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detbuch 04-08-2022 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225373)
Preliminary list of Jan 6th Lifers

Don Jr
Mark Meadows
Gen Mike Flynn
Roger Stone
Erik Prince
Rep Gosar
Gym Jordan
John Eastman
Sen Ron Johnson
Sidney Powell
Sen Graham
Qevin McCarthy
Jenna Ellis
Rep Perry
Ginny Thomas
Alex Jones
Rep Mo Brooks
My Pillow Guy
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Authoritarian Pete has a hit list.

Pete F. 04-09-2022 08:27 AM

If you’re wondering about the desperate attempts to change the topic yesterday by Republicans it was revealed that Don Jr. laid out the entire coup plan via text to Mark Meadows 2 days after the election. The conspiracy is falling apart. Have a nice day.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 04-09-2022 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225389)
If you’re wondering about the desperate attempts to change the topic yesterday by Republicans it was revealed that Don Jr. laid out the entire coup plan via text to Mark Meadows 2 days after the election. The conspiracy is falling apart. Have a nice day.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

This has no bearing on my day. But it does seem to have perked you up.

wdmso 04-09-2022 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1225397)
This has no bearing on my day. But it does seem to have perked you up.

It should matter if you actually care about America . And what was attempted by Trump and his supporters no matter how feeble the attempt looked

It’s really not hard you either support what they attempted or you don’t.. its a simple yes or no

No nuance response required
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 04-09-2022 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1225401)
It should matter if you actually care about America . And what was attempted by Trump and his supporters no matter how feeble the attempt looked

It’s really not hard you either support what they attempted or you don’t.. its a simple yes or no

No nuance response required
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I care if America can retain itself as a constitutional republic rather than completely becoming a centralized authoritarian state. I don't have a clear and proven picture of what totally occurred on Jan6. I do have a very clear picture of which direction our form of government is and has been going. I don't think Trump and his supporters being convicted of some crime will change our direction toward authoritarian centralization of government. And if he and they are actually guilty of crimes, they deserve just punishment. And if they are not proven guilty, then what will you say?

Pete F. 04-09-2022 11:05 AM

“It’s very simple. We have multiple paths. We control them all. We have operational control. Total leverage. Moral high ground. POTUS must start second term now.” - Junior’s text to Mark Meadows leading up to J6.
Every member of the GOP should be asked these questions: Did Trump control you then? Does he control you now?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 04-09-2022 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1225403)
I care if America can retain itself as a constitutional republic rather than completely becoming a centralized authoritarian state. I don't have a clear and proven picture of what totally occurred on Jan6. I do have a very clear picture of which direction our form of government is and has been going. I don't think Trump and his supporters being convicted of some crime will change our direction toward authoritarian centralization of government. And if he and they are actually guilty of crimes, they deserve just punishment. And if they are not proven guilty, then what will you say?

direction toward authoritarian centralization of governmen

we all know its not Dems leading the country down this road

“Deputizing private citizens to levy hefty monetary fines on the exercise of a disfavored but judicially recognized constitutional right for the purpose of evading court review undermines our constitutional form of government and weakens our collective liberties,”

what Party is doing this ... :thanks:

Jim in CT 04-09-2022 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1225414)
direction toward authoritarian centralization of governmen

we all know its not Dems leading the country down this road

“Deputizing private citizens to levy hefty monetary fines on the exercise of a disfavored but judicially recognized constitutional right for the purpose of evading court review undermines our constitutional form of government and weakens our collective liberties,”

what Party is doing this ... :thanks:

which party is routinely punishing americans for exercising their right to practice religion?

which party is constantly trying to silence the other side? preventing them from speaking on college campuses, censoring them from social

which party said that those speaking about hunters laptop ( which we KNOW was legit) were acting as russian agents?

which side says that every single person who disagrees with them about anything, is a hatemongwr and a racist?

let me guess…it’s ok when democrats do it.

you’re saying that republicans want a large federal government, not democrats. whew.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-09-2022 03:59 PM

The average fine for rape in Texas is $10,000.

The bail for having an abortion is $500,000.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-09-2022 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1225415)
which party is routinely punishing americans for exercising their right to practice religion?

which party is constantly trying to silence the other side? preventing them from speaking on college campuses, censoring them from social

which party said that those speaking about hunters laptop ( which we KNOW was legit) were acting as russian agents?

which side says that every single person who disagrees with them about anything, is a hatemongwr and a racist?

let me guess…it’s ok when democrats do it.

you’re saying that republicans want a large federal government, not democrats. whew.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

We can’t ban guns, banning never works. Regulation will never work either.

Also Republicans:
Gay kids- regulate em
Abortion- ban it
Women- regulate em
Muslim immigrants- ban em
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-09-2022 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225423)
We can’t ban guns, banning never works. Regulation will never work either.

Also Republicans:
Gay kids- regulate em
Abortion- ban it
Women- regulate em
Muslim immigrants- ban em
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

let me get this straight.

the republicans want to prevent democrats from ignoring the constitution and banning guns. the democrats want to pretend the second amendment exists, the op wants the feds to obey the constitution.

and that makes the gop the party of big government?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-09-2022 04:31 PM

If you want to claim that the Constitution should be envisioned as seen by the founders, you probably shouldn’t use gun rights as a hat rack.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-09-2022 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225425)
If you want to claim that the Constitution should be envisioned as seen by the founders, you probably shouldn’t use gun rights as a hat rack.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

what i’m claiming, is that it’s funny to say that the party that wants to keep the federal government limited by the constitution, they’re the authoritarians.

and you’re saying the party that wants the federal government to be able to decide when the constitution applies and when it doesn’t, they’re the party of an unobtrusive federal government.

sound crazy?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-09-2022 06:06 PM

Sure, for you like McConnell, whatever you need to do to advance your power and your party’s power right now is your definition of morality.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-09-2022 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225429)
Sure, for you like McConnell, whatever you need to do to advance your power and your party’s power right now is your definition of morality.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i’m the one saying no one can supercede the constitution. you’re saying democrats should be able to decide when the constitution applies and when it doesn’t.

you want the government to have control. i want the government to be a servant of the constitution. you’re the one who wants massively powerful federal government.

again, you’re some combination of stupid, lying, and crazy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-09-2022 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1225430)
i’m the one saying no one can supercede the constitution. you’re saying democrats should be able to decide when the constitution applies and when it doesn’t.

you want the government to have control. i want the government to be a servant of the constitution. you’re the one who wants massively powerful federal government.

again, you’re some combination of stupid, lying, and crazy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Tell me all about the Constitution and the rule of law

The former president's son and the former president's chief of staff and the former president's longtime political advisors and the former president's deputy attorney general all conspired to overturn an election to keep that former president in power? Got it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 04-09-2022 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225422)
The average fine for rape in Texas is $10,000.

The bail for having an abortion is $500,000.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Tricky Pete is playing with numbers.

Wow, Texas only fines people for rape? No jail time? Actually, for rape the fine is added to jail time of up to 99 years if convicted.

Any jail time for getting an abortion in Texas? Apparently not. Texas law allows civil suits against providers and abettors of abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. But not against the person getting the abortion. The Texas women in question here is being charged with murder. Perhaps that's the reason for the high bail amount and the possibility of jail time. Not all cases are given the same bail costs.

detbuch 04-09-2022 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1225414)
direction toward authoritarian centralization of governmen

we all know its not Dems leading the country down this road

“Deputizing private citizens to levy hefty monetary fines on the exercise of a disfavored but judicially recognized constitutional right for the purpose of evading court review undermines our constitutional form of government and weakens our collective liberties,”

what Party is doing this ... :thanks:

Actually, the law being questioned by the words in your quote, and were spoken by the man who signed bill into law, is not about centralizing government. It weakens the central governments power, dispersing it to the states, if the SCOTUS lets it stand. It is a STATE law, not a federal law.

That is not to say that Republicans have not supported Progressive policies, or not tried to pass unconstitutional laws. Republicans have done far less Progressive destruction of the Constitution then Democrats, and are far more likely than the Democrats to oppose the centralization of political power and growth of the federal government at the expense of the states. And Democrats are far more into the grips of Progressivism than Republicans. So it is that old bugbear of the lesser of two evils.

Jim in CT 04-10-2022 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225432)
Tell me all about the Constitution and the rule of law

The former president's son and the former president's chief of staff and the former president's longtime political advisors and the former president's deputy attorney general all conspired to overturn an election to keep that former president in power? Got it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

and congressional
democrats also tried to overturn a fair election in 2016.

why do you only care when the republicans did it?

if you could
just answer that very simple question, it would explain so much.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-10-2022 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225432)
Tell me all about the Constitution and the rule of law

The former president's son and the former president's chief of staff and the former president's longtime political advisors and the former president's deputy attorney general all conspired to overturn an election to keep that former president in power? Got it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

so according to you, the gop is the party that wants big federal government, and TX is soft on crime.

You say so…
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-10-2022 06:07 AM

Pete, you said TX fines people
$10k for sex crimes, but as detbuch has said, you left out the part that the fine accompanies jail sentences of 5 to 99 years.

How come you left that part out?

When you cherry luck like this, your exclusions always magically help democrats. one might almost think you’re lying intentionally in a desperate attempt to convince yourself that a disappointing election isn’t around the corner
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-10-2022 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1225437)
and congressional
democrats also tried to overturn a fair election in 2016.

why do you only care when the republicans did it?

if you could
just answer that very simple question, it would explain so much.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

One president’s son, Don jr, texted the WHCoS a strategy for illegally overturning an election to keep his father in office.

Another president’s son (Hunter Biden) is under investig for tax fraud related to various business deals of his own.

These are not equivalent.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-10-2022 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1225439)
Pete, you said TX fines people
$10k for sex crimes, but as detbuch has said, you left out the part that the fine accompanies jail sentences of 5 to 99 years.

How come you left that part out?

When you cherry luck like this, your exclusions always magically help democrats. one might almost think you’re lying intentionally in a desperate attempt to convince yourself that a disappointing election isn’t around the corner
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Welcome to Christo fascism it’s the evangelical version of the Taliban. Ladies, are you ready to be pushed back into the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant? Say goodbye to any rights earned over the years.

“Fundamentalist” “Evangelical” and “Catholic” American Churches have become “Political Organizations,” and are not “Religious Organizations” when they condone “incarceration of Americans defying their religious philosophies.”

There’s a woman charged with murder for an abortion.
Will they next charge any woman who has a miscarriage, who will decide?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-10-2022 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225440)
One president’s son, Don jr, texted the WHCoS a strategy for illegally overturning an election to keep his father in office.

Another president’s son (Hunter Biden) is under investig for tax fraud related to various business deals of his own.

These are not equivalent.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

so you can only discuss things that are exactly equivalent?

what’s next? is the gop the party of high taxes?

what about congressional
democrats trying to nullify the 2016 election to get what they wanted?

all recent presidents and their families are going to get rich. that’s not a huge story. the story with Hunter is the way the media intentionally covered it up to help biden win. no one disputed that

we don’t have an independent media like we need. foxnews is rooting for republicans, everyone else is rooting for democrats.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 04-10-2022 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1225434)
Actually, the law being questioned by the words in your quote, and were spoken by the man who signed bill into law, is not about centralizing government. It weakens the central governments power, dispersing it to the states, if the SCOTUS lets it stand. It is a STATE law, not a federal law.

That is not to say that Republicans have not supported Progressive policies, or not tried to pass unconstitutional laws. Republicans have done far less Progressive destruction of the Constitution then Democrats, and are far more likely than the Democrats to oppose the centralization of political power and growth of the federal government at the expense of the states. And Democrats are far more into the grips of Progressivism than Republicans. So it is that old bugbear of the lesser of two evils.

No the quote was from a judge who issued a stay.

Then you have Texas woman charged with murder for ‘self-induced abortion’

How would government be aware of a self induced abortion?

I doubt progressivism is as dangerous as your suggesting

I saw this

Modern conservatives don’t fear technology, they oppose new technologies that harm their friends. Put simply: renewable energy is a threat to the mining industry,oil and gas industry
Make perfect sense

Their against Gays and abortion and Transgenders . Again because they think it harms their base who are Heavily White, Religious and They prefer authoritarianism to democracy
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-10-2022 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1225444)
No the quote was from a judge who issued a stay.

Then you have Texas woman charged with murder for ‘self-induced abortion’

How would government be aware of a self induced abortion?

I doubt progressivism is as dangerous as your suggesting

I saw this

Modern conservatives don’t fear technology, they oppose new technologies that harm their friends. Put simply: renewable energy is a threat to the mining industry,oil and gas industry
Make perfect sense

Their against Gays and abortion and Transgenders . Again because they think it harms their base who are Heavily White, Religious and They prefer authoritarianism to democracy
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

conservatives don’t oppose green. energy. we oppose stupid policies. today, it’s stupid to not use our natural resources we’ve been blessed with. if we don’t produce our own gas, we have to buy it from some terrible places. so it doesn’t help the environment, it just strengthens the worst countries in the planet.

what’s the upside to that? what’s the upside to the US buying oil from russia and OPEC instead of getting it here? please explain?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-10-2022 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1225442)
so you can only discuss things that are exactly equivalent?

what’s next? is the gop the party of high taxes?

what about congressional
democrats trying to nullify the 2016 election to get what they wanted?

all recent presidents and their families are going to get rich. that’s not a huge story. the story with Hunter is the way the media intentionally covered it up to help biden win. no one disputed that

we don’t have an independent media like we need. foxnews is rooting for republicans, everyone else is rooting for democrats.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Not too many years from now, few people will remember Hunter Biden.

But as long as America stands, and perhaps even longer, people will remember the former guy was impeached twice and tried to end our constitutional democracy. And the legal system isn't even done with him yet.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-10-2022 09:21 AM

Fox News is rooting for Republicans?

Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News sells fear.

Fox & the Republicans work together, and relentlessly hype phantom menaces.

GOPs platform is tax cuts for the rich, low wages for the working class and middle class, and corporations can wreck the environment for profit.

2010 Death panels are coming
2014 Sharia law is coming
2018 Caravans are coming
2022 Critical race theory is coming
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-10-2022 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1225447)
conservatives don’t oppose green. energy. we oppose stupid policies. today, it’s stupid to not use our natural resources we’ve been blessed with. if we don’t produce our own gas, we have to buy it from some terrible places. so it doesn’t help the environment, it just strengthens the worst countries in the planet.

what’s the upside to that? what’s the upside to the US buying oil from russia and OPEC instead of getting it here? please explain?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Are you proposing we get rid of the Jones Act?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-10-2022 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1225449)
Not too many years from now, few people will remember Hunter Biden.

But as long as America stands, and perhaps even longer, people will remember the former guy was impeached twice and tried to end our constitutional democracy. And the legal system isn't even done with him yet.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

won’t remember much about hunter i agree. that’s because there are 35 bigger Biden flops/disasters/policy failures that people will remember.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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