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wdmso 09-06-2021 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1213627)
what is the difference between trying to burn down a federal courthouse with police and federal officers inside and... trespassing in the Capitol?

just curious?

If thats needs to be explained to you . clearly you support the attempt to over turn the election and support such seditious behavior.. did I miss anything?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

scottw 09-06-2021 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1213631)

over turn the election

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

explain to me exactly how this was going to occur....

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1213631)
If thats needs to be explained to you . clearly you support the attempt to over turn the election and support he such seditious behavior.. did I miss anything?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

there was no plot or thought to overturn the election, they were a bunch of anarchist cry babies who didn’t get the result they wanted, so they rioted. surprised you don’t recognize ice that tactic, it’s what your side does regularly, his might have been the first time in my lifetime tnat it was fine by republicans.

it was a riot, a pretty low-key riot compared to what lefties did all summer, in terms of carnage and property damage. lefties actually managed to secede from the nation for a short while, creating the short lived nation of Chaz.

i’m old enough to remember when liberals stormed the state capital
in Wisconsin because they didn’t like that scott walker was going to take political power away from labor unions. january 6 was a lot like that.

also, the one casualty that day was a woman shot to death who was completely unarmed, 5’2” tall, got no warning, shot to death for the crime of trespassing. and no one cares, because she was white, conservative, not a violent felon scumbag. if she was a non white violent felon scumbag, the left would
make her a martyr. because whe was white and conservative, the left says she got exactly what was coming to her. But Michael Brown was an innocent victim, <sniff> I’m tearing up at the thought.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by scottw (Post 1213633)
explain to me exactly how this was going to occur....

CNN said so, it must therefore be true.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1213614)
Well personally getting stuck in the conservative playbook in today’s US ever changing mixed ethnicity, the yearly onslaught of global viruses, the global issues of climate change and the lessons learned by our attempts to insert our Democratic ways globally, means they are just not thinking down the road at all. The irony is look at how many of these Trump and the current Republican leaders don’t adhere to.

An aversion to rapid change; a belief that tradition and prevailing social norms often contain within them handed-down wisdom; and mistrust of attempts to remake society so that it conforms to an abstract account of what would be just or efficient.

A desire to preserve the political philosophy and rules of government articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

A belief that it is imperative to preserve traditional morality, as it is articulated in the Bible, through cultural norms.

A belief that it is imperative to preserve traditional morality, as it is articulated in the Bible, using cultural norms and the power of the state.

An embrace of free-market capitalism, and a belief in the legitimacy of market outcomes.

A belief that America is an exceptional nation, a shining city on a hill, whose rightful role is leader of the free world.

A belief that America should export its brand of democracy through force of arms.

The conviction that government should undertake, on behalf of the American polity, grand projects that advance our “national greatness” and ennoble our characters.

An embrace of localism, community and family ties, human scale, and a responsibility to the future.

A belief that America shouldn’t intervene in the affairs of other nations except to defend ourselves from aggression and enforce contracts and treaties.

A desire to return to the way things once were.

Affinity for, identification with, or embrace of Red America’s various cultural cues. (For example, gun ownership, a preference for single-family homes oriented around highways rather than urban enclaves organized around public transit, embrace of country music, disdain for arugula and fancy mustard, etc.)

Disdain for American liberalism, multiculturalism, identity politics, affirmative action, welfare, European-style social policies, and the left and its ideas generally.

A desire to be left alone by government, often coupled with a belief that being left alone is a natural right.

A principled belief in federalism.

The belief that taxes should be lower and government smaller.

The belief that the national debt and deficits put America in peril.

The belief that whenever possible, government budgets should be balanced.

Consciousness of the fallibility of man, and an awareness of the values of skepticism, doubt, and humility.

Realism in foreign policy.

Non-interventionism in foreign policy.

that’s so stupid and fu—ed up, it’s hard to know where to begin.

you don’t think america is exceptional? we don’t stand out i. terms of what we’ve done for the world? can you tell me which country has done more?

i don’t want to adhere to moral
customs “because they’re in the bible.”. i want to adhere to moral
customs which have proven to work, and to avoid moral customs which have proven to be a disaster.

you’re saying it’s flawed to want to abide by the constitution? so any president should
be able to do whatever he wants?

still trying to figure out if you think trump and his fans are war mongers. trump is the opposite.

if you can point me to data which suggests that anything on than the nuclear family is far better for children, and that fatherless homes are a disaster for young children especially boys, all ears.

I’m conservative precisely because i respond to empirical
results. advocate for what has been shown to work, i advocate against that which has been shown to be a catastrophe.

why are americans fleeing blue states and moving to red states?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 09-06-2021 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213602)
then for the 51st time, please tell us which big issues, you think liberals are 100% wrong on. if there are t any, that means you’re the exact mirror image of sean hannity, which is obviously exactly what you are.

make me wrong. tell me which issues you agree with conservatives in. tell us which right wing presidents you voted for ( i voted for bill clinton twice, and to this day i think he was a pretty good potus).
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Like I’ve said 50 times, I don’t side with many far left positions, totally open borders, unrestricted access to abortion etc…

Voted for Bush 41 and would have likely voted for McCain had he not went off the deep end mid-campaign. The way the GOP is heading though I don’t foresee it happening anytime soon…Maybe of Romney was the nominee.

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1213637)
Like I’ve said 50 times, I don’t side with many far left positions, totally open borders, unrestricted access to abortion etc…

Voted for Bush 41 and would have likely voted for McCain had he not went off the deep end mid-campaign. The way the GOP is heading though I don’t foresee it happening anytime soon…Maybe of Romney was the nominee.

so you claim not to be liberal, but can’t name one single issue on which you’re not liberal. so what’s the difference between you and a liberal?

“I’m not liberal, i just happen to think they are correct on every single

The way the gop is heading, right, right. imagine thinking that the nation might be well off if we acted a bit more like FL ( where people
and businesses are moving in huge numbers) and a bit less like CT, where people
and businesses are leaving in drives.

Why are people and businesses leaving blue states and going to red states.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 09-06-2021 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213640)
so you claim not to be liberal, but can’t name one single issue on which you’re not liberal. so what’s the difference between you and a liberal?

“I’m not liberal, i just happen to think they are correct on every single

The way the gop is heading, right, right. imagine thinking that the nation might be well off if we acted a bit more like FL ( where people
and businesses are moving in huge numbers) and a bit less like CT, where people
and businesses are leaving in drives.

Why are people and businesses leaving blue states and going to red states.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You’re obsessed with labels.

A huge reason for the population shift is simply an surge of retirees looking for sunshine.

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1213643)
You’re obsessed with labels.

could care less about labels. i just want to clarify which one of us had the ability to think for themselves, and which one is enslaved to one ideology, with which he is incapable of differing?

I differ with traditional conservative ideology on gay marriage, the death penalty, gun control.

Go ahead. Your turn. I had no trouble stating issues where i lean left. So unless you’re not only a liberal but a devout liberal, there must be some cornerstone liberal issues on which you side with conservatives?

You won’t name one, because there isn’t one. you agree with the left on every single major issue, and no one on this planet thinks you considered John McCain over Barack Obama.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1213643)

A huge reason for the population shift is simply an surge of retirees looking for sunshine.

right, right!!!! So why arent they moving to southern California? Please, please explain?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 09-06-2021 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213645)
You won’t name one, because there isn’t one. you agree with the left on every single major issue, and no one on this planet thinks you considered John McCain over Barack Obama.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Peace through strength comes to mind but even that has limits.

As for McCain, I know I posted about my early support for him here at least once.

RIROCKHOUND 09-06-2021 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213645)
cno one on this planet thinks you considered John McCain over Barack Obama.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

I do.
But I was fishing with and chatting with Jeff a bunch back then. Block Island Jeff is more complicated than you think, especially since he was raised as a corn fed Iowa kid....

(Oh, and to play your game, I think the left is wrong on the death penalty, especially for first degree cases cases with DNA evidence/cop killed/kid killed, among other things)

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1213647)
Peace through strength comes to mind but even that has limits.

As for McCain, I know I posted about my early support for him here at least once.

ok, so by your own admission, and to the surprise of exactly no one, you conceded that there is t a meaningful issue in which you disagree with liberals. In terms of the issues, you are identical
to a pure liberal.

i know plenty of people who are 100% pure on one side or the other. But you should probably stop criticizing people
who you think are nothing but regurgitators of right wing talking points. because you’re the exact, precise mirror image.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND (Post 1213648)
I do.
But I was fishing with and chatting with Jeff a bunch back then. Block Island Jeff is more complicated than you think, especially since he was raised as a corn fed Iowa kid....

(Oh, and to play your game, I think the left is wrong on the death penalty, especially for first degree cases cases with DNA evidence/cop killed/kid killed, among other things)

i wasn’t talking to you, i have said on multiple occasions you are thoughtful and sharp. i specified spence, pete, wdmso. fair enough? I named specific names, and there’s. reason you weren’t on it.

if i can predict exactly what spence is going to say on every single issue before he chimes in, he’s not complicated. I don’t doubt he’s a really good person, i’m confident he’d never mistreat anyone. but politically, he’s as complicated as a parrot.

And i didn’t start this game. the lefties, when presented with valid arguments that they couldnt refute, fall back on the position that were all just regurgitating faux news talking points. an ironic accusation from a group ( that you’re not in) who doesn’t have an original thought among them.

Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 09-06-2021 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1213643)
You’re obsessed with labels.

A huge reason for the population shift is simply an surge of retirees looking for sunshine.

Logic to a guy with his needle stuck will just fuel his fire.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1213651)
Logic to a guy with his needle stuck will just fuel his fire.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

when liberals lob baseless insults, it means i’ve won.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1213651)
Logic to a guy with his needle stuck will just fuel his fire.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

it’s “logical” to deny we bungled the last few days in afghanistan. it’s “logical” to deny that people
and companies are moving away from blue states and to red states, for reasons other than weather. it’s logical to claim that men are women, and it’s logical to deny that fatherless is the worst problem facing blacks, it’s logical
to say police are what’s wrong with our cities, logical for bankrupt states to raise taxes and spend more.

i’m not saying conservatives aren’t illogical at times. but jeez….
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

spence 09-06-2021 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213646)
right, right!!!! So why arent they moving to southern California? Please, please explain?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Different reasons. Taxes are one of them but remember Florida generates a huge amount of revenue from sales and excise taxes which are fueled by its main industry, tourism. This allows the state to avoid income tax. in terms of general affordability Florida is actually a pretty expensive state to live in.

Once again, you’re oversimplifying issues.

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by spence (Post 1213655)
Different reasons. Taxes are one of them but remember Florida generates a huge amount of revenue from sales and excise taxes which are fueled by its main industry, tourism. This allows the state to avoid income tax. in terms of general affordability Florida is actually a pretty expensive state to live in.

Once again, you’re oversimplifying issues.

TN also generates its state revenue from a hefty sales tax. And it’s a state that huge numbers of people
are flocking to. people
like that idea.

“FL is actually a pretty expensive state to live in.”

right, which is why no retirees move there.

i’m not simplifying anything. you’re deflecting and dodging everything that paints conservatism in a favorable light. NC and TX have more than tourism, but they are well run red states that can’t build
houses fast enough.

If CTs economy was thriving and people and businesses were flocking here, i’d concede that liberalism was onto something. but the states that are a mess are disproportionately blue, and the states that are booming are disproportionately red. I’m curious to know what the reason is, to see what we can learn from it. You are scared sh-tess to know what the reason is. because you can’t process it accept that which doesn’t support liberalism. I’ll happily go where the empirical data leads me. You deny everything which doesn’t paint liberalism favorably.

TN and NH don’t have disneyworld, yet they also avoid an income tax. you don’t need tourism to avoid an income tax. you need the willingness to say “ no” when public labor unions ask for unreasonable money. that’s all.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 09-06-2021 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213653)
when liberals lob baseless insults, it means i’ve won.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

No it just means we like to wind you up and watch you spin.

Got Stripers 09-06-2021 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213636)
that’s so stupid and fu—ed up, it’s hard to know where to begin.

you don’t think america is exceptional? we don’t stand out i. terms of what we’ve done for the world? can you tell me which country has done more?

i don’t want to adhere to moral
customs “because they’re in the bible.”. i want to adhere to moral
customs which have proven to work, and to avoid moral customs which have proven to be a disaster.

you’re saying it’s flawed to want to abide by the constitution? so any president should
be able to do whatever he wants?

still trying to figure out if you think trump and his fans are war mongers. trump is the opposite.

if you can point me to data which suggests that anything on than the nuclear family is far better for children, and that fatherless homes are a disaster for young children especially boys, all ears.

I’m conservative precisely because i respond to empirical
results. advocate for what has been shown to work, i advocate against that which has been shown to be a catastrophe.

why are americans fleeing blue states and moving to red states?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

What’s stupid is you think cherry picking a couple of those that are more American in value and ignoring so much of the rest, which in this world in which we live is antiquated and basically head in the sand thinking. We could start an entire thread discussing that list and I’d have some fun with that one. Live in the past if you like, the future is slapping the world in the face and we all better wake to fu*k up.

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1213661)
No it just means we like to wind you up and watch you spin.

yeah you have me in knots all right.

Meanwhile president Biden’s approval ratings keep dropping, and people are continuing to flee blue states for red states. but i do t have a logical case to make that he bungled Afghanistan, nor can i make a case that people are making a statement when they move across the country in huge numbers.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1213662)
What’s stupid is you think cherry picking a couple of those that are more American in value and ignoring so much of the rest, which in this world in which we live is antiquated and basically head in the sand thinking. We could start an entire thread discussing that list and I’d have some fun with that one. Live in the past if you like, the future is slapping the world in the face and we all better wake to fu*k up.

is the nuclear family an antiquated and head in the sand notion? or is it something that irrefutably adds so
much value and stability, that we should encourage it?

i don’t advocate for things just because they’re new and weird. If they show to be an improvement, that i’ll shout for it at the top of my lungs.

I go where the facts and results take me GS, not where Tachael Maddow tells
me to go.

Are the places that have really embraces this “progress”, out performing places that cling to traditional values? are people
moving from TX and SC to San Francisco and Manhattan? No.

Why aren’t they?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Got Stripers 09-06-2021 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213664)
is the nuclear family an antiquated and head in the sand notion? or is it something that irrefutably adds so
much value and stability, that we should encourage it?

i don’t advocate for things just because they’re new and weird. If they show to be an improvement, that i’ll shout for it at the top of my lungs.

I go where the facts and results take me GS, not where Tachael Maddow tells
me to go.

Are the places that have really embraces this “progress”, out performing places that cling to traditional values? are people
moving from TX and SC to San Francisco and Manhattan? No.

Why aren’t they?
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Like I said cherry pick what most Americans “try” to hold together like family you won’t find an argument from me, I will however argue that a lot of those old conservative valves are antiquated, spin away.

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1213665)
Like I said cherry pick what most Americans “try” to hold together like family you won’t find an argument from me, I will however argue that a lot of those old conservative valves are antiquated, spin away.

ok, seems like you’re saying family is good. so why do liberals say that the police, not fatherlessness, s what’s wrong with our cities.

just because a value or tradition is old,,doesn’t mean it’s inferior to what’s new. That doesn’t mean im opposed to change, but “change” isn’t always “improvement”. im easier than most to persuade if you have facts, empirical
results, and. imminent sense i. your side.

I see the clear exodus from blue states to red states, that tells me that much of america does t agree with guy. there’s a reason why people are moving to FL and TX and not to CA.

for the second time ( sorry if you answered this) can you point me to a place that’s really embracing today’progressive liberalism, which is thriving in a way that can be replicated on a large scale? because i can’t think of one. the ones i can think of, are disgusting, failing crapholes that people
can’t flee fast enough. but i can name several conservative places that are booming in a way that could be replicated.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Got Stripers (Post 1213665)
Like I said cherry pick what most Americans “try” to hold together like family you won’t find an argument from me, I will however argue that a lot of those old conservative valves are antiquated, spin away.

you can lob baseless insults at conservative values. but the bluest states are failing ( rising crime, impossible unfunded debt, shrinking populations) and people
are moving to red states. that tells
me something. you don’t like what it says, so you ignore it.

and you seem to take a lot of joy in bashing religion. yet people
who identify as religious constantly claim to be happier and lead richer lives, than secular folks.

When everything points to blue states as thriving and red states as failing, I swear I’ll join your side. but the facts don’t support it. not even close.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 09-06-2021 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213634)
there was no plot or thought to overturn the election, they were a bunch of anarchist cry babies who didn’t get the result they wanted, so they rioted. surprised you don’t recognize ice that tactic, it’s what your side does regularly, his might have been the first time in my lifetime tnat it was fine by republicans.

it was a riot, a pretty low-key riot compared to what lefties did all summer, in terms of carnage and property damage. lefties actually managed to secede from the nation for a short while, creating the short lived nation of Chaz.

i’m old enough to remember when liberals stormed the state capital
in Wisconsin because they didn’t like that scott walker was going to take political power away from labor unions. january 6 was a lot like that.

also, the one casualty that day was a woman shot to death who was completely unarmed, 5’2” tall, got no warning, shot to death for the crime of trespassing. and no one cares, because she was white, conservative, not a violent felon scumbag. if she was a non white violent felon scumbag, the left would
make her a martyr. because whe was white and conservative, the left says she got exactly what was coming to her. But Michael Brown was an innocent victim, <sniff> I’m tearing up at the thought.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Your clueless
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT 09-06-2021 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by wdmso (Post 1213668)
Your clueless
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

fine, then tell me what their plan was.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 09-06-2021 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jim in CT (Post 1213634)
there was no plot or thought to overturn the election, they were a bunch of anarchist cry babies who didn’t get the result they wanted, so they rioted. surprised you don’t recognize ice that tactic, it’s what your side does regularly, his might have been the first time in my lifetime tnat it was fine by republicans.

it was a riot, a pretty low-key riot compared to what lefties did all summer, in terms of carnage and property damage. lefties actually managed to secede from the nation for a short while, creating the short lived nation of Chaz.

i’m old enough to remember when liberals stormed the state capital
in Wisconsin because they didn’t like that scott walker was going to take political power away from labor unions. january 6 was a lot like that.

also, the one casualty that day was a woman shot to death who was completely unarmed, 5’2” tall, got no warning, shot to death for the crime of trespassing. and no one cares, because she was white, conservative, not a violent felon scumbag. if she was a non white violent felon scumbag, the left would
make her a martyr. because whe was white and conservative, the left says she got exactly what was coming to her. But Michael Brown was an innocent victim, <sniff> I’m tearing up at the thought.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

You took all that effort . then brought up Babbitt you are a tool of the right . don’t try to suggest otherwise
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

wdmso 09-06-2021 05:39 PM

Jim like Scott support seditious behavior . But the try to hide it in gymnastics linguists . As intellectual cover !as if everyone is to stupid to. Know what’s going on
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

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