Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating

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jugstah 06-27-2003 09:04 AM

hey notaro.. is that a major wedgie i'm seeing? :D

Notaro 06-27-2003 09:05 AM

no, that's me shaking booty. and u can tell i looked like i just came outta bathroom...

jugstah 06-27-2003 09:07 AM

yeah but am i seeing toilet paper?

MountainBreeze 06-27-2003 09:07 AM

Just don't put these 2 together:

:bshake: :humpty:


chris L 06-27-2003 09:07 AM

ya better watch out your peepee might fall off !
got bobbit

Notaro 06-27-2003 09:08 AM


jugstah 06-27-2003 09:09 AM

mtnbrz, lmfao.. good one!!!

:laughs: :laughs:

Bliz 06-27-2003 09:10 AM

Order now, and you'll receive a FREE set of Notaro Kitchen Knives!

These knives slice and dice!, they neuter your dog!... they even send your kids to college!

Heated knives cut through butter, jello, and even hard boiled eggs!...

And every thing else that's very tough to cut through!

And wait.... THERE"S MORE!!!...

NilsC 06-27-2003 09:11 AM


Originally posted by Notaro
:eek5: wait a minute... yes, do make them. why? they are for women who want to spice up their relationship or marriage by wearing it and a pair of kelvar gloves...:D
Where is my Notaro, logo.... I need it for my fishing bag.

Sweetieface, you are to funny.. roflmao:laughs:

Rob, lol :D

Notaro 06-27-2003 09:11 AM

:eek5: :err: :uhoh: not the dog, man...

MountainBreeze 06-27-2003 09:22 AM

I got it… :bounce: You know what you need to market???

An inflatable version of the "tree huggers." Blow em' up and paddle around in em'. :kewl:

Perfect for those LONG TnW trips, when the bite is on and you just don't want to head to the dumper on shore! :boots:

You could probably even mount a trolling motor on the XXL model! :laughs:


NilsC 06-27-2003 09:23 AM


Originally posted by MtnBrz1
Actually... Yes I do! :eek:
Admit it, it would look cute on the mantle right next to the urn full of ashes.. rofl

MountainBreeze 06-27-2003 09:30 AM


Originally posted by NilsC
Admit it, it would look cute on the mantle right next to the urn full of ashes.. rofl
Yes... But it would look better in the urn!

No offense Notaro! ;)

Sweetieface 06-27-2003 09:31 AM

Whaddya think the ashes were!

Notaro 06-27-2003 09:33 AM

:err: nasty...

UserRemoved1 07-06-2003 08:49 AM I gotta ask this....


:laughs: :laughs: :laughs: :laughs: :laughs: :laughs: :laughs: :laughs:

STEVE IN MASS 07-06-2003 11:34 AM

Okay, I was away for most of this thread, and I just went thru all 12 pages.....



IFG 07-06-2003 03:49 PM

I Just did the same thing 12 pages can we say off topic
While laughter is the best medicine it doesn't work on flesh eating bacteria while your laughing it eats your trachea and kills you then moves to the next victim much like richard simons.

Notaro 07-06-2003 11:44 PM

richard simmons was suffering from a overexercising crapola and got himself drained in mind... Besides, he doesn't fish. He eats bananas and lipos.

UserRemoved1 07-07-2003 05:20 AM

but hows ya PANCREAS?

:laughs: :laughs:

Raven 07-07-2003 07:34 AM

i can just see it now
the richard simions horror show vision: of richard simons out on a flat party boat doing his cutesy song and dance in his latest striped bass fashion show outfit helping a bunch of fat ladies catch stripers to music like aerobics. oHHH MY GOD nooooo:D

Iwannakeeper 07-07-2003 08:37 AM

Striper'ing to the oldies. Isn't that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?

Like Steve I just read through the 13 pages - and they all kept me in stiches (from Dr Sprinkles).

Sweetieface 07-07-2003 09:45 AM

Yes, I have to agree: SICK bunch we are. But hey, makes the day go by.
Does anyone else have any ailments we can properly diagnose today?:smash:

Notaro 07-07-2003 09:51 AM

my pancreas is fine if im catching a monster bass... apparently i havent...

Sweetieface 07-07-2003 09:58 AM

Well in that case, *I"M* not feeling so good....

Iwannakeeper 07-07-2003 10:01 AM

If the only cure is catching big bass. I need a doctor to help me with a prescription.

I have gone from catching small to catching nothing!!

I think I am getting worse, hope I don't faint *thud*

Sweetieface 07-07-2003 10:02 AM

LOL Iwanna.
I hear ya. I've only been out a handful of times this year, and have gotten NUTHIN!
I gotta hit my old spot in the early a.m. again....

Raven 07-07-2003 12:03 PM

when you have caster's to many cast's... *Ouch!

NilsC 07-07-2003 04:14 PM

This tread have a life of it's own. :smash: :smash:

I know I'm sick when I come home from 1 week of vacation and the first post I look for is this one.

Notaro, now I think we have a product to sell. After contacting the Home Shopping network asking for when they expected the release date of the "Flesh eating bacteria GHIA pet" to be. They asked for my email address/phone # so they could get back to me as soon as a date was set for that product to be launched, I was then told that closer to x-mas would be more likely....

I had to hang up the phone, was laughing so hard that I almost did weewee (ooops, sorry wee wee... lol) in my pants.

this item may become a blue-light special after all... or Walmart rollback item


Notaro 07-07-2003 10:59 PM

Remind me to write a autobigraphy of myself as a victim of the folly FEB one day...;)

jugstah 07-08-2003 06:24 AM

I think I'm coming down with fishing-itis... it only seems to happen when I haven't gone fishing, or when I haven't caught a damn thing in a week!!!

Sure signs of fishing-itis... your dreams are all about fishing, fishing, and landing that BIG bass!!! You finally go to work after a long weekend, and all you can think about is going fishing after work.

After the rest of this thread, I'm glad I only have a minor ailment.

Let's sick Richard Simmons on Notaro, and maybe while we're at it, we'll call in Oprah Winfrey, master of the yo-yo diet.

:laughs: :laughs: :laughs:

Sweetieface 07-08-2003 08:11 AM

Wallmart Rollback Item!! LOLOL!!!

(that stupid :) with the cowboy hat!!!! LOL)

Raven 07-08-2003 08:19 AM

wheres the line
im getting in line!! oH - OH! its a notaro's action-figure close out sale! Watch him dodge the flesh eating bacteria and smash them with a pancreas . :smash:

Iwannakeeper 07-08-2003 08:22 AM

Maybe that is why his pancreas hurt? Or atleast that is how he knew it was his pancreas that was hurting? or was it his spleen?

Sweetieface 07-08-2003 08:23 AM

I think it was spleen first. But taking your pancreas out to battle viruses must make it hurt a little I'd think...

jugstah 07-08-2003 08:26 AM


The Homeland Office and the EPA are trying to get an court injunction for preventing the release of those action figurines. Apparently, they believe that those Notaro Dolls are actually in fact a biological weapon built by Iraq and Hussein but built in China and shipped to the United States.

Reports are stating that they believe those Notaro dolls will decimate half the United States if it goes to market!


Sweetieface 07-08-2003 08:28 AM

I think it was spleen first. But taking your pancreas out to battle viruses must make it hurt a little I'd think...

Sweetieface 07-08-2003 08:30 AM

Woah, computer meltdown. I have no idea what happened, I typed a new response, and my computer suddenly shut the screen down and the same response is up there again!!

Hate technology.

Anyway, what I HAD written was:

Who'd have thunk an action figure complete with detachable spleen and strain of deadly flesh-eating bacteria could be considered DANGEROUS?!!

What will they ban next, Pillows?!!?!

NilsC 07-08-2003 09:48 AM


Originally posted by Sweetieface
Who'd have thunk an action figure complete with detachable spleen and strain of deadly flesh-eating bacteria could be considered DANGEROUS?!!

What will they ban next, Pillows?!!?!

No, pillows are OK.

You have to get a gun wault for your notaro dolls. (can we fit them with trigger locks?)
They have an export ban, can't ship to 3'rd word countries.

Warning labels will be put on the bottom of the dolls feet "Other side up", this is due to problem with dolls that are placed upside down...


"And the saga goes on, did we pass 200 posts yet?

MountainBreeze 07-08-2003 11:10 AM


Originally posted by NilsC
They have an export ban, can't ship to 3'rd word countries.

WHAT??? They were supposed to ONLY be shipped to 3rd world countries! We don't want that stuff here!!! :err:

WOO HOO!!! 201! :D

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