Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating

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Scotch Bonnet 06-25-2003 01:45 PM

Notaro, if these ideas don't work, I suggest an ENIMA. You will feel some pressure in your abdomin, then BABOOM........all clear!

DaveS 06-25-2003 02:55 PM

Thats nasty dude.

UserRemoved1 06-25-2003 02:58 PM

I hear Pogie oil works the best?

Christian 06-25-2003 03:02 PM

i thought pogie oil was what came out after eating the chili. well, they look the same.

Sweetieface 06-25-2003 03:08 PM

Poor Notaro.
I think our home remedies will have him feeling worse than now.

SO far we have him suffering Spleen, Kidney AND liver pain, enduring flesh-eating bacterias, eating Wendy's burgers and chili, suffering "butt ring," taking enemas, wearing a suit of armor, running for the bathroom (bong!) with abdomen pressure, no "thing," using vaseline while touching your toes (good grief!), selling your kidney for $9000, having numerous surgical procedures done, possibly losing limbs, and passing out regularly -- all while under the care of the site's two finest Doctors: Dr. Sprinkles and Dr. Smilies.

I think the board has done a fine job of diagnosing our friend Notaro.

On the other hand, we HAVE ruled out rabies, SARS, Ebola, Ecoli, Bubonic Plaque, Typhus, and Brown Recluse Spider Bites.

...Wait, did we rule out the spider bites???

fishweewee 06-25-2003 03:45 PM

FishPooPoo's cure-all for Notaro's doleurs:

1) 4 bannanas, finely chopped
2) 3 packets of cooked instant oatmeal
3) four dry heaping scoops of metamucil
4) 2 cans of stewed prunes, gently squished
5) 1/2 can chick peas, 1/2 can red beans
6) six cups castor oil

Mix with six cups warm water and stir well. Chug mixture immediately (don't dilly dally 'till the metamucil congeals the concoction into a full blown meal).


Sweetieface 06-25-2003 04:02 PM

Or you could just cut the chit-chat and swallow a small cherry bomb....

Notaro 06-25-2003 04:51 PM

Ahhhhhhh! I don't do enema and I never had one. Man, y'all think that I am an anal sex king in porno world. Man, that's so plain sick. I better head to the bathroom or start drinking.

UserRemoved1 06-25-2003 05:05 PM

anal WHAT?:faga: :faga: :bshake: :bshake: :humpty: :humpty: :humpty: :bc: :shocked: :shocked:

Christian 06-25-2003 05:35 PM

o geeze no need to bring that into the equation notaro. your just setting yourself up.:D :laughs:

Squid kids Dad 06-25-2003 05:40 PM

:laughs: This thread keeps getting better & better...:confused: or stranger

macojoe 06-25-2003 06:03 PM

I just started reading this theard and I am dieing over here!! Best laugh in a long time!!
But I do were the meat cutters glove on one hand to handel all the fish I catch (Commercial) They are great for all them toothy fish amd to hold them skate, and dog fish still while getting the hooks out.

Notaro 06-25-2003 06:21 PM

hahaha, my bad, christain.

yeah, i could do that, macojoe.

JohnR 06-26-2003 07:09 AM

Hey - Notaro - you might want to edit your posts as you are the only one that has ever eluded to your own chances of a Porn Star - and you've mad that reference before. Now I wouldn't want to discourage you from your dreams but it aint us saying it :) ...

Don't take it personally but you have fermented quite a hilarious thread and you should be proud of it - your perfectly timed *thuds* worked well :laughs: . As for potential ailments - I would not be in total fear of germs, just respect them - fishing with rubbermaids takes out some of the fun. Fish 'em Bare Hand or don't fish 'em at all :laughs: . You WILL occasionally cut yourself fishing, get poked by a fin or something, cleaning out wounds, neosporin, and a good shot history is good for 99.999999% of the time.

chris L 06-26-2003 07:23 AM

excuse me but prunes need to squshed between your toes to work properly . otherwise they just taste awful ! prunes need to be developed like a fine grape is for wine , with just a touch of toe jam .

A cherry bomb ! LOL
BOOM !!!!!

Now was that notaro or the cherry bomb ?

drinking might help but Im not condoning that unless your over 21 and already drinking ! hicup

bloocrab 06-26-2003 07:38 AM

P-uke!!...I can smell that hicup from here Chris....ya got Bud-breath...go floss!! ...will ya.....and I'm talking about your teeth!!!:bshake:

fishweewee 06-26-2003 07:59 AM

Chris, I dunno, think I'd like foot fungus as much as I'd like blue cheese in my prunes. :yak: :p

Sweetieface 06-26-2003 08:10 AM

#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&, you heard him, you're not blind.

He said KING, man, KING!

What's that formula for determining your porn star name?? Something like your first pet's name and your mothers maiden name????

jugstah 06-26-2003 08:14 AM

Let's not diss porn stars, guys!!!

They get a whole lotta fish!!!

bloocrab 06-26-2003 08:18 AM

hey sweeetie,,,,what's a porn star?

I've heard of a shooting star, but a porn star?? :confused:

edgumacate me, you sound like you know what your talking about.

NilsC 06-26-2003 08:24 AM


Originally posted by jugstah
Let's not diss porn stars, guys!!!

They get a whole lotta fish!!!

:laughs: :laughs: :laughs:

How did we get from Flesh eating bacteria to Porn stars... :smash: :smash: :smash:

where is my hanky, I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes again...

Notaro, you have a lot of friends here. Only friends would come up with so much <BS>. :D :D

I think this tread will be a classic, maybe beat the "Longest tread ever..." lol :laughs: :laughs:

Nils :cool: :D

Bliz 06-26-2003 08:24 AM

What kinds of music does one play as a sountrack for the genre spoken of by Notaro?...

The "Hokey Pokey" perhaps?... by Ray Anthony?

Any other suggestions?

Sweetieface 06-26-2003 08:24 AM

Well, bloo................see..................when a man and a woman REALLY like eachother...........................

Maybe I oughta PM you the whole birds/bees thing....don't want to offend the innocent ears in the room...

Hey Jugstah,

You can be the first Fisherman Porn Star.

Instead of being Dirk Diggler......maybe Jerk(bait) Jiggler!

(JerkBait is a fishing term, isn't it??) :(

MountainBreeze 06-26-2003 08:39 AM


Originally posted by Sweetieface
Well, bloo................see..................when a man and a woman REALLY like eachother...........................

:eek::topic: :eek:


Sweetieface 06-26-2003 09:05 AM


I'm thinking either the tune to Gilligans Island or the Love Boat.

or Fish Heads, or maybe.... eat them up, yum!

Bliz 06-26-2003 09:08 AM

You're good Sweetieface!!!

Maybe you're a bit TOO GOOD! :laughs:

jugstah 06-26-2003 09:40 AM


Sweetieface, perhaps you can be the anchorwoman for the very first "Naked Fishing Channel" on television, kind of like that Naked News tv show I've heard so much about.

And you can start a feature presentation on Notaro and his attempts to fight off germs with biosuits, armored suits, and what-not. And show people like Bloo what the birds and the bees are all about...



Hey Jugstah,

You can be the first Fisherman Porn Star.

Instead of being Dirk Diggler......maybe Jerk(bait) Jiggler!

(JerkBait is a fishing term, isn't it??) :(

Sweetieface 06-26-2003 09:54 AM

Yes, only instead of ME being a naked anchorman (woman, whatever), I'll sit under the desk and use naked Striper Sock Puppets.... yah, yah that's it.

The Day Is Mine, Trebek!
(who can tell me what that is from!?)

Sweetieface 06-26-2003 09:55 AM

PS -
Boy, if I had a nickel for everytime someone told me I should be a Naked Fishing Channel Anchorwoman...

Bliz 06-26-2003 09:59 AM

Dont know where it's from, but it sounds like whoever it was, they were dreaming about being on Jeopardy!

Better than being in Jeopardy I suppose...

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