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Jim in CT 09-02-2014 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1049927)
" Beyond anything we've ever seen."

"JV" and another round of golf, or back to Washington for a National Securities
meeting? What say you?

"What say you?"

What say I?...Hmmm...

I remember Obama's comments concerning the Iraq Surge, which he opposed and derided, refused to admit is was succeeding, and when he could deny it no longer, he said something like "it exceeded everybody's expectations". Actually, it did precisely what the military expected it would do, but Obama's original expectations, since they were based on ideology instead of military logic, coul dnot have been more wqrong.

I remember the jillion dollar stimulus package, which Obama said would keep unemployment below 8% and woudl fund all these shovel ready jobs. When the dust settled, unemployment went much higher than 8%, and Obama LAUGHINGLY said that those jobs weren't as shovel-ready as he originally thought. Once again, his predictions could not have been more wrong.

And here, he dismisses ISIS as a "JV" squad.

Obviously, no one is perfect, and of course I am biased because I absolutely despise everything about Obama. But these were major, major issues, and not only was he not right, it would almost be impossible for him to have been more wrong.

This is, predictably, what you get when you elect a guy who has absolutely no track record of accomplishing anything significant. Community organizer in Chicago? i'm not sure what that means exactly, but whatever it was he did in Chicago, it doesn't appear to have been all that effective at improving conditions there.

There are lots of ideas that sound absolutely fantastic in an Ivy League faculty room, but which fail miserably in the real world. Being educated is a fine thing, but it needs to be combined with SOME real-world experience.

The giuy can't get one right, not even by accident. Everything he touches, turns to vomit.

Jim in CT 09-02-2014 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by CTSurfrat (Post 1049935)
It amazes me how he can disregard the extreme criticizing he has been receiving from both sides of the aisle!

He doesn't disregard it when it comes from the right. When it comes from the right, he accuses it of being hate-based and racist. I'd be happier if he ignored me, than if he called me a hate-mongering racist. "Republicans in the House, you've got to stop hating al the time". That's the guy who I'm supposed to believe is interested in representing me?

Jim in CT 09-02-2014 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1050481)
I think it's pretty silly to think the Administration has been ignoring the issue for 2 years. We've been trying to get the Iraqi government to take some responsibility in the matter. How are we supposed to take the blame for military acting French?

This stuff has been brewing for so long but you can't resist the opportunity to blame blame blame rather than think about what we can and should do. It's a very complex situation with no easy options.

The positive side to things being this dangerous is that the other Arab nations are finally waking up to the monsters they've helped create.

What about the summer suit? No outrage about the suit?


Spence, the point is, Obama dismissed ISIS as a non-threat when he referred to them as "the JV". Obama also mocked Romney for stating that Russia was a threat to be taken seriously (the 1980's called, they want their foreign policy back. Haw haw haw!! tell that to the Ukranians...

It's almost comical how incompetent the guy is, how deep he is in over his head. Bill Clinton, for all his faults, realized when it was time to put his ideoilogy aside and listen to Newt Gingrich when Gingrich was clearly correct. Obama cannot, or will not, do that. Amazing.

Jim in CT 09-02-2014 01:42 PM

Also, I recall that Obama sent Eric Holder and some other brass from the Attorney General's office to Ferguson. Has Eric Holder been sent to Mexico to find out what the hell is going on with the Marine that's been jailed there for months? What about the Pakistani doctor, who risked his neck to help us catch Bin Laden, and we sit by while Pakistan throws this guy in jail for treason?

Spence, is this how we treat those who risk everything, literally risk everything, to help us?

I don't get it. I just don't get it. I guess you have to have a Harvard degree to understand why that's actually brilliant foreign policy.

I thought Obama's charm, as opposed to Bush's brutality, was supposed to make countries like us more? I'm sure that jailed marine and the Pakistani doctor, take great comfort in knowing that Obama is so skilled at ensuring that other countries become productive allies of ours.

Go ahead Spence, tell me where I'm wrong, and why these are actually brilliant moves by your man-crush.

buckman 09-02-2014 02:14 PM

Clearly ,as Biden put it " one of Our proudest achievements "
These people are so busy baffling people with bull #^&#^&#^&#^& they can't concentrate on the truth anymore .
We all know that person that lies so often they make #^&#^&#^&#^& up to cover for there lies and refuse to aknowledge the truth . Apparently that type of behavior can make you President some day .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Fly Rod 09-02-2014 03:14 PM

Closer to home, where was the out cry from Holder and Obama when just about a week ago in Dorchester, Dawn Jaffier was shot dead while marching. Here is a girl loved by her community. She loved working with kids.

I guess she did not count because it was black on black

afterhours 09-02-2014 03:16 PM

I know someone who works for ob on a daily basis- says he's become more arrogant than before, if that's possible. still can't believe we (not me) elected this clown- twice. show those corksuckers isis we love them by sending them some hallmark cruise missles. gotta kill it before it grows and comes here.

Fly Rod 09-03-2014 05:52 AM

Where was Obama, Holder and the FBI when the Austrialan baseball player in Oaklahoma was murdered by 3 black youths who said they had nothing better to do? It was difinitly racial. One even tweeted how he hated whites.

Matter of fact, Y was there no white protest on the streets?

nightfighter 09-03-2014 06:51 AM

I just read a headline and story..... "Obama wants to make ISIS a "manageable problem"" OK. There you go. He has his strategy......WTF

buckman 09-03-2014 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by nightfighter (Post 1050686)
I just read a headline and story..... "Obama wants to make ISIS a "manageable problem"" OK. There you go. He has his strategy......WTF

It's his " never take a position " policy. It is a disgrace that a man with no spine ,is the leader of such a great nation.
Now we find out that he has been warned , in daily briefings , of the threat ISIS has posed, for over a year now .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 09-03-2014 09:42 AM

A response is what Isis wants. These videos are baiting tactics to bring us into Iraq and Syria. Doing this would only empower them more. That said, Obama sure looks like a lame duck these days.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

buckman 09-03-2014 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1050699)
A response is what Isis wants. These videos are baiting tactics to bring us into Iraq and Syria. Doing this would only empower them more. That said, Obama sure looks like a lame duck these days.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pretty arrogant and stupid move on their part if that is their hope.
If we have a get a leader who will let the US take off the gloves and use the firepower that we have they will be annihilated in short order.
I would start with a couple 500 pounders drifting down onto our evacuted embassies .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Nebe 09-03-2014 10:40 AM

And when 10 or 30 innocent civilians die from those bombs, what happens next.

This is a delicate situation that requires delicate action. Pouring gasoline on a fire comes to mind.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

buckman 09-03-2014 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1050709)
And when 10 or 30 innocent civilians die from those bombs, what happens next.

This is a delicate situation that requires delicate action. Pouring gasoline on a fire comes to mind.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

War is ugly . We didn't ask to be in it . Your thinking ends up getting more people killed in the long run.
I don't know if you've been watching the news, but they're killing thousands of innocent people .
The United States armed forces are extremely good at doing two things. Killing the enemy and destroying their infrastructure . If you don't let them do that then we will not succeed. We have several wars in recent history to prove that.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Raven 09-03-2014 11:48 AM

they don't have all the toys we have
fly's on the wall

Jim in CT 09-03-2014 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 1050709)
And when 10 or 30 innocent civilians die from those bombs, what happens next.

This is a delicate situation that requires delicate action. Pouring gasoline on a fire comes to mind.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

That scenario is ugly, and it's what Israel faces every single day. But you have to protect yuorselves and do what's right.

It's ugly. But one thing history has taught us is this...when you decide to go in in a situation like this, you go in all the way or you don't go at all. Half-measures will never work. Obama is doing airstrikes, and I give him credit for that. But if ISIS is the threat they seem to be, it's time to send in the cavalry and kill as many as we possibly can, avoiding civilian casualties when possible, living with the consequences when it's not possible.

It's awful, but it's necessary. There is more to being President that golfing and fund-raising and hob-nobbing with the swells on Martha's Vineyard. Maybe we shouldn't have chosen someone who constantly voted "present" as a state senator, because he din't have the courage to take a position and act on it.

FishermanTim 09-04-2014 12:59 PM

Sounds like we need a "glass-lined" parking lot in that region.
Since we're dealing with uncivilized animals that live their pathetic lives via the internet, maybe we can show them exactly what a "long distance" reply really looks and feels like?
Sure, an ICBM isn't as fast as the web, but it will make much more of an "impact" when it arrives, and we can send them just as easily as an email.

Raven 09-04-2014 06:19 PM

every single piece of equipment we gave to the IRAQ
military should have had a tracking element built into
the metal (non removable) so selecting them later as targets
if STOLEN would be as easy as pie.

justplugit 09-05-2014 11:01 AM

Great idea Rav, a GPS in every piece of heavy armament.

justplugit 09-05-2014 11:04 AM

I think we should send a message to isis with a few B2's loaded with 1000 lb bombs on 9/11/.

afterhours 09-05-2014 03:54 PM

so let me get this right, we know where the isis headquarters is in Raqqa Syria and it still stands ?????? neither borders nor walls should be able to shield those sob's.

FishermanTim 09-08-2014 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by afterhours (Post 1050908)
so let me get this right, we know where the isis headquarters is in Raqqa Syria and it still stands ?????? neither borders nor walls should be able to shield those sob's.

You mean you don't want to "talk" with them, to try and reach some peaceful solution? Apparently our leaders seem to want to.

I say send them back to the dark ages, and let those that survive discover fire and the wheel all over again!!!

justplugit 09-08-2014 11:41 AM

Every decision Obama makes is based on what's best for him politically.
Having known and been briefed on isis for over a year he waits until our citizen is beheaded before acknowledging they are a threat ,hoping nothing would happen before the November elections, imho.

God forbid he upset the left by being out in front of this building a coalition
over the last year to deal with them. Well he's got a crisis on his hands now and let's see how Holder's belief "never let a crisis go to waste " will serve him this time.

justplugit 09-17-2014 05:52 PM

What happened, all the Libs decided at one time that a Fishing site
is no place to have a Political Forum ? :huh: :)

Raven 09-17-2014 06:48 PM

they just need a little lead flying around their neighborhood is all

mission creep-> mission creep.... thats the bottom
give it time...

heck if we can spend a trillion on a war on drugs
than we haven't even got started yet .... over there...

gas should be cheap

striperman36 09-17-2014 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by justplugit (Post 1051129)
Every decision Obama makes is based on what's best for him politically.
Having known and been briefed on isis for over a year he waits until our citizen is beheaded before acknowledging they are a threat ,hoping nothing would happen before the November elections, imho.

God forbid he upset the left by being out in front of this building a coalition
over the last year to deal with them. Well he's got a crisis on his hands now and let's see how Holder's belief "never let a crisis go to waste " will serve him this time.

He's doing the same thing on Immigration, hold out until after the mid-terms.

So now that he's in flying missions with meat in the cockpit. What happens if one of them has to bail out over ISIS held land, no boots on the ground to rescue? This will get worse, the only way to fight these people are to kill them and every foreign national fighting with them

justplugit 09-18-2014 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 1051830)

mission creep-> mission creep.... thats the bottom
give it time...

Yes, at least until after the Election in November, and maybe even after
the one in 2016.

spence 09-19-2014 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1050506)
And our military understood and told Obama that it was too soon to withdraw all troops. It warned him that there was a definite possibility that the Iraqi military would act French.

You're making the assumption the President didn't want to leave a residual force. By Obama's own words we did but the Iraqi's didn't.

People need to look at the constraints in the decision and not just fall back on what's now a talking point.

I'm not sure having troops there would have been a magic fix anyway. ISIS would still have likely crossed the border and dragged us right back into a large scale confrontation even faster. We'd quite likely be in it mostly alone versus the global action that's forming.


They have been aware of the monsters for a long time. Why do you think they usually resort to tyrannical regimes? To mollify the "good" Muslims? It has always been "this dangerous." And the only way to suppress the monsters has been the way of all tyrannies--force, coercion, suppression, pandering. It has been the "easy" option. Individual freedom and responsibility has not been inherent in their cultural and societal identities. A free people would have long ago revolted and taken "Responsibility" for self governance.
Yes, I'm sure the Iraqi Muslims who openly thanked Jim were just repressed savages.

Didn't the first Islamic Caliphate bring about great advances in mathematics, astronomy and medicine while their western counterparts were sacking neighboring villages and fending off Vikings?

The dictatorships associated with the Middle East today are as much a product of Western conquest and geopolitics as they are self determination. It's a lens that's convenient to drop...

spence 09-19-2014 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by striperman36 (Post 1051842)
So now that he's in flying missions with meat in the cockpit. What happens if one of them has to bail out over ISIS held land, no boots on the ground to rescue? This will get worse, the only way to fight these people are to kill them and every foreign national fighting with them

I'm sure there would be boots on the ground for a rescue mission. A big variable is what kind of anti-aircraft equipment they've been able to acquire.

buckman 09-19-2014 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1051942)
You're making the assumption the President didn't want to leave a residual force. By Obama's own words we did but the Iraqi's didn't

Really !!
Anybody with a Facebook page has seen Obama's own words taking credit for removing the troops as he had promised.
Or are they being taken out of context ?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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