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tlapinski tlapinski is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Vinny S
    01-07-2015 08:39 AM
    Vinny S
    Please see my request for a table on the "Demo Day - Commercial Booth..." thread.
    Vinny Simpatico
  2. rphud
    12-09-2012 09:57 AM
    Hi Tony

    Coming a bit late to the table on the rod you had posted, but if it is not sold I would be interested in buying at the $175 last posted. I am up in the Hartford area. Bob Huddy
  3. TPrete
    12-08-2012 10:57 AM
    hey Toby, I saw you posted somewhere about wearing the Simms oceantek boots, any feedback would be helpful. I got 3 yrs.out of the guide boot and need to reup. thanks Tom
  4. fishpoopoo
    02-29-2012 08:49 PM
    Toby - check ur pm's over at SOL - I think finally found that pic u were looking for. -ben
  5. Joe
    12-13-2011 01:58 PM
    Toby see if you can get me a password so that I can log into the CSA board and announce the arrival of the stuff to make the tees tomorrow.
    Thanks - Joe Lyons

About Me

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  • About tlapinski
    I like stuff.
    In the dog house.
    See my bio.
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  • Signature
    Co-Host of The Surfcast Podcast

    "Out there in the surf is where it's at, that's where the line gets drawn in the sand between those who talk fishing and those who live it."
    - a wise man.

    One good fish, a sharpie does not make...

    Certified rock hopping billy goat.


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  • Join Date: 03-25-2002
  • Referrals: 3


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