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Pete F. 01-06-2023 04:10 PM

Kevin McCarthy's deal with his defectors reportedly gives them the opportunity to force the U.S. to default on its debt and crash the global economy.

They plan to use the threat of default to force massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-06-2023 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237150)
Kevin McCarthy's deal with his defectors reportedly gives them the opportunity to force the U.S. to default on its debt and crash the global economy.

They plan to use the threat of default to force massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i heard- the GOP is just going to kill all the old people and poor people.

The Dad Fisherman 01-06-2023 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237154)
i heard- the GOP is just going to kill all the old people and poor people.

Don’t forget drink the blood of the innocents too
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-06-2023 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1237155)
Don’t forget drink the blood of the innocents too
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I thought that’s what Democrats did
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-06-2023 08:46 PM

Can’t wait till the hearings begin, and the Benny Hill music is playing in the background and everyone pleads the fifth or refuses congressional subpoenas
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-06-2023 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237159)
I thought that’s what Democrats did
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

A Republican, who is nominating Kevin McCarthy, just spoke about the spike in attacks against law enforcement.

He strangely never mentions Jan 6, which saw the assault of 140 Capitol police officers, the largest attack on law enforcement in recent memory. What an odd omission.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-06-2023 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237164)
A Republican, who is nominating Kevin McCarthy, just spoke about the spike in attacks against law enforcement.

He strangely never mentions Jan 6, which saw the assault of 140 Capitol police officers, the largest attack on law enforcement in recent memory. What an odd omission.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Of course not they skip that even on the floor today they mentioned Ukraine impeachment the government Weaponized against citizens, but they never mentioned January 6
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-06-2023 11:08 PM

And the GOP keeps insisting, but this is what democracy looks like 0MG I can only imagine what the next two years is going to look like
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-06-2023 11:37 PM

Kevin McCarthy lost vote 14 then approached Matt Gaetz. McCarthy needed 217 to win. Rep Rogers of Alabama had to be pulled away from Gaetz. He lunged at Gaetz. Republicans in disarray.

NOW: the clerk has gaveled the END of the vote. MCCARTHY LOSES AGAIN. Based on the present vote by Gaetz. A SPEAKER HAS NOT BEEN ELECTED. A motion is on the floor to adjourn until noon Monday. Dems scream NOOOOOO.

People saying that Dems are going to get *tired* and leave to make McCarthy speaker really don't know about the recuperative powers of watching a guy who threw his hat in with people who came to your office to kill you suffer repeated humiliations.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-06-2023 11:53 PM

Imagine that Donald Trump called Matt on the floor of the house of representatives on January 6 2022 to get McCarthy elected but he called nobody in the joint session of congress on January 6, 2020 while the capitol was under attack
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-07-2023 12:16 AM

"We'll come back tonight and I believe at that time, we'll have the votes to finish this once and for all," McCarthy says. Asked how he expects to govern with a conference like this, McCarthy says, "See, this is the great part. Because it took this long, now we learned how to govern. So now we'll be able to get the job done."

Looks like at least twice and .......

McCarthy can become speaker only because of concessions to the members of his caucus most closely associated with—if not directly implicated in—what happened two years ago today. The dysfunction is entertaining, but what the result says about where we’re heading is scary.

wdmso 01-07-2023 07:39 AM

Again the right is still trying to spin this in the lens of history and the only people buying it are the usual supporters . Who can’t face the facts

Kevin and the GOP. Are Kinda like the guy who finally passes the bar exam on his 15th try. Yeah he’s a lawyer, but probably not a very good one.

Pete F. 01-07-2023 08:41 AM

Matt Gaetz: "I am grateful that Speaker-designate McCarthy has been so receptive to each and every change that we have demanded. And Sean we're at the stage right now where I am running out of stuff to ask for."

Here’s your reminder, Trump is getting exactly what he wanted and has been whipping the Freedom Caucus all week, including by phone tonight on the floor. He is the big winner tonight. Don't ever doubt who is still at the helm of the GOP. The House belongs to MAGA.

And so one of the strongest House Speakers in American history is succeeded by what is likely to be one of the weakest.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 01-07-2023 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237172)
Matt Gaetz: "I am grateful that Speaker-designate McCarthy has been so receptive to each and every change that we have demanded. And Sean we're at the stage right now where I am running out of stuff to ask for."

Here’s your reminder, Trump is getting exactly what he wanted and has been whipping the Freedom Caucus all week, including by phone tonight on the floor. He is the big winner tonight. Don't ever doubt who is still at the helm of the GOP. The House belongs to MAGA.

And so one of the strongest House Speakers in American history is succeeded by what is likely to be one of the weakest.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Now Jim will jump in and give it his MAGA spin, this is what democracy looks like, funny it hasn't looked like that in well over 100 years. Luckily for Jim, he has a new greatest hit to throw out over the next two years, at each new dysfunctional house moment, that the GOP is doing just fine.

PaulS 01-07-2023 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237150)
Kevin McCarthy's deal with his defectors reportedly gives them the opportunity to force the U.S. to default on its debt and crash the global economy.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Since this was never an issue during the Trump Administration the key is to convince them that Biden is a Republican and the debt limit won't be a concern for them.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-07-2023 12:27 PM

Many think raising the debt limit has something to due with Spending

Not paying the Bills

These same People are the same super informed who still think Trump won, Biden controlled the price of gas our borders are open and the GOP controlled house is gonna get anything past the Senate or the presidents veto pen

But I’m sure they’ll make America look like idiots letting Ukraine Die at the hands of the Russians

I watch out Social Security or child, Obamacare watch out any social safety net program I’m sure they’ll do something guns
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 01-07-2023 12:51 PM

Here’s my prediction the GOP will attempt every economic sabotage they can think of and disguised it as fiscal responsibility , no actual legislative ideas to fix the border(other than spending money on a wall). Anything to do with energy will be the same nonsense cut regulation and drill baby drill, sabotage any wind or solar or green energy initiative they will end

And of course conduct meaningless investigations

In a nutshell they want Americans to suffer as much as possible because they think that’s their path back to the White House creating problems so they can claim they can fix them
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-07-2023 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237178)
I watch out Social Security or child, Obamacare watch out any social safety net program I’m sure they’ll do something guns
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

when you make a case that compelling, it’s hard to argue. a very well thought and very well articulated argument.

gee i’m old enough to remember the last time
the gop had power, way way way back in 2017. the result? A record number of americans, polled by Gallup ( not foxnews) said they were better off than they were 4 years before. No other president scored as high as trump, ever, on the question “are you better off than you were 4 years ago.”

i’m sure you’re right wayne,,they’re going to want to kill everybody and sell their stuff and give the proceeds to the NRA.

meanwhile 850 people a day are moving to FL from other states, that’s what a clown Death-santis is, haw haw haw that’s a good one, Death-santis.

Jim in CT 01-07-2023 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1237176)
Now Jim will jump in and give it his MAGA spin, this is what democracy looks like, funny it hasn't looked like that in well over 100 years. Luckily for Jim, he has a new greatest hit to throw out over the next two years, at each new dysfunctional house moment, that the GOP is doing just fine.

i asked you point blank, and i don’t know if you responded, what should happen when the gop has a razor thin majority and 20 holdouts don’t like the nominee for speaker. should they all vote for him anyway for the greater good?

insults are easy. suggestions, for you at least, are a lot harder.

Got Stripers 01-07-2023 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237183)
i asked you point blank, and i don’t know if you responded, what should happen when the gop has a razor thin majority and 20 holdouts don’t like the nominee for speaker. should they all vote for him anyway for the greater good?

insults are easy. suggestions, for you at least, are a lot harder.

I already answered it as did you, McCarthy should have had this all ironed out before the process started. Bad look for him, bad look for the gop and Gaetz along with his band of crazies don’t care how they look.

Jim in CT 01-07-2023 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1237185)
I already answered it as did you, McCarthy should have had this all ironed out before the process started. Bad look for him, bad look for the gop and Gaetz along with his band of crazies don’t care how they look.

it’s a bad look that no one will remember in 2 months, save for a small number of folks deranged with hate for the gop.

no onto idiots in all sides making our lives harder while enriching themselves.

Gaetz is a raving lunatic. embarrassing.

Pete F. 01-07-2023 05:53 PM

A reminder that Republicans added $7.8 trillion to the debt the last time they had full control of government.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-07-2023 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237182)
when you make a case that compelling, it’s hard to argue. a very well thought and very well articulated argument.

gee i’m old enough to remember the last time
the gop had power, way way way back in 2017. the result? A record number of americans, polled by Gallup ( not foxnews) said they were better off than they were 4 years before. No other president scored as high as trump, ever, on the question “are you better off than you were 4 years ago.”

i’m sure you’re right wayne,,they’re going to want to kill everybody and sell their stuff and give the proceeds to the NRA.

meanwhile 850 people a day are moving to FL from other states, that’s what a clown Death-santis is, haw haw haw that’s a good one, Death-santis.

Easy Peasy

Trump started with a roaring economy, in four years he lost 5 million jobs, added 9 trillion to the deficit, lost the Senate, lost the House, lost the presidency, attempted a coup, got banned from social media and impeached twice.
Did nothing about foreign corruption, immigration, healthcare and infrastructure.
He did cut taxes for the rich.
What else would you expect the deficit increased with Bush 1, decreased with Clinton, increased with Bush 2, decreased with Obama, increased with Trump, is decreasing with Biden.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 01-07-2023 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1237192)
Easy Peasy

Trump started with a roaring economy, in four years he lost 5 million jobs, added 9 trillion to the deficit, lost the Senate, lost the House, lost the presidency, attempted a coup, got banned from social media and impeached twice.
Did nothing about foreign corruption, immigration, healthcare and infrastructure.
He did cut taxes for the rich.
What else would you expect the deficit increased with Bush 1, decreased with Clinton, increased with Bush 2, decreased with Obama, increased with Trump, is decreasing with Biden.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Perfect response, especially when Jim bundles two of his greatest hits into one post, he is reaching hard now.

wdmso 01-07-2023 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1237182)
when you make a case that compelling, it’s hard to argue. a very well thought and very well articulated argument.

gee i’m old enough to remember the last time
the gop had power, way way way back in 2017. the result? A record number of americans, polled by Gallup ( not foxnews) said they were better off than they were 4 years before. No other president scored as high as trump, ever, on the question “are you better off than you were 4 years ago.”

i’m sure you’re right wayne,,they’re going to want to kill everybody and sell their stuff and give the proceeds to the NRA.

meanwhile 850 people a day are moving to FL from other states, that’s what a clown Death-santis is, haw haw haw that’s a good one, Death-santis.

OMG Jim Just give it up already you keep Blowing Ron like the rest of conservatives media . You are delusional the people moving to Florida are not moving to Florida because of Ron DeSantis that’s a fantasy all you people made up in your heads

in your poll some people thought they were better off 4 years ago but that was not because of Trump but you keep convincing yourself that’s what they said

Two recently-released reports, one using data compiled by Zillow and Allied Van Lines, and the other analyzing new Florida driver’s licenses, show New York is the No. 1 supplier of new residents to Florida and Tampa Bay, as per usual.

Why Do People Move to Florida? Mostly Sunshine and Jobs

A recent survey found that many people who had recently arrived in Tampa Bay had moved for the sunny weather or a job change, while many were leaving because of politics or to find better schools or cheaper services.

I thought they were coming because of politics?

I am happy you think republicans will do anything or something for the average American and I honestly hope they do their track record says something different

wdmso 01-07-2023 10:21 PM

It’s already started. Of course Republicans won’t run on taking Social Security or Medicare they just wait till after the election

Republican of Georgia, has expressed his intent to cut spending in conjunction with raising the debt ceiling. Representative Lloyd Smucker, a Pennsylvania Republican has stated his wish to establish means testing—setting income eligibility levels—for Social Security and Medicare.

Means testing refers to the policy of providing no benefits to the people with incomes or assets above a certain level. But workers at all income and asset levels have worked to earn their Social Security and Medicare benefits and rely on them as well.

Representative Jason Smith, Republican of Missouri, currently the ranking Republican member on the House Budget Committee, has indicated that he wants to use debt limit talks to extract concessions from President Biden on entitlements .

nothing about cutting the biggest budget the military It’s just more of the same wash rinse repeat.

Not sure why Republicans have a hard on for Social Security, and Medicare sing. Most of their supporters around both in both programs are extremely popular

Now in its 85th year, Social Security enjoys over 90 percent support among Democrats, Republicans and independents, according to an AARP survey of 1,441 people ages 18 and older.

Can’t wait to see what comes out of the clown car
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 01-08-2023 03:29 PM

Threatening a) the rule of law (interfering with criminal investigations), b) the full faith and credit of the U.S. (debt ceiling), c) standing with allies fighting aggressive dictators (the spending cuts)...the House GOP rules package really does its best to damage the nation.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 01-08-2023 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman (Post 1237155)
Don’t forget drink the blood of the innocents too
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

they spend just about zero time trying to rationally explain why their policy ideas are superior ( and some of them are, in my opinion). If they’re talking politics, 95% of the time it’s hysterical
jibberish about how every republican is a Sith Lord

meanwhile people are fleeing blue states for red states.

Jim in CT 01-08-2023 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1237195)
OMG Jim Just give it up already you keep Blowing Ron like the rest of conservatives media . You are delusional the people moving to Florida are not moving to Florida because of Ron DeSantis that’s a fantasy all you people made up in your heads

in your poll some people thought they were better off 4 years ago but that was not because of Trump but you keep convincing yourself that’s what they said

Two recently-released reports, one using data compiled by Zillow and Allied Van Lines, and the other analyzing new Florida driver’s licenses, show New York is the No. 1 supplier of new residents to Florida and Tampa Bay, as per usual.

Why Do People Move to Florida? Mostly Sunshine and Jobs

A recent survey found that many people who had recently arrived in Tampa Bay had moved for the sunny weather or a job change, while many were leaving because of politics or to find better schools or cheaper services.

I thought they were coming because of politics?

I am happy you think republicans will do anything or something for the average American and I honestly hope they do their track record says something different

“some people
thought they were better off.”

not “some”. A record. about 58%. what facts do you have, to support your assertion that Trumps policies had nothing to do with it?

if people only moved from NY to FL for sunshine, and politics had nothing to do with it, common sense says some would move to CA. there’s sunshine and jobs in CA. but so many more go to FL. why?

does CA not have sunshine and jobs?

you’re embarrassing yourself.

wdmso 01-08-2023 07:55 PM

[QUOTE=Jim in CT;1237222]“some people
thought they were better off.”

not “some”. A record. about 58%. what facts do you have, to support your assertion that Trumps policies had nothing to do with it?

That’s your conclusion not mine … it’s your point to prove

if people only moved from NY to FL for sunshine, and politics had nothing to do with it, common sense says some would move to CA. there’s sunshine and jobs in CA. but so many more go to FL. why?

Stop trying to deflect. you claimed we’re people were moving to Florida because of Ron .. I showed why they were coming and why their leaving. again , Ron’s the reason their coming That’s your conclusion not mine … it’s your point to prove

Once again your confused you make a claim. then Can’t back them up.

It’s not Me embarrassing myself

does CA not have sunshine and jobs?


California has been losing residents to other states for two decades. A decade is 10years so 2 decades equals 20. Years So your Suggestion this is some how a new Trend is BS. And people still move to California

Since 2010, about 7.5 million people moved from California to other states, while only 5.8 million people moved to California from other parts of the country.Nov 19, 2022
It’s not balanced but it’s not just a one way street out of town

The survey also showed about 203,405 residents moved out of Florida in 2019, or about 550 per day.Dec 16, 2022. So fla actual sees 300 A day not 800

Once again the fact are not on yourside People always come and go but people moving because of politics may actually be happening statistically it is another right wing fantasy you latched onto

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