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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Quick Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:drool: Drool Drool
:devil2: Devil 2 Devil 2
:fishin: Fishin' Fishin'
:confused: Confused Confused
:soon: Soon Soon
:yak5: Yak5` Yak5`
:buds: I've Drunken and I can't Fall Up I've Drunken and I can't Fall Up
:jump: Jump Jump
:lurk: Lurk 2 Lurk 2
:gh: Group Hug Group Hug
:gorez: Gorez Gorez
:shocked: Shocked Shocked
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:hidin: Hidin' Hidin'
:yak4: Yak4 Yak4
:buds: I've Drunken and I can't Fall Up I've Drunken and I can't Fall Up
:bounce: Bounce Bounce
:jester: Jester Jester
:lm: Lady's Man Lady's Man
:pats2: Pat Patriot Pat Patriot
:cheers: Cheers Cheers
:faga: Faga Faga
:rollem: Rollem Rollem
:exp: Explode Explode
:deadhorse: Beating Dead Horse Beating Dead Horse
:mad: Mad Mad
:bsod: BSOD BSOD
:realmad: pissed pissed
:tooth: Toothless Toothless
:bshake: BootyShake BootyShake
:laugha: Laugha Laugha
:patshelmet: Pats Pats
:angel: Angel Angel
:cens: Censored Censored
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:smokin: Schmokin Schmokin
:huh: Huh Huh
:humpty: Welll... Welll...
:wave: wave wave
:thanks: Thanks Thanks
:nailem: Nail 'Em Nail 'Em
:scream: Scream Scream
:bs: BS Flag BS Flag
:cool: Cool Cool
:eek5: Eeek5 Eeek5
:alien: Alien Alien
:1poke: Poke eye Poke eye
:eyes: Eyes Eyes
:blush: Blush Blush
:hihi: HiHI HiHI
:tm: tm tm
:cheers2: Cheers Cheers
:fishslap: Fish Slap Fish Slap
:conf: Confused Confused
:lama: Banana Lama Banana Lama
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:rtfm: RTFM RTFM
:yawn: Yawn Yawn
:point: Pointer Pointer
:sled: SandSled SandSled
:hee: Heee Heee
:topic: Off Topic Off Topic
:musc: Muscles Muscles
:sspam: SPAM SPAM
:as: AllSmilies AllSmilies
:kewl: KEWL KEWL
;) Wink Wink
:crying: Crying Crying
:heybaby: Hey Baby Hey Baby
:gu: Guiness Guiness
:hs: HeadShake HeadShake
:sleeps: Sleeps Sleeps
:splat: Splat Splat
:af: AngryFire AngryFire
:lossinit: Loosin it Loosin it
:angel: angel angel
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:cputin: Putin Putin
:lasso: Lasso Lasso
:call: Call me Call me
:bl: BigLaugh BigLaugh
:hf1: HappyFace1 HappyFace1
:spin: spineyes spineyes
:laughs: laughs laughs
:rude: Rude Rude
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:claps: Claps Claps
:wid: When it's done When it's done
:wavey: Wavey Wavey
:btu: BigThumbUp BigThumbUp
:hang: Hanged Hanged
:doh: Dooooh Dooooh
:agree: I Agree I Agree
:happy: happy happy
:whackin: Whackin Whackin
:read: Read Read
:( Frown Frown
:chatter Chatter Chatter
:ss: SandSled2 SandSled2
:nopain: pain pain
:walk: Walk Walk
:bgi: BigGrinInvasion BigGrinInvasion
:grins: Grins Grins
:biglaugh: BIG Laugh BIG Laugh
:love: Love Love
:fury: Furious Furious
:smash: Smash Smash
:spam: SPAM!!!! SPAM!!!!
:rotf2: Rolling on the floor Rolling on the floor
:) Smilie Smilie
:chased: Chased Chased
:jump1: Jump1 Jump1
:uhuh: Uhuh Uhuh
:nopics: This Thread is Worthless Without Pics This Thread is Worthless Without Pics
:wall: Against the wall Against the wall
:deer: Deer Deer
:stir: Pot Stirring Pot Stirring
:screwy: Screwy Screwy
:easy: That Was Easy That Was Easy
:fart2: Fart Fart
:scratch: Scrathes Head Scrathes Head
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:sick: Sick Sick
:ninja: Ninja Ninja
:bo: Burnout Burnout
:usd: UpsideDown UpsideDown
:behead: Behead Behead
:devil: Devil Devil
:fight: Fight Fight
:uhoh: uhoh uhoh
:skulz: Skulz Skulz
:think: think think
:rocketem: Rocket 'Em Rocket 'Em
:scream2: Scream2 Scream2
:pop: popworm popworm
:horse: Horse Horse
:boots: Boots Boots
:beat: Beat Beat
:fence: Fencing Fencing
:yak: Yak Yak
:gf: GameFreak GameFreak
:want: We Are Not Worthy We Are Not Worthy
:scatter: scatter scatter
:bc: Big Cry Big Cry
:bath: Bath Bath
:bl2: BigLaugh2 BigLaugh2
:rumble: Rumble Rumble
:wiggle: Wiggle Wiggle
:alright: Its Alright Its Alright
:liquify: Plasma Plasma
:banano: Pianoman Pianoman
:spidey: Spidey Spidey
:rotfl: Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing
:zup: Whazup Whazup
:spidey: Spidey Spidey
:rotf2: Rolling on the floor Rolling on the floor
:no2: No No No No
:yak6: Yak6 Yak6
:shark: Shark Shark
:vamp: Vamp Vamp
:drevil: Dr Evil Dr Evil
:morons: Morons Morons
:starwars: Star Wars Star Wars
:007: James Bond James Bond

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