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O.D. Mike O.D. Mike is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. wdmso
    08-21-2014 10:17 AM
    yes I do just give me a heads up when you want it
  2. O.D. Mike
    11-10-2012 07:56 PM
    O.D. Mike
    Thanks Fred, I ended up heading to RI for the sunset and picked up one striper on one of my small metal lipped swimmers. I enjoy learning new ways of making lures and I appreciate our talk today. A friend likes the Mojo, but he likes the 11' model, says its a better feel to the rod.
  3. fishing bum wannabe
    11-10-2012 01:54 PM
    fishing bum wannabe
    Nice talking lure building with you along the canal today. I looked around the canal after leaving you but found nothing, just more empty, dirty water. Stopped at RedTop to check out a St Croix Mojo, 10.5 3/4-4, and their report was the same.

    Here is the link to the duplicator post I talked to you about. It used to be on the SB forum as well, but got lost in a crash.

    Fred aka fishing bum wannabe
  4. Hookedagain
    03-15-2011 07:47 PM
    Did you get my message about the compressor? I am around on Friday if you want to meet up.
  5. ecduzitgood
    02-03-2011 12:01 PM
    Just checking to see how this area works, hope all is well.
  6. SeaMule
    10-22-2010 02:10 PM
    Hello Mike,

    Had a great time and alot of laughs with you and Johnnie boy last night. I plan on heading to Sharon, MA for a bow hunt tomorrow AM. I think John is planning on a Sunday morning fishing trip, however I lack the sack to ask my wife for a back-to-back outdoor outing this weekend.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. MAKAI
    10-18-2010 11:14 PM
    There are macs outside east end ccc.
    P-town harbor has them near mac wharf.
    Been doing well in canal.
    Good luck
  8. MAKAI
    09-25-2010 05:22 PM
    Hi Mike I seem to have deleted that tuna cleaning video I told you about. See if I can find another and send it to you. Tuna bite should start ramping up now.
  9. good2hook
    02-20-2010 04:53 PM
    hey mike, nice meeting you today my friend. Maybe we can wet a line sometime.

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  • About O.D. Mike
    S. Easton
  • Signature
    "Always two there are, no more, no less: a master and an apprentice." >> Yoda


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  • Join Date: 01-04-2010
  • Referrals: 0


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