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JohnR JohnR is offline

Certifiable Intertidal Anguiologist

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 86
  1. MMullen
    06-11-2014 08:15 AM
    Hi John,

    I am the new president of the Connecticut Surfcasters Association. Dan Bruton asked me to contact you to confirm that he, and not my lame brained brother, is the membership chair of our organization. He is. Henceforth, he or I will be sending you names of who is in or out of our club.


    Mike Mullen
  2. jim mullen
    03-20-2014 08:40 AM
    jim mullen
    Good Morning John,
    I am the Membership guy for the Connecticut Surfcasters, please add the screen name Fish360 to whatever list it needs to be added to.
    I will be sending additional screen names as members renew.

    Thank you for your time.

    Jim Mullen
  3. chrisg
    02-15-2014 07:56 AM
    John--Are my first few posts never going to show up? I thought they were checked by a moderator and then posted, not just deleted? How does this site work? Thanks
  4. rickhern
    01-08-2014 02:56 PM
    John, tune in here tomorrow morning at 10am if you can. Thanks.
  5. rickhern
    01-08-2014 01:38 PM
    Hey John, can you be on a short webinar tomorrow at 10am?
  6. TheSpecialist
    12-01-2013 03:52 PM
    Hi John,

    My daughter U8 softball team is raising money for a tournament in July down in Orlando.. We are selling raffle tickets for a 16g Ipad to be raffled off on 12/13 Is it alright if I put up a post in the scuppers to see if anyone wants a ticket? They are $20 a chance and they are only selling 200 tickets total.

    Thanks ,

  7. Smokiedog
    11-05-2013 08:49 PM
    Hi John,
    Jake from WM here. I have those fishing poles and life jackets to donate to the site. Give me a call and we can figure out a way to get it to you. Also, I have a 18 ft Mako Center Console w a 90HP Johnson on a galvy trailer for sale for $1750. Perfect little bass boat for these parts, wanted to know if its ok to post it on the site. (Didn't want it flagged cause of my lack of posts) Either way I want to get this stuff to you and looking forward to the next Too Cold To Fish night! Thnx - Jake (508) 965-6290
  8. Clammer
    10-18-2013 04:51 PM
    Casey ##
  9. Don M
    07-09-2013 10:29 AM
    Don M
    Hello John,
    Hope all is well? Could you please give mke a call we would like to discuss a few things with you. 860-983-5987
  10. backlash
    02-18-2013 09:09 PM
    hi john
    I have 3 with me for Saturday night

About Me

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  • About JohnR
    Somewhere between OOB & west of Watch Hill
    Zip Code
    Club Affiliation
    MSBA, NPSWFC, NCSWFC, and more...
  • Signature
    ~Fix the Bait~ ~Pogies Forever~

    Striped Bass Fishing - All Stripers

    Kobayashi Maru Election - there is no way to win.

    Apocalypse is Coming:


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Blog - Geek Angling
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  • Last Activity: Today 12:29 PM
  • Join Date: 02-14-2000
  • Referrals: 6


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Posted 09-07-2008 at 10:35 PM by JohnR Comments 2
Posted in Geek Angling
Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks...

This is one of MANY new features (nee bugs in Microsoft parlance) that we'll be adding to S-B over time. Today's upgrades are the start to doing some cool things. Some things will be noticeable, some things will be improvements over what we've had before. Some things we have not yet contemplated.

All in all, I want this to be one more step in providing the best angling community S-B can be. I'll do what I can with the Geek...
Recent Comments
Hey, John......
Posted 01-30-2009 at 08:14 AM by Crafty Angler Crafty Angler is offline
Good stuff boss man,...
Posted 09-09-2008 at 09:29 AM by reelecstasy reelecstasy is offline

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