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spence 05-01-2008 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nebe (Post 586385)
McCain has the conservative Christian vote. Thats for certain.

I wouldn't agree. McCain has endorsed federal funding of some stem cell research which has raised many CC hackles. They may vote for him over the Dem, but he's not going to turn out the base like Bush was able to with his focused pander campaign.

And RIJIMMY, you still need to do some splaining.


wheresmy50 05-01-2008 04:06 PM

McCain is not a "conservative" republican. He'll get from the middle, not the right.

Anyone read the little poll tidbit from PA? 42% of those who voted for Hillary would stay home if the race was between McCain and Clinton.

I love this stuff about the evil RNC. On it's best day, the RNC couldn't do half as much damage to the democrats as the DNC. I guess the RNC set up the current "superdelegate" system and filled the democrat ranks with mediocre candidates?

I don't know who at the RNC puts Al Sharpton on the democrate debate stage every 4 years, but the guy's a political genius.

spence 05-01-2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by wheresmy50 (Post 586512)
McCain is not a "conservative" republican.

A statement like this of course assumes there is a standard definition for a "conservative republican" of which there is not. Most of the McCain isn't a CR mantra stems from his opposition of Bush's round 2 tax cuts and little more.

The Rebublican standard by which many American associate with used to be embodied by Barry Goldwater, although by "todays" standards he'd be a flaming, pink panty wearing liberal in bed with Osama Bin Laden. You're either with us or with the terrorists you know.

The reality is that there are countless kinds of Republicans, many of whom share little common values. The fragile reality is has been exacerbated by the Bush Presidency.


I don't know who at the RNC puts Al Sharpton on the democrate debate stage every 4 years, but the guy's a political genius.
Listen to Rush today?


RIJIMMY 05-02-2008 08:12 AM

Spence, not sure if you were being sarcastic with your statement - Personal tangents like the Rev Wright or Vince Foster are pithy compared to what people really care about.

The Wright debacle is something that will not go away and sheds a lot of doubt on Obama. I've been to 50 baptisms, never one where the PASTOR of the church performs the ceremony. Obama and WRight were close, Americans know that and in the end will hold the Wright controversy against him. I re-read some of the posts, at least we agree that Hillary could actually beat McCain.

Anyone hear that the Florida dems are goign to March on the Denver Convention to get their delegates in? This nomination is goign to be a blood bath for the dems.

spence 05-02-2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by RIJIMMY (Post 586674)
The Wright debacle is something that will not go away and sheds a lot of doubt on Obama. I've been to 50 baptisms, never one where the PASTOR of the church performs the ceremony.

The Wright issue is already going away, sure some right wing pundits will try to keep it alive as long as possible but the mainstream media is giving it far less coverage than they did last week.

Simply because there are bigger more important issues to discuss. There was no sarcasm in my post, and my pastor performed my baptism.


179 05-03-2008 12:37 PM

The Wright issue has not gone away! How many news programs and newspapers carried stories just this past week if anything it is making his supporters take another look at him.

He is very lucky he built up a large lead when the media handled him with white gloves otherwise Hillary would be far ahead. Give Hillary credit she appeared on The Factor and had a very good showing for herself answered some very tough questions.

spence 05-03-2008 12:57 PM

It most certiainly is going away, though I doubt it will ever be gone. Just checked every major news site and didn't even see it mentioned. I do see stories of Obama looking good in the primaries. Good for him to get it out of his system now rather than in October.

And I agree, the Clinton interview was definately a good move for her and she showed very well.


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