Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating

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Sweetieface 08-19-2003 10:36 AM

John, I'm holding out for 10.

Let this thread be a lesson to the rest of ya: What happens when good FEB's go bad!

Notaro 08-19-2003 05:05 PM

We gotta tone this thread down. We don't want make ourselves look bad...

Mtbrz1, I have not been to CT surf.

mrmacey 08-19-2003 09:39 PM

whats a

Notaro 08-19-2003 10:25 PM

did you read from the beginning, mrmacy?

Notaro 08-20-2003 10:36 AM

Aye Carmbra!:rolleyes:

Sweetieface 08-20-2003 10:42 AM

Mr Macey,
You fail to remember that you put up a picture of a doll and said something to the effect of: Been There, Done that....

I thought (ha ha) the next doll you could move on to (after the boy and girl dolls) would be something a bit more ...creative. Hence the lamb.

Then all h3ll broke loose and the room thinks I'm some sort of freak!

I give up.

And I do NOT get people into trouble!

Oh, and FEB = Flesh Eatin' Bacteria! - or "February", depending on who's looking at it.

chris L 08-20-2003 11:02 AM

im ascared of fish and beautiful womans ! Im trying to get past it ( sure is fun ) but I dont know how well Im doing .

you are all nuts ( take it from some one who resembles that remark ) ! Im a lune , Im crazy and Im infected with LOVE !
take off those black shoes and white socks ginger .

Notaro 08-20-2003 11:08 AM

I hate pork, spiders, and bugs. They are disgusting. Pork is disgusting to eat. I don't like the taste. Every time I enter my dad's work (he's a butcher), I tend to stand in front of his store.

Rappin Mikey 08-20-2003 11:37 AM

Many times phobias can arise from simply pairing two unrelated stimuli to cause a wanted response. For example, if I was to make an extremely loud and startling noise behind Notaro everytime he had a sip of Smirnknoff ice. Eventually he would associate the unpleasant noise to the refereshing, ever smooth, Smirknoff. Many times the assosiation can be so strong that a phobia could manifest.

Sweetieface 08-20-2003 12:51 PM

Thanks Dr. Mikey.

And Mr. Macey, I am calm. I was saying it more Matter-of-factly than in a mad way. THATS the problem with internet, you can't hear tone of voice....
for instance, if I could hear Chris L while he said what he just said above, I think it might sound something like a circus merry-go-round or a clown car tune....

and maybe at that circus there would be lots of BALLOONS!!!!!

Iwannakeeper 08-20-2003 01:05 PM were called mrMacey in grade school....maybe a problem stems from that.

me - I am scared of spiders, any spider bigger than a dime scares the crap out of me.

Sweetieface 08-20-2003 01:07 PM

I gotta go with you on that one. If it has more legs than me and is not a dog or other household pet, I'm not a fan. If it can crawl across the ceiling, scamper faster than me, or go unnoticed on my pillow (shudder) I'm chasing it with my shoe.
UNLESS its a spider big enough to either leave guts on the wall, or if it looks like something that will either crack when I hit it or pop.

chris L 08-20-2003 01:40 PM

Im dizzy from going around and round could some one turn it off .

bring in the clowns !!!
The Eight Clown Commandments

I will keep my acts, performance and behavior in good taste while I am in costume and makeup. I will remember at all times that I have been accepted as a member of the clown club only to provide others, principally children, with clean clown comedy entertainment. I will remember that a good clown entertains others by making fun of himself or herself and not at the expense or embarrassment of others.

I will learn to apply my makeup in a professional manner. I will provide my own costume. I will carry out my appearance and assignment for the entertainment of others and not for personal gain or personal publicity when performing for either the International club or alley events. I will always try to remain anonymous while in makeup and costume as a clown, though there may be circumstances when it is not reasonably possible to do so.

I will neither drink alcoholic beverages nor smoke while in makeup or clown costume. Also, I will not drink alcoholic beverages prior to any clown appearances. I will conduct myself as a gentleman/lady, never interfering with other acts, events, spectators, or individuals. I will not become involved in or tolerate sexual harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or any protected status.

I will remove my makeup and change into my street clothes as soon as possible following my appearance, so that I cannot be associated with any incident that may be detrimental to the good name of clowning. I will conduct myself as a gentleman/lady at all times.

While on appearance in makeup and costume, I will carry out the directives of the producer or his designated deputies. I will abide by all performance rules without complaint in public.

I will do my very best to maintain the best clown standards of makeup, costuming, properties, and comedy.

I will appear in as many clown shows as I possibly can.

I will be committed to providing an atmosphere free of discrimination and harassment for clowns of all ages to share ideas and learn about the art of clowning.

NilsC 08-20-2003 02:06 PM

I for one are uncomfortable around clown(s)

... spiders are high in protein, taste like chicken

chris L 08-20-2003 02:19 PM

hey Nils we seemed to get along when we met at King Cove . I take it you dont like the movie killer klowns from outer space or the insane clown Posse or john wayne gacy ( the killer clown ) . I know many people that dislike clowns . I will have to make sure I dont wear my clown makeup when I attend flings/legs/getto gethers

Notaro 08-20-2003 09:30 PM

MrMacy, go back to your spot for a cool down...:smash: :D

BigBo 08-20-2003 11:06 PM

Not afraid of clowns, I just don't like them. When I was a kid, my brother and I went on the Bozo the Clown show on TV. I didn't want to go, but my mother insisted it would be fun.
Well, Bozo got in my face and I ripped his red bulb nose off right his face there on live TV. They weren't too happy with me. Neither was Bozo.

mrmacey 08-21-2003 05:35 AM

:smash: :smash: :smash:

Raven 08-21-2003 07:57 AM

got kicked
my brothers and i got kicked out of the bozo the clown studio
told that damn clown to cram it.....:D

Rappin Mikey 08-21-2003 08:14 AM

Back when I was 17, I used to work for the Strawbwerry the Clown company. I used to drive the fun train. I was fired because I rolled the train full of kids. No one was hurt, but they said I was out of control and not cut out for that kind of work.

Iwannakeeper 08-21-2003 08:20 AM

Fear of Clowns seems healthy, ever since John Wayne Gacy.

And if anyone knows the "Pagliacci" story of how sad clowns really are......

I am all for a fear of clowns.

Sweetieface 08-21-2003 12:35 PM

RM, the mental picture I just got from that is priceless. Speaking of being thrown out, I might get tossed for laughing out loud at my desk!! LOL

JohnR, Can we have an SB Halloween Party??? I know JUST what I will dress up as....

Iwannakeeper 08-21-2003 12:40 PM

SweetieFace - super assistance per-chance?

Sweetieface 08-21-2003 12:45 PM

Good Lord no! I wear that cape and those tights all week at work! Halloween is time for something different....

Rappin Mikey 08-21-2003 12:57 PM

Did your mental picture have hair? I had hair back then you know.

Sweetieface 08-21-2003 01:10 PM

I guess the picture was just of the whole train full of cheering kids toppling over to one side. One of those little trains that Ricky Schroeder had in silver spoons.
No one got hurt though, just the round-mouthed expressions of shock that kills me!

Rappin Mikey 08-21-2003 01:15 PM

That is basically what happened. It was kind of scary though. Kids were crying, mom's were crying, and I was crying. But I used to look good when I would cry with a full head of hair.

Sweetieface 08-21-2003 01:17 PM


You keep talking about that hair. I am picturing a light-skinned buckwheat tanking a train full of kids at the mall!!!!

:smash: :smash: :smash:

Rappin Mikey 08-21-2003 01:23 PM

Pretty close. I was at a country club. AS far as the light skinned Buckweet goes, my hair was less of an afro and more of the reverse Chris L (that's what I call a mullet now) Short in the back and long in the front. I call that style the flock of seagulls.

Sweetieface 08-21-2003 01:24 PM

Did it swing into your eyes when you moved your head???

Iwannakeeper 08-21-2003 01:29 PM

ok...I am no long scared of spiders - I am scared of "flock of seagulls" haircuts

Rappin Mikey 08-21-2003 01:36 PM

For a little while. Ok this is how the story goes. When I was a kid I always used to make fun of my dad's yinkle. You know that one 3 foot long piece of hair bald guys grow to comb over. Well when he would drive down the road his yinkle would always get sucked out of the window and wave around in the breeze like a rooster tail. So I swore that I would never let that happen to me. I started to grow my hair long when I was about 16 because I knew it was going to be my last chance. I started out with the flock of seaguls style. Then I eventually let the rest catch up. My problem is that my hair WAS very curly. I'm a dude, I don't know how to take care of long hair. I want to wash my hair and go. So it started to Dread up. At about twenty-one I had some fat locks in the back of my head. However, at this time I was well on my way to the world of the bald man. So, on the top of my head I just had one little dinky dred lock. I looked like some kind of deranged rastafarian cabbage doll. Then I shaved my head. I hope that aswered your questtion.

Iwannakeeper 08-21-2003 01:44 PM

I feel for you man.....I am beginning to thin on top myself. I am holding my own so far, but it is only a matter of time.

But like you - I am going to take it like a man and shave it..... not only can I not take care of long hair, I can't do the transplant thing either. I am a guy and it sounds like too much work

I estimate 2 years until shave day

Rappin Mikey 08-21-2003 01:48 PM

It'll be the best thing you ever did! Low maintenance and girls always wanna rub your head. I really did have a lot more success with the women when I did the bald thing. However, the calibur of the girls I would meet changed dratically as well. Instead of dating the library types, I started hooking up with bi-sexual pagan witches and the like. Oh well I gotta go. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

NilsC 08-21-2003 02:20 PM

Re: Symptoms...

Originally posted by Notaro
Hey guys, what is the first symptom of the flesh-eating bacteria? I got a big cut from the line and used a little torn out glacier glove for baitfishing for blues with mackerels. I am starting to feel some kind of a little imflamation and pain on my spleen, stomach, or internal organs. I'm starting to worry. Any suggestion?
when you asked this question... did you know it was a classic in the making?
Maybe we can sell the movie right to this tread on ebay...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Notaro 08-21-2003 02:36 PM

Re: Re: Symptoms...

when you asked this question... did you know it was a classic in the making?
Maybe we can sell the movie right to this tread on ebay...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


uhh, no

fishsmith 08-21-2003 02:48 PM

This could sell on ebay:


. some kind of deranged rastafarian cabbage doll.

Sweetieface 08-21-2003 03:01 PM

Uh...Iwanna? If I were you, I'd keep it short and neat.
While hairstyles don't matter tremendously, I know of a lot of gals (such as myself) who see bald and the first thought is:....skinhead? Ratba$tard? The kid who terrorized the fat boy in 5th grade?

Stereotype I know....

But sometimes a little hair is better than none. I've not met you, but I'm warning you, not all men can pull of the shaved look.

Rappin Mikey happens to be able to pull of the skinhead look, but we all know he terrorized kids on choo choo trains, so it fits him well.....

JohnR 08-21-2003 03:08 PM

still laughin my ass off here....

RM -

bi-sexual pagan witches
Went to school near Mount Holyoke?

Notaro 08-21-2003 03:10 PM

this thread will never end, right?:hs:

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