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Notaro 09-30-2003 10:05 AM

SF, it should last until the end of Nov or the beginning of it at North Shore. Macks should arrive soon in Oct. or Nov. So are smelts.

Rappin Mikey 09-30-2003 10:05 AM

Here is Mr. Sand-Eel Mustache Man

Sweetieface 09-30-2003 10:06 AM

Uhm...ok. I cant decide if its more sacreligous or frightening! YOUR POOR BROTHER!lolol

Rappin Mikey 09-30-2003 10:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's Mr. Sand-eel Mustache Man

Sweetieface 09-30-2003 10:09 AM

Uhm, are we dealing with a narcoleptic here, or is this from one nap that you guys did all this??

LOL by the way.

Rappin Mikey 09-30-2003 10:19 AM

Same day, two nappy times. Rick actually suffers from a sleeping disorder where he sleep walks to the fridge and eats. I can't remember the medical terminology, but I am totally serious. Poor little Ricky.

Sweetieface 09-30-2003 10:21 AM

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for something good to eat
If I should chow, before I wake
I pray the lord, my calories to take.

Its a good thing I don't have that disease. I'd look like Nel Carter.

Notaro 09-30-2003 10:45 AM

And I blame college for freshmen 15 boomers

Rappin Mikey 09-30-2003 10:49 AM

We used to call psychedelic mushrooms boomers in high school. In my school kids are into PCP again. They call it eemie or something. Can't people just stick to good old bud and buds?

Jimbo 09-30-2003 11:13 AM

RM, a most thought provoking last post! Could you give us a little sampling of the kind of counseling you're giving those kids???....."and today kids we're going to learn a new spelling word. It's 'phencyclidine'. Phencyclidine is our friend!...."

Notaro 09-30-2003 11:21 AM

why couldnt they just stick to cuban cigars instead of buds, RM?
or did u mean by beer? not weeds?

Rappin Mikey 09-30-2003 11:23 AM

Tell me, when you say "f- you" to the math teacher, are you really upset with the math teacher? Or are you carrying in negative feelings. Just because your 15, pregnant, and in trouble with your parents because you refuse to go out on the block and sell drugs and bring them the money, doesn't mean you should yell at the math teacher.

Sweetieface 09-30-2003 11:45 AM

I've got a funny story for you all:

You have to know my family, but I will do my best to relay the jokes.

We're a typical Italian family always yelling at eachother. If you've seen Saturday Night Fever, the beginning scene at the dinner table where everyone's fighting and John Travolta gets a head slap, then you've eaten at my house.

Anyway, my older brother and my mother were in a heated argument over something no one cares about. My brother was telling her about the ills of her generation, and how things today were so much different and better. My mother's response was to bring up how the world today was a disaster and the Baby Boomers were not to blame.

The discussion turned to drugs, and Bro rattles off all the hippies and drug addicts there were in the 60's and 70's, and blah blah about today's drugs and how they are different.

My mother is so angry at this point, face turning red, she says: My generation did all the same drugs, we had Cocaine, we had marijuana, we had Angel Hair, we had -

Suddenly my brother started laughing hysterically. "Angel Hair??"

Mother did not get it. Mother was not amused.

"You mean Angel DUST?!" he laughed.

It was the only time I ever saw a near fatal argument in my house turn into laughter.

Maybe in an Italian house, Angel Hair *is* considered a drug.....

Sweetieface 09-30-2003 11:49 AM

RM, are you a teacher? I'm guessing you were sworn at recently?

Hey, who hasnt been 15 and expecting and swearing at teachers? lol

Jimbo 09-30-2003 12:43 PM

My dad was a public school teacher for around 35 years with a few as assistant principal (whom anyone who's been in trouble knows he divvy's out the punishment) He was in the same district my brothers and I went to. He was as strict a disciplinarian as you could be in school and out. He hated it when a teacher would send a troublesome kid to the office just to sit out the class, so he'd think up unique punishments, like taking giving the kid a butter knife and sending him out on the soccer field and telling him not to come back until he had 1,000 dandelions cut in a paper bag or scraping gum off the bottoms of desks. I heard these stories at night quite often and the same names over and over. The first day of high school I thought I would probably get the crap beat out of me by these guys. Fortunately they actually really liked and respected him for the way he treated them instead of making them just sit there and those were the guys who always kept in touch with him in the long term.

Rappin Mikey 09-30-2003 12:44 PM

I am an adjustment counselor at an alternative school in Springfield. My student population consists of children who have been either adjudicated, expelled from other schools, or somehow affiliated with the social service agencies. I was just giving Jimbo a sample of one of my daily counseling sessions. Some of the stuff I deal with is really heart-breaking. I've lost three students in as many years (that I was very close to) to gun shot wounds. However, I have seen a multitude of kids turn there lives in a positive direction. Being an influential figure in this process is one of the most intrinsicly rewarding experiences one can imagine.

Sweetieface 09-30-2003 01:00 PM

Jimbo, YOUR DAD was the one who made me groom the stray dog with my toothbrush???


RM, sounds like you've got your work cut out for you. I give you a ton of credit.

Rappin Mikey 09-30-2003 01:05 PM

You don't even know the half of it!

Jimbo 09-30-2003 01:11 PM

How did you know, SF? One of his other punishments was to have the troublesome lads assist the custodians by giving them a toothbrush and a dixie cup of clorox and having them work on the grout between the tiles in the bathroom.
He was also good at sending out a message at home. For example, once when he was driving home he passed my older brother walking home having a smoke. He didn't stop to pick him up, but he was sure as heck waiting for him when he got there. Within the space of 30 minutes there was a very one-sided boxing match (with alot of screaming) in the basement followed by a crew cut the Bomba's would have been proud of. Any future thoughts I had about taking up smoking completely left my head.

Sweetieface 09-30-2003 01:15 PM

I like his style.

UserRemoved1 09-30-2003 02:09 PM

38 freekin pages? Hoily schmoily

What I wanna know IS:

After 38 pages is ANYONE ANY closer to solving Notaro's pancreas problems?


NilsC 09-30-2003 02:36 PM


Originally posted by #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&
38 freekin pages? Hoily schmoily

What I wanna know IS:

After 38 pages is ANYONE ANY closer to solving Notaro's pancreas problems?


What pancreas?:D Who has a pancreas problem... those can come from flesh eating bacteria:eek: :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Notaro 10-01-2003 10:10 AM

I feel so bloated nd pudgy now. What is it this time?:( :(

Jimbo 10-01-2003 10:20 AM

In addition to retaining water are you also feeling moody and experiencing some cramping?

chris L 10-01-2003 12:14 PM

sounds like too much water or your pregnant ! or it could be your time of the month to blote up and be crabby

jugstah 10-01-2003 01:27 PM


Originally posted by Notaro
I feel so bloated nd pudgy now. What is it this time?:( :(
Notaro's preggers? Little Notaro's running around?


Notaro 10-01-2003 09:51 PM

dan, pregger? is that a word for pregnant people? the term is prego, like a spaghetti sauce brand...

NilsC 10-02-2003 12:22 AM


Originally posted by Notaro
dan, pregger? is that a word for pregnant people? the term is prego, like a spaghetti sauce brand...
It's almost 1:30AM, I should be in bead not reading about spagetti terms.......:D

And Joseph, Yes, what, HUH--- what brand??????

jugstah 10-02-2003 06:09 AM


Originally posted by Notaro
dan, pregger? is that a word for pregnant people? the term is prego, like a spaghetti sauce brand...
Learn some ghetto speak, my friend. :)

Notaro 10-02-2003 07:14 AM

HAH! Try saying yo to a group of kids in Downtown and see how they react to a guy like you.:p

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