench

IT’s Republicans who are pushing
The The independent state legislature theory posits that the Constitution of the United States delegates authority to regulate federal elections within a state to that state's elected lawmakers without any checks and balances from state courts, governors, or other bodies

There’s a thread that links the partisan gerrymandering of congressional maps in North Carolina, attempts to dissolve the Wisconsin Election Commission, and efforts to overthrow the 2020 presidential election in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. In each case, the participants have invoked a dubious interpretation of the Constitution called the “independent state legislature theory.”

Long relegated to the fringe of election law, the theory will soon be front and center before the Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear a case concerning the North Carolina congressional maps in the fall. If the Supreme Court were to adopt the theory, it would radically change our elections.

Then, after the 2020 election, President Trump and his allies used the independent state legislature theory as part of their effort to overturn the results. For a third time, the Supreme Court declined to adopt the theory. But three sitting justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch —endorsed it.

But this court took up the case with the 3 above acceptance of the case

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237315)
Tell that to the conservatives majority in the us supreme court

And Republicans who want them to legislate from the bench

IT’s Republicans who are pushing
The The independent state legislature theory posits that the Constitution of the United States delegates authority to regulate federal elections within a state to that state's elected lawmakers without any checks and balances from state courts, governors, or other bodies

There’s a thread that links the partisan gerrymandering of congressional maps in North Carolina, attempts to dissolve the Wisconsin Election Commission, and efforts to overthrow the 2020 presidential election in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. In each case, the participants have invoked a dubious interpretation of the Constitution called the “independent state legislature theory.”

Long relegated to the fringe of election law, the theory will soon be front and center before the Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear a case concerning the North Carolina congressional maps in the fall. If the Supreme Court were to adopt the theory, it would radically change our elections.

Then, after the 2020 election, President Trump and his allies used the independent state legislature theory as part of their effort to overturn the results. For a third time, the Supreme Court declined to adopt the theory. But three sitting justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch —endorsed it.

But this court took up the case with the 3 above acceptance of the case

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I never said the GOP is free of hypocrites. But our democracy is healthier if elected officials, and only elected officials, legislate and make policy. Roe V Wade was a massive violation of that ideal.

"Tell that to the conservatives majority in the us supreme court"

You are basing your attack, on how you are assuming a future case will go.

But as I said, the GOP has plenty of hypocrites.

wdmso 01-11-2023 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237316)
I never said the GOP is free of hypocrites. But our democracy is healthier if elected officials, and only elected officials, legislate and make policy. Roe V Wade was a massive violation of that ideal.

"Tell that to the conservatives majority in the us supreme court"

You are basing your attack, on how you are assuming a future case will go.

But as I said, the GOP has plenty of hypocrites.

But our democracy is healthier if elected officials, and only elected officials, legislate and make policy

I’d say Having a potus and his party willingly trying to overturn an election is far more of a concern then republicans claiming unelected bureaucrats are a danger

But the GOP are doing exactly what I said they would do.

the Republican-led House is poised to vote on two abortion-related measures. One would condemn attacks “on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches,” while the other would force medical practitioners to provide care to infants who survive an abortion — a very rare occurrence

Funny their bills seem to be once again influenced by Fox News headlines

'Slow-walked justice': FBI insists it is prosecuting attacks on pro-life centers amid claims of politicization
A pro-life activist says the FBI has 'slow-walked justice' for pregnancy center attacks because of politics

More than 100 pro-life orgs, churches attacked since Dobbs leak
DOJ has yet to announce any arrests in attacks on pro-life centers

Republicans doing what they do best playing the victim and suggesting conspiracies are at play

I Just need gun bill . And they checked all my boxes
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237318)

I’d say Having a potus and his party willingly trying to overturn an election is far more of a concern then republicans claiming unelected bureaucrats are a danger

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

So we can't discuss anything other than January 6...forever?

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237318)
But our democracy is healthier if elected officials, and only elected officials, legislate and make policy

I’d say Having a potus and his party willingly trying to overturn an election is far more of a concern then republicans claiming unelected bureaucrats are a danger

But the GOP are doing exactly what I said they would do.

the Republican-led House is poised to vote on two abortion-related measures. One would condemn attacks “on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches,” while the other would force medical practitioners to provide care to infants who survive an abortion — a very rare occurrence

Funny their bills seem to be once again influenced by Fox News headlines

'Slow-walked justice': FBI insists it is prosecuting attacks on pro-life centers amid claims of politicization
A pro-life activist says the FBI has 'slow-walked justice' for pregnancy center attacks because of politics

More than 100 pro-life orgs, churches attacked since Dobbs leak
DOJ has yet to announce any arrests in attacks on pro-life centers

Republicans doing what they do best playing the victim and suggesting conspiracies are at play

I Just need gun bill . And they checked all my boxes
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

"One would condemn attacks “on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches,”"

Are you opposed to condemning such attacks?

"the other would force medical practitioners to provide care to infants who survive an abortion — a very rare occurrence"

Yes, it's rare. But are you opposed to the bill?

I don't think independents are adamantly opposed to requiring that care Wayne. Only a very callous person would oppose that.

"Republicans doing what they do best playing the victim"

They're not playing victim. They're trying to help actual victims.

If America wanted babies to be ;left to whiter and die, and if America wanted pro life buildings to be attacked, I don't think America would have given house control to the GOP.

Wayne, elections do in fact have consequences. If you thought the GOP was going to legalize late term abortions on their first day, that's on you.

You posted quotes from folks saying the FBI isn't taking those attacks seriously. You posted nothing to suggest those people are wrong. Are we supposed to take your word for it?

Pete F. 01-11-2023 02:41 PM

Don’t we have existing laws that this falls under?
Do we need a new law for every special interest group?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-11-2023 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237313)
But the constitution doesn't say judges can change their role if congress isn't doing a good job. It's up to the voters, not the courts, to fix a broken legislature. What you just said, seems to imply that you agree with me.

Judges aren't supposed to make decisions, based on whether or not they personally like what congress is doing. That's the definition of totalitarianism.

The Constitution doesn’t say they can’t, so…..
Totalitarianism’s having a cult appointed now constituting a majority of the Supreme Court and imposing their religious beliefs.
Kinda like the guys who wear the robes in Afghanistan
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-11-2023 02:59 PM

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs executive orders on first day of term ( Should say she Blew a dog whistle)

The first one she signed institutes a promotion and hiring freeze for all state government workers.

Another executive order will prevent government agencies from implementing new regulations without her approval.

“We are going to continue to limit the scope of government and empower Arkansans,” Sanders said.

Sanders also signed an executive order aimed at prohibiting “indoctrination and Critical Race Theory in schools.”

Maybe she should take care of bigger issues in her State .

Here entire work history is working for daddy minus orange daddy good luck Arkansans day 1 governing by decree Gotta Love Republicans

Health Care 48th Education 41st economy 41st Infrastructure 43rd
Crime & Corrections 48th

wdmso 01-11-2023 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237320)
"One would condemn attacks “on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches,”"

Are you opposed to condemning such attacks?

"the other would force medical practitioners to provide care to infants who survive an abortion — a very rare occurrence"

Yes, it's rare. But are you opposed to the bill?

Do you really need a bill condemning these attacks? Do we have a bill condemning Jan 6th attacks .. nope just more feeding the Maga horde total political posturing

I don't think independents are adamantly opposed to requiring that care Wayne. Only a very callous person would oppose that.

"Republicans doing what they do best playing the victim"

They're not playing victim. They're trying to help actual victims.

No their not Jim The unborn are not the victims their unborn

If America wanted babies to be ;left to whiter and die, and if America wanted pro life buildings to be attacked, I don't think America would have given house control to the GOP.

Wayne, elections do in fact have consequences. If you thought the GOP was going to legalize late term abortions on their first day, that's on you.

So much for inflation gas prices and the border

More red meat for the minority of people. Just say Abortion

You posted quotes from folks saying the FBI isn't taking those attacks seriously. You posted nothing to suggest those people are wrong. Are we supposed to take your word for it?

More of the gop and the rights victimization brought to you by Fox News

The FBI is against solving these crimes…. Really. Actually Jim it’s a local police issue not the FBIs. But don’t expect the Truth from Fox or Republicans

You may not know this if you’re not tuned in to conservative media, but the FBI has an agenda to protect abortion clinics and punish conservatives generally and anti-abortion conservatives specifically.

So goes the narrative believed by many anti-abortion advocates, including elected officials like Sen. Ted Cruz, R.-Texas.

Crisis pregnancy centers often are touted as “clinics,” even though they offer no licensed medical services and are designed to talk women out of having abortions.

Pro-abortion political elites are attacking pro-life people not because they are dangerous criminals but because the core pro-life belief undermines their power over the masses,

the pro-abortion Hydra is pulling out all the stops, failing to investigate violence against pro-lifers, weaponizing the FBI and legislature against them, and censoring them. Why? Because if the Republicans win the midterms and gain control of the House and Senate, they will have the ability to engage real investigations into conspiratorial crimes committed by law enforcement, government, big tech and pro-abortion extremists against pro-life people.”

But of course the GOP is doing just that passing a bill based on conspiratorial crimes committed by law enforcement and government against pro life people

It never stops with this party and it’s supporters
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-11-2023 03:49 PM

Alito and Thomas encourage opponents of gun control laws to keep pressure on the courts

So now it’s open activism
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237327)

The FBI is against solving these crimes…. Really. Actually Jim it’s a local police issue not the FBIs. But don’t expect the Truth from Fox or Republicans

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Yet you didn't take that position when the feds got involved with parents having the nerve to speak up at local school board meetings. Not a peep from you about why that's not a local issue.

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237327)
It never stops with this party and it’s supporters
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I know, right! Imagine getting worked up over a silly, trivial thing like tens of millions of babies slaughtered in the womb. Cant they just chill?

We need SENSIBLE policies. We don't need to worry about babies being mutilated. What the country needs, is fewer cops, and for men to have more access to girls locker rooms. That's what people want! That, and for eggs to cost a buck a piece.

You really have your finger on the pulse of America. That's why, when Gallup asked Americans if they were better off after 4 years of Trump, 100% of Americans said no.

PaulS 01-11-2023 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237331)
You really have your finger on the pulse of America. That's why, when Gallup asked Americans if they were better off after 4 years of Trump, 100% of Americans said no.

Can you pls. post up that poll as I couldn't find it.

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by PaulS (Post 1237332)
Can you pls. post up that poll as I couldn't find it.

you didnt get that was a joke?

in the poll i like to cute, a record number of americans identified as being better off after 4 years of trump. so when wayne claims that america wants to turn into san francisco, gallup’s polling would seem
to contradict that.

Jim in CT 01-11-2023 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237329)
Alito and Thomas encourage opponents of gun control laws to keep pressure on the courts

So now it’s open activism
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

what did they say/do, exactly?

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