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Pete F. 03-29-2022 07:58 PM

Here’s another reminder of what has long been obvious:

in the war between Ukraine and Russia, between Western freedom and authoritarian aggression, Donald Trump is on the anti-American side

he's the former president,
but not only that

Trump is the leader of the Republican Party TODAY
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-29-2022 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224879)
Here’s another reminder of what has long been obvious:

Authoritarian, omniscient Pete is reminding us about what is obvious. This is of immeasurable importance and benefit to the rest of us whom he understands are incapable of seeing or remembering the obvious.

n the war between Ukraine and Russia, between Western freedom and authoritarian aggression, Donald Trump is on the anti-American side

Authoritarian omniscient Pete obviously knows what side Trump is on. Trump has said he is anti-American many times.
At least, it is conjectured that that is what he said.

he's the former president,
but not only that

Authoritarian Pete is reminding us again what has long been obvious.

Trump is the leader of the Republican Party TODAY
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Wow, that is so impressive! How he knows stuff we are not aware of. One of the inherent powers of the authoritarian mind, no doubt. Authoritarians think well of themselves. They just know so much.

Pete F. 03-29-2022 09:32 PM

“Our partner Trump” is a phrase that will live in infamy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-29-2022 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224883)
“Our partner Trump” is a phrase that will live in infamy.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Authoritarian Pete echos sentiments expressed by one of America's most successful Constitution busting authoritarians, FDR, who was a sort of Stalin's puppet. You and he have much in common, none of which is an original American characteristic.

Pete F. 03-29-2022 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1224884)
Authoritarian Pete echos sentiments expressed by one of America's most successful Constitution busting authoritarians, FDR, who was a sort of Stalin's puppet. You and he have much in common, none of which is an original American characteristic.

Speaking of Originalism, both it and you are frauds.

It was conceived to be, and has turned out to be, a smokescreen for imposing arch-conservative social and political values on Americans who don’t share them.

Scalia was not an originalist, neither is Thomas. They are result-driven in the extreme.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-29-2022 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224886)
Speaking of Originalism, both it and you are frauds.

It was conceived to be, and has turned out to be, a smokescreen for imposing arch-conservative social and political values on Americans who don’t share them.

Scalia was not an originalist, neither is Thomas. They are result-driven in the extreme.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Arch-authoritarian Pete expounds on Originalism and convincingly exposes it and me as frauds. And he knows, because he is the authority, that, in spite of what has been written (no doubt by fraudulent experts) that Scalia and Thomas are not Originalists. That they are extremely and fraudulently driven to produce results. No doubt they lack the murky nuances of Progressive interpretation in which results are a matter of opinion.

Pete is a master of opinion, and conjecture . . .

wdmso 03-30-2022 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1224874)
i want election integrity, which is guaranteed if you require bids to vote and get an absinthe ballot. i’m not lying.

it’s also not lying to say that democrats oppose these simple and obvious steps to ensure integrity. again, it’s normal
to wonder why.

it’s not racist, or even political, to advocate for ids.

i’m not saying the gop doesn’t play games. sadly, they do. but ids are so obvious, it’s suspicious to resist it.

you’re reaction, as always, is that everything is ok when the left does it.

if you put a bunch of non-political
problem solvers i’m a room, and asked how they’d ensure election integrity, every one of them would say voter ids are the single
most important thing. there’s no argument against it.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim Voter ID laws go back to 1950, when South Carolina became the first state to start requesting identification from voters at the polls.

Many state had some form of voter ID the Republicans started pushing for stricter laws

And if you look at the states Trump lost. They all had voter ID .
Just proving the election integrity laws some states are pushing is no restrict voting

Look at Texas they have had Non-strict, photo I’d even in 2021. Then Trump lost and they saw the voter Turn out it the state and went bananas , DNA

Jim my issue isn’t with the need to show an ID in my town An election person ask my address finds it in a book ask my name matches it then draws a red line thru it. It’s been the same way for over 50 years . No problems and if the decided to change it to require an Strict photo ID . Based only that a candidate won or lost or some crazy was claiming mass voter fraud then I have a problem with that..

And that’s all these states did they saw Trump lose and then changed the laws to protect against something that didn’t happen ,

But since the base believe the lie the cowardly Reps went along with it
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 03-30-2022 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224875)
Meanwhile on Russian state TV:

Host Evgeny Popov says it's time for the Russian people to call on Americans to change "the regime in the U.S." before its term expires "and to again help our partner Trump to become President."
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Head over to newsmax the removal of Biden is in any comment section involving Ukraine! And good luck finding that suggestion about Putin

Conservatives were outrage that Biden said Putin shouldn’t stay in power .
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 03-30-2022 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1224896)
Jim Voter ID laws go back to 1950, when South Carolina became the first state to start requesting identification from voters at the polls.

Many state had some form of voter ID the Republicans started pushing for stricter laws

And if you look at the states Trump lost. They all had voter ID .
Just proving the election integrity laws some states are pushing is no restrict voting

Look at Texas they have had Non-strict, photo I’d even in 2021. Then Trump lost and they saw the voter Turn out it the state and went bananas , DNA

Jim my issue isn’t with the need to show an ID in my town An election person ask my address finds it in a book ask my name matches it then draws a red line thru it. It’s been the same way for over 50 years . No problems and if the decided to change it to require an Strict photo ID . Based only that a candidate won or lost or some crazy was claiming mass voter fraud then I have aBut since the base believe the lie problem with that..

And that’s all these states did they saw Trump lose and then changed the laws to protect against something that didn’t happen ,

the cowardly Reps went along with it
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Do you have any idea, how often you respond to something I never said?

I am aware that many states have voter id laws. I never said otherwise. What I said, and I am correct, is that conservatives generally want more common voter id, and liberals generally want less of it. And that it's natural to be suspicious of anyone who'd oppose something so obvious.

I don't support voter id laws because I think they will help republicans win more often. I have no idea if that's true or not. I support voter id laws because they make obvious sense, and because there's no conceivable reason to oppose them, unless you think your side will benefit by not having them.

I'm not obsessed with my side winning every single election, every single year. It's healthy if the pendulum swings back and forth a little.

"But since the base believe the lie..."

What lie are you claiming that I believe? Please be specific.

You don't even know what it is that you're disagreeing with. If I said "two plus two is four", you'd say that was a republican lie. You thoughtlessly, reflexively, instantly conclude that every syllable uttered by every republican is a sinister lie. It's a stupid, simplistic, demonstrably false view of reality.

Liberals tend to oppose id laws, even claiming that they are racist, which is deranged, unless the process to get id is easier for whites than it is for blacks.

The Dad Fisherman 03-30-2022 08:53 AM

"then changed the laws to protect against something that didn’t happen"

Kinda like passing a law that makes lynching a federal crime......because that was happening every day in this country until Biden and Co. stepped in and fixed it. :rolleyes:
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 03-30-2022 09:03 AM

Ahmaud Arbery was murdered or, more accurately, lynched
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 03-30-2022 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1224896)
and then changed the laws to protect against something that didn’t happen ,

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You guys complain that only 50% of the country trusts elections, then you bash the single idea that would restore confidence.

The Dad Fisherman 03-30-2022 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224901)
Ahmaud Arbery was murdered or, more accurately, lynched
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Just Stop! Seriously
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 03-30-2022 10:22 AM

I suppose if three people chase down another and murder him, it's what? Suicide by ????????

Now the Right wants national ID cards, so only card carrying members are allowed to vote.
No big government there.

wdmso 03-30-2022 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1224902)
You guys complain that only 50% of the country trusts elections, then you bash the single idea that would restore confidence.

Jim you keep skipping over the party who has created this panic and the skepticism around the elections .. all based on a lie and pure dishonesty..

And Trump trying to steal the election is a major concern in that 50% and lack of trust in the election

If you can’t trust your own POTUS who can you Trust
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 03-30-2022 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1224906)
Jim you keep skipping over the party who has created this panic and the skepticism around the elections .. all based on a lie and pure dishonesty..

And Trump trying to steal the election is a major concern in that 50% and lack of trust in the election

If you can’t trust your own POTUS who can you Trust
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I agree the GOP is beating this drum. But from what one of you guys posted, it doesn't look like independents are all that confident.

Let me ask you this...the upside to universal voter id law, is that it increases the integrity. What's the downside, exactly?

"And Trump trying to steal the election is a major concern"

But as we'd expect, it's not concerning to you when congressional democrats tried to steal the 2016 election. Shocker.

A Harvard poll (Harvard isn't a right wing school) has Trump beating Biden by 7 points. It's all amazing, actually. Americans say they like Trumps policies, then they elect Biden in a landslide, now they all soured on Biden. We are pretty fickle and stupid, collectively...

As much as I pray Trump doesn't run again, if he did and would almost be worth it to see the left's reaction.

wdmso 03-30-2022 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1224907)
I agree the GOP is beating this drum. But from what one of you guys posted, it doesn't look like independents are all that confident.

Let me ask you this...the upside to universal voter id law, is that it increases the integrity. What's the downside, exactly?

"And Trump trying to steal the election is a major concern"

But as we'd expect, it's not concerning to you when congressional democrats tried to steal the 2016 election. Shocker.

A Harvard poll (Harvard isn't a right wing school) has Trump beating Biden by 7 points. It's all amazing, actually. Americans say they like Trumps policies, then they elect Biden in a landslide, now they all soured on Biden. We are pretty fickle and stupid, collectively...

As much as I pray Trump doesn't run again, if he did and would almost be worth it to see the left's reaction.

you saw the list ... and the vast majority of states require some form of ID ..

Its only red states that keep moving the goalposts based on there self created Voter fraud

Kinda like In Fla the no Gay bill being sold as protection of children
will prohibit primary school teachers from classroom instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity,

which is not happening! i repeat not happening anywhere in FLA or the Nation just like CRT imagine that... or banning trans from girl sports suggesting its a rampant problem

Id like to Ask Ron why is this law needed NOW? Seeing Republicans Have controlled the Governorship . and the Senate and House in the state since 1999... are they suggesting the state board of education is complicit and has allowed and encouraged this outrage the Ron needed to Correct ?? it's just an election Stunt and the Base is taking it hook line and sinker :rollem:

Jim in CT 03-30-2022 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1224910)

Kinda like In Fla the no Gay bill being sold as protection of children
will prohibit primary school teachers from classroom instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity,

which is not happening! i repeat not happening anywhere in FLA or the Nation just like CRT imagine that... or banning trans from girl sports suggesting its a rampant problem

Id like to Ask Ron why is this law needed NOW? Seeing Republicans Have controlled the Governorship . and the Senate and House in the state since 1999... are they suggesting the state board of education is complicit and has allowed and encouraged this outrage the Ron needed to Correct ?? it's just an election Stunt and the Base is taking it hook line and sinker :rollem:

"In Fla the no Gay bill"

Obviously you haven't read it. The bill doesn't have the word gay or homosexual in it. The bill forbids talking about sexuality of any kind (including heterosexuality, also banned) from grades K-3.

Is that really so outrageous? I was 4 when I started kindergarten.

You want 4 year-olds to be subjected to discussions on sexuality in school? That's important to you?

Why do you call it the no gay bill, if it also bans discussion of heterosexuality?

"which is not happening! i repeat not happening anywhere in FLA or the Nation"

Demonstrably, 100% lie. The last year that my kids were in public school, the town forced kids to watch a video about homosexuality, it showed two young boys making out (not a cartoon, it was real). The video (which parents were not notified about ahead of time), encouraged students to start and/or join gay advocacy groups.

If you google "teachers sexuality elementary school", you'll see as many examples as you like.

I can't imagine from where you got the idea that sexuality isn't being pushed in some elementary schools.

And the bill does nothing, absolutely nothing, to discriminate against gays.

I got fooled my reading false news not long ago, I was fooled into thinking that Bidens SCOTUS nominee ruled as a judge that pro lifers couldn't march. You told me I was wrong, and you were right, I was wrong. You are similarly wrong here. Let's see if you can admit it.

"just like CRT"

Again,. wrong. Irrefutable that kids were taught things like the notion that being born white bestows one with guilt or culpability. Whether it's called "CRT" anywhere, is irrelevant. It's teaching CRT.

"why is this law needed NOW?"

One of the very few benefits to covid, is that when kids were home for 18 months, and parents were also home, is that MANY parents saw for the first time, what's being taught in their schools. This issue has a heightened awareness right now. The left is losing its marbles right now. And obviously, he's playing to his base, politics is part of it obviously.

Not a good post for you, chock full of demonstrable falsehoods.

Did you answer my question, whats
the harm of universal id laws?

wayne,?if there’s no voter fraud then there’s no reason to not support voter id laws, i less it’s harder for blacks to get ids, which we know isn’t the case.

if sexuality is never discussed in any elementary school, then there’s no reason to oppose Desantis’ law, because it wouldn’t change anything.

And if CRT isn’t being taught, there’s no reason to oppose laws banning it, because again, he law wouldn’t change a thing.

there’s a reason why people
oppose such things.

these are huge losing issues for your side. don’t you understand that the whole
country isn’t like San Francisco?

Jim in CT 03-30-2022 04:25 PM

wayne, you say sexuality is t taught anywhere ( you even used an exclamation point!).
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 03-30-2022 05:23 PM

Trump on tape now asking Putin to help dig up dirt on the Biden’s, so almost everyone with a moral bone in their body condemns Putin for the brutality he is inflicting on innocent civilians and our former president is still on the hook to his bromance buddy.

Pete F. 03-30-2022 06:09 PM

Imagine if Biden went on TV and said that he’d be willing to work with Russia over the “Ukraine thing” if Putin “does us a favor” and releases everything he has on Trump. Do you think republicans would just say “no big deal”?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 03-30-2022 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224917)
Imagine if Biden went on TV and said that he’d be willing to work with Russia over the “Ukraine thing” if Putin “does us a favor” and releases everything he has on Trump. Do you think republicans would just say “no big deal”?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

i’d be happy imagining him on tv and not slipping with some insane gaffe,,like saying putin can’t stay in power or saying that the US will use chemical weapons if russia does, or telling the 82nd airborne that they’ll see ukraine. i’d be happy if he could avoid saying things that insane. they‘re batsh*t crazy things to say.

he’s deteriorating before the worlds eyes.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 03-30-2022 09:02 PM

I think the ease with which Putin conquered the GOP led to his hubris in attacking Ukraine. Zelensky & the Ukrainian people are not amoral morons like Trump & his supporters. They have something the GOP lacks, integrity and a backbone.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 03-30-2022 09:05 PM

Meanwhile on Russian state TV: Another translated clip of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard, introduced by state TV host Vladimir Soloviev as "Our girlfriend Tulsi."

After the clip plays, one panelist asks: "Is she some sort of a Russian agent?" The host quickly replies: "Yes."
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-30-2022 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224923)
I think the ease with which Putin conquered the GOP led to his hubris in attacking Ukraine.

So if attacking Ukraine depended on conquering the GOP, why did he wait for the GOP to lose power and attack when the Democrat Party was in power? Had he already conquered the Democrats? Not that I expect you to make sense, but what you say here makes no sense.

Zelensky & the Ukrainian people are not amoral morons like Trump & his supporters. They have something the GOP lacks, integrity and a backbone.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

There are no amoral moronic Ukrainians? I've heard a fair amount of them are NAZIs. That many of them are pro-Russian and want to break away from Ukraine and join Russia. That Ukraine has for a long time been rife with corruption, and even Biden threatened them if they did not clean up their act.

And, of course, the GOP is so spineless that it's putting up no resistance to the Democrat agenda and is falling all over itself to give the Dems every little thing they want--absolutely no backbone ... right?

And of course, The elephant party is so full of integrity that it created a magnificent hoax full of scandalous rumors innuendos and dossiers, while also spewing out a continuous stream of wonderfully corrosive lies that invested the time and money of the American people during the previous five years.

I had been thinking that you deliberately tell propagandistic lies, but now I'm wondering if you actually believe the nonsense that you spout.

Pete F. 03-31-2022 04:14 AM

Things not on Hunter’s laptop or Hillary’s emails:
—A PowerPoint presentation to overthrow the U.S. gov’t
—17 boxes of stolen classified docs from the WH
—The translator notes from Trump’s Putin meetings
—An executive order to seize voting machines
—Deleted WH call logs from 1/6
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 03-31-2022 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1224921)
i’d be happy imagining him on tv and not slipping with some insane gaffe,,like saying putin can’t stay in power or saying that the US will use chemical weapons if russia does,

he’s deteriorating before the worlds eyes.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

So let me get this correct Putin invades Ukraine bombs civilians hospitals schools threatens to use nukes and chemical weapons

And you think Biden saying putin can’t stay in power is some insane gaffe

Republicans once again attack their own POTUS this time for being to tough on Putin

and please get informed Biden stated if Russia used chemical weapons we nato would respond! Biden never said we’ll respond with chemical weapons he said we would respond in kind
Stop the misinformation
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 03-31-2022 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1224933)
So let me get this correct Putin invades Ukraine bombs civilians hospitals schools threatens to use nukes and chemical weapons

And you think Biden saying putin can’t stay in power is some insane gaffe

Republicans once again attack their own POTUS this time for being to tough on Putin

and please get informed Biden stated if Russia used chemical weapons we nato would respond! Biden never said we’ll respond with chemical weapons he said we would respond in kind
Stop the misinformation
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

"And you think Biden saying putin can’t stay in power is some insane gaffe "

Not just me. Do you pay attention to ANYTHING? Several people in the Biden administration had to clarify that Biden didn't mean what he said.

"Biden never said we’ll respond with chemical weapons he said we would respond in kind"

Umm...what do you think "in kind" means, if its's a response to Russia's use of chemical weapons? Again, the administration had to go out there and tell the world that Biden didn't mean what he said.

Here's the google definition of "in kind" (look it up!) - "in the same way".

So if Russia uses chemical weapons, and Biden says we'd respond "in mind", any honest person admits that Biden is saying we'd respond with chemical weapons. We'd never, ever do that...But Biden explicitly said we would.

you're denying what "in kind" means, for political convenience, because you can't just admit he slipped up.

Cambridge dictionary - "If you do something in kind, you do the same thing to someone that they have just done to you."

wdmso 03-31-2022 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1224936)
"And you think Biden saying putin can’t stay in power is some insane gaffe "

Not just me. Do you pay attention to ANYTHING? Several people in the Biden administration had to clarify that Biden didn't mean what he said.

"Biden never said we’ll respond with chemical weapons he said we would respond in kind"

Umm...what do you think "in kind" means, if its's a response to Russia's use of chemical weapons? Again, the administration had to go out there and tell the world that Biden didn't mean what he said.

Here's the google definition of "in kind" (look it up!) - "in the same way".

So if Russia uses chemical weapons, and Biden says we'd respond "in mind", any honest person admits that Biden is saying we'd respond with chemical weapons. We'd never, ever do that...But Biden explicitly said we would.

you're denying what "in kind" means, for political convenience, because you can't just admit he slipped up.

Cambridge dictionary - "If you do something in kind, you do the same thing to someone that they have just done to you."

clearly you're not one of the honest people whom your claim clearly understand Biden ment chemical weapons

We will do the Same or in Kind Jim we will Attack the russians if they use chemical weapons ! However your in a fantasy world if you think Biden or Nato suggested they would use chemicals weapons as a response its not ours or natos to use chemicals so carelessly if at all

NATO Deputy-General Secretary Mircea Geoana said in an interview with The Associated Press that the group would respond if Russia used chemical or nuclear weapons in its war against Ukraine.

“NATO is a defensive alliance, but also it’s a nuclear alliance,” said Geoana, who is also the former Romanian foreign minister and ambassador to the United States. “If they will be using chemical weapons or other kinds of higher-end systems against Ukraine, this will be changing fundamentally the nature of the war that Mr. Putin has waged against Ukraine.”

“I can guarantee that NATO is ready to respond proportionately,
” Geoana added.

Looks like you never looked up regime Change

the replacement of one administration or government by another, especially by means of military force.

Biden said"Putin 'cannot remain in power'" and people drew their own conclusions ... and Biden responded" Biden: 'I make no apologies' for Putin comment ! I want to make it clear, I wasn't then nor am I now articulating a policy change."

Jim conservatives are just dishonest 24x7 before this comment Biden was weak on Putin he invade because of Bidens weakness BLA BALA BLA .. but now it OMG how could he say such a thing is he crazy

case in point

Many top hosts for Fox News and other conservative media voices are blaming the White House for supposedly enabling Russia’s attack on Ukraine — even some of the same personalities who previously ridiculed President Biden’s warnings that an invasion was imminent.

“It’s just extraordinary what this president has allowed our adversaries to do,” Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo told viewers Thursday morning, as reports of Russian incursions across Ukraine poured in. She argued that Biden “has not been tough enough on Russia” and, “so far, anything that this administration has said has been weak.”

But days earlier, Bartiromo had sounded confident the Biden administration was inflating the threat of Russian aggression to distract from bad political news at home —

Some Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives blamed Biden for failing to deter Russian President Vladimir Putin from sending forces into Ukraine and called on the U.S. president to take a stronger position on the largest conflict in Europe since World War Two.

Republicans panned the remark, including Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, who called the moment a "mistake."

“Well, first, I think all of us believe the world would be a better place without Vladimir Putin,” he said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “But second, that’s not the official U.S. policy, and by saying that, that regime change is our strategy,

These republicans already Knew regime change wasn't our strategy,

so how is saying I think all of us believe the world would be a better place without Vladimir Putin, is different than Putin cannot remain in power'

When Trump was in office His Trump’s favorite tools was hyperbole and exaggeration and his supporters Cheered

But with Biden everything is taken literally like President Biden pledging to “cure” cancer... and the right screams how arrogant :btu:

Jim in CT 03-31-2022 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1224951)
clearly you're not one of the honest people whom your claim clearly understand Biden ment chemical weapons

We will do the Same or in Kind Jim we will Attack the russians if they use chemical weapons ! However your in a fantasy world if you think Biden or Nato suggested they would use chemicals weapons as a response its not ours or natos to use chemicals so carelessly if at all

NATO Deputy-General Secretary Mircea Geoana said in an interview with The Associated Press that the group would respond if Russia used chemical or nuclear weapons in its war against Ukraine.

“NATO is a defensive alliance, but also it’s a nuclear alliance,” said Geoana, who is also the former Romanian foreign minister and ambassador to the United States. “If they will be using chemical weapons or other kinds of higher-end systems against Ukraine, this will be changing fundamentally the nature of the war that Mr. Putin has waged against Ukraine.”

“I can guarantee that NATO is ready to respond proportionately,
” Geoana added.

Looks like you never looked up regime Change

the replacement of one administration or government by another, especially by means of military force.

Biden said"Putin 'cannot remain in power'" and people drew their own conclusions ... and Biden responded" Biden: 'I make no apologies' for Putin comment ! I want to make it clear, I wasn't then nor am I now articulating a policy change."

Jim conservatives are just dishonest 24x7 before this comment Biden was weak on Putin he invade because of Bidens weakness BLA BALA BLA .. but now it OMG how could he say such a thing is he crazy

case in point

Many top hosts for Fox News and other conservative media voices are blaming the White House for supposedly enabling Russia’s attack on Ukraine — even some of the same personalities who previously ridiculed President Biden’s warnings that an invasion was imminent.

“It’s just extraordinary what this president has allowed our adversaries to do,” Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo told viewers Thursday morning, as reports of Russian incursions across Ukraine poured in. She argued that Biden “has not been tough enough on Russia” and, “so far, anything that this administration has said has been weak.”

But days earlier, Bartiromo had sounded confident the Biden administration was inflating the threat of Russian aggression to distract from bad political news at home —

Some Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives blamed Biden for failing to deter Russian President Vladimir Putin from sending forces into Ukraine and called on the U.S. president to take a stronger position on the largest conflict in Europe since World War Two.

Republicans panned the remark, including Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, who called the moment a "mistake."

“Well, first, I think all of us believe the world would be a better place without Vladimir Putin,” he said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “But second, that’s not the official U.S. policy, and by saying that, that regime change is our strategy,

These republicans already Knew regime change wasn't our strategy,

so how is saying I think all of us believe the world would be a better place without Vladimir Putin, is different than Putin cannot remain in power'

When Trump was in office His Trump’s favorite tools was hyperbole and exaggeration and his supporters Cheered

But with Biden everything is taken literally like President Biden pledging to “cure” cancer... and the right screams how arrogant :btu:

"your in a fantasy world if you think Biden or Nato suggested they would use chemicals weapons "

No, you're in a fantasy world if you don't think that's precisely what he suggested. You are denying what "in kind" means.

I agree with you, he didn't mean to say it. I know we'd never use chemical weapons. But he said we would. That's what "in kind" means.

"NATO Deputy-General Secretary Mircea Geoana said"

We're talking about what President Biden said...

"Jim conservatives are just dishonest 24x7".

That's rich, coming from you. Are you EVER going to tell us why you called Desantis' bill the "don't say gay" bill, when it applies exactly identically to heterosexuality and homosexuality? Can't you just admit you got it wrong?

"but now it OMG how could he say such a thing is he crazy"

ye she is. In the span of a fgew days, he said Putin cannot remain in power, he said we'd respond with chemical weapons if Russia used them, and he said the 82nd Airborne was going to Ukraine. All in a few days time.

There's a reason why he's polling where he is. And it's not just the diehard conservatives. He's tanking with independents badly, and losing big ground with Hispanics.

Keep talking about transgender issues, that'll help.

detbuch 03-31-2022 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224928)
Things not on Hunter’s laptop or Hillary’s emails:
—A PowerPoint presentation to overthrow the U.S. gov’t
—17 boxes of stolen classified docs from the WH
—The translator notes from Trump’s Putin meetings
—An executive order to seize voting machines
—Deleted WH call logs from 1/6
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I doubt that the FBI is searching the laptop for what is not on it.

wdmso 03-31-2022 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1224957)
"your in a fantasy world if you think Biden or Nato suggested they would use chemicals weapons "

No, you're in a fantasy world if you don't think that's precisely what he suggested. You are denying what "in kind" means.

you have no idea what you are talking about sorry

I agree with you, he didn't mean to say it. I know we'd never use chemical weapons. But he said we would. That's what "in kind" means.

"NATO Deputy-General Secretary Mircea Geoana said"

We're talking about what President Biden said... Jim Biden is not in charge of NATO ... so you think we have going along with nato in our response to Putin's invasion only to launch a chemical attack on our own :huh:

"Jim conservatives are just dishonest 24x7".

That's rich, coming from you. Are you EVER going to tell us why you called Desantis' bill the "don't say gay" bill, when it applies exactly identically to heterosexuality and homosexuality? Can't you just admit you got it wrong? its a nickname Jim what did I get wrong ? there are no classes being taught to k-8 in Fla or any other State its a lie

"but now it OMG how could he say such a thing is he crazy"

ye she is. In the span of a few days, he said Putin cannot remain in power, he said we'd respond with chemical weapons if Russia used them, and he said the 82nd Airborne was going to Ukraine. All in a few days time.

There's a reason why he's polling where he is. And it's not just the diehard conservatives. He's tanking with independents badly, and losing big ground with Hispanics.

Keep talking about transgender issues, that'll help.

UNITED NATIONS — President Donald Trump, in his first address to the United Nations, derided Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader, as a “rocket man” on Tuesday as the president warned that he may be forced to "totally destroy" the rogue nation.

"If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph," Trump said, as he detailed the horrors of what he called the "depraved" North Korean regime.

"Rocket man is on a suicide mission," he said, using a nickname for Kim that refers to the North Korean leader's recent missile tests.

"The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea."

Mr Trump told reporters on Tuesday: "North Korea best not make any more threats to the US. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen."

Perhaps Mr Trump believes that no hyperbolic threats should go unmatched or that apocalyptic warnings are the only ones the North Korean leadership will understand. Perhaps he - intentionally or not - is pursuing a Nixonian "madman" style foreign policy, where adversaries will tread lightly to avoid triggering the wrath of an unpredictable US commander-in-chief.

Conservatives suffer from historical amnesia But But Biden is out of control...

Jim in CT 03-31-2022 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1224961)
UNITED NATIONS — President Donald Trump, in his first address to the United Nations, derided Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader, as a “rocket man” on Tuesday as the president warned that he may be forced to "totally destroy" the rogue nation.

"If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph," Trump said, as he detailed the horrors of what he called the "depraved" North Korean regime.

"Rocket man is on a suicide mission," he said, using a nickname for Kim that refers to the North Korean leader's recent missile tests.

"The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea."

Mr Trump told reporters on Tuesday: "North Korea best not make any more threats to the US. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen."

Perhaps Mr Trump believes that no hyperbolic threats should go unmatched or that apocalyptic warnings are the only ones the North Korean leadership will understand. Perhaps he - intentionally or not - is pursuing a Nixonian "madman" style foreign policy, where adversaries will tread lightly to avoid triggering the wrath of an unpredictable US commander-in-chief.

Conservatives suffer from historical amnesia But But Biden is out of control...

ok. let’s be clear. please tell
me one single way, in which Desantis’ bill treats homosexuality differently from how it treats heterosexuality.

“don’t say gay” isn’t some random nickname and you know it. it’s a lie, designed to paint him as a bigot. it’s what your side constantly does, and in november america will render an opinion on that.

god forbid we discuss it honestly.

are you saying we should discuss sexuality in kindergarten wdmso? 4 and 5 year olds?

i know biden isn’t in charge of nato, which makes it more stupid, not less stupid, for biden to tell the world
nato would respond with chemical
weapons. you’re proving my point. thank you.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-31-2022 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224917)
Imagine if Biden went on TV and said that he’d be willing to work with Russia over the “Ukraine thing” if Putin “does us a favor” and releases everything he has on Trump. Do you think republicans would just say “no big deal”?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Trump should just pay Christopher Steele to "find" dirt on the Bidens.

Pete F. 03-31-2022 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by detbuch (Post 1224964)
Trump should just pay Christopher Steele to "find" dirt on the Bidens.

He could just ask Iwanna to speak to him
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

detbuch 03-31-2022 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224970)
He could just ask Iwanna to speak to him
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

He didn't "ask" Putin to "find" or "dig up" (create a phoney scandalous narrative such as the Steele Dossier secretly paid for by the Clinton campaign). He said PUBLICLY that Putin should release the reason why the mayor of Moscow's wife gave the Bidens $3.5 million dollars. He didn't try to hide what he thought Putin should do, as the Clinton campaign deceitfully paid Steele to do. He didn't secretly ask Putin to do it, he openly, in public, said he should.

"One thing, while I’m on your show, as long as Putin now is not exactly a fan of our country, let him explain, where did - because Chris Wallace wouldn’t let me ask the question - why did the mayor of Moscow's wife give the Bidens, both of them, $3.5 million dollars? That’s a lot of money," Trump told John Solomon and Amanda Head on the “Just the News” show on Real America's Voice network.

Trump added that “I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it."

Would it be a terrible thing if Putin did release the info? How should the Dems or legacy media react if he did. Oh wait . . . right . . . it would be shrugged off, as they did with Hunter's laptop, as "Russian disinformation."

I suspect you still think the Steele Dossier was good, and that it was OK for Clinton to secretly pay Steele to do it. But how dare Trump suggest, in public, without paying him, that Putin should release information that he would know.

Pete F. 04-01-2022 12:09 AM

Jared Kushner made a surprise, midnight trip to meet with MBS in Saudi Arabia in 2017. A week later, MBS rounded up, assaulted and tortured dozens of his rivals.

Now Jared Kushner's investment fund is seeking billions from the Saudis.

But let's talk Hunter's laptop

"There's no possible way a hostile foreign power with a vast propaganda and intelligence machine could have manipulated 2016...and also bamboo fibers and Dominion voting machines and the Lizard people stole 2020 from Trump and 1/6 was a tourist visit."
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-01-2022 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224973)

But let's talk Hunter's laptop

"There's no possible way a hostile foreign power with a vast propaganda and intelligence machine could have manipulated 2016...and also bamboo fibers and Dominion voting machines and the Lizard people stole 2020 from Trump and 1/6 was a tourist visit."
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

we can’t talk about both? even cnn is saying this looks really really bad for hunter.

CNN is saying that.

If the GOP takes the house in november, which is very likely, they then control committees and have subpoena power. it’ll be “Hunters laptop” 24/7 for a while.

Could be a rough time for you. Start stocking up on your tin foil hats now.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Pete F. 04-01-2022 07:24 AM

SENTENCING TOMORROW for Lonnie Coffman, who admits have the following in truck on Jan 6:

"Hundreds of rounds of
ammunition, large-capacity ammunition feeding devices, a crossbow with bolts, machetes,
camouflage smoke devices, a stun gun, cloth rags, lighters.. 11 mason jars"
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 04-01-2022 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pete F. (Post 1224987)
SENTENCING TOMORROW for Lonnie Coffman, who admits have the following in truck on Jan 6:

"Hundreds of rounds of
ammunition, large-capacity ammunition feeding devices, a crossbow with bolts, machetes,
camouflage smoke devices, a stun gun, cloth rags, lighters.. 11 mason jars"
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

again, where’s the evidence that he was part of some plot?

how many people at the BLM riots had weapons? how come you never once made a post calling those riots an armed coup?

answer - it’s ok when liberals do it, only problematic for you when conservatives do it.

the only principle you have, the only principle you are consistent with, is that liberals are good and conservatives are bad.

you deny everything bad the left does, and deny everything good that the right does. because you need it to be way more simple than what’s real, and what’s real is this - there is plenty of good and bad people, and god and bad ideas, on both sides.

Your side said Giv Cuomo was “the gold standard” in terms of
managing covid. Yet Florida has way more old people, didn’t lock down as much, didn’t keep
kids out of school as long, and has a lower death rate than NY. How could any sane person conclude that FL didn’t do a better job? On what possible basis would you say NY was managed better?

If Cuomo was “the gold standard” who deserves book deals and hollywood awards, what does that make desantis?

President, maybe.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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