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ProfessorM ProfessorM is offline

Uncle Remus

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
    10-08-2019 11:40 AM
    Hi Professor. One 34" bass last night-- fished BOTH Scorton and locally in WH. Just awful. Night before Xman an I produced not one possibility hit, and a couple fish only to maybe 24 inches. Night before that was a total sunk for me at CH all niter dusk to dawn, with a lot of night fishing and also some rest in the gale in between. I just cannot get in front of any.
  2. MAC
    02-23-2019 02:09 PM
    Hi Paul, can you do me a favor ? I'm looking for a couple of Flag plugs from Steve. I'd call him myself but lost all contacts in my phone when I upgraded.

    I'd rather pay him the higher price directly than what the re sellers are getting.

    If you talk to him can you relay the message for me ?

  3. dannyplug1
    03-23-2016 10:54 AM
    Paul this is Charlie Gregory, a few years back you sold me a cutter for my vega duplicator. Could you email me at thanks charlie
  4. bennyraw
    04-10-2014 07:02 AM
    Hey Paul, I tried to respond to your message but I don't think it sent. I would be interested in a nose loop bender, just let me know what to send with shipping. Have any cool tail loop fixtures?
    01-13-2014 01:04 PM
    Hey Paul Found a supply for double hooks BUT need you to guess what size and what ANGLE THE HOOKS ARE SPREAD APART 45% or 70%.
    Do you think 3% OR 4% size?????Let me know as I will need to buy a 100.
    thanks old goat
  6. rickhern
    12-09-2013 07:33 PM
    Hey Paul, holiday party at my house in Stoughton on Sunday. 12-whenever. We do a yankee swap, fishing related gift, $20-25, wrapped. Pot luck, bring something if you want, not necessary.

    19 vaughn ct.

    09-19-2013 11:48 AM
    Paul I think I remember you going to the Narrow theatre in Fall River and if so can you tell me anything about parking, safety at night and how hard to find.
    Thanks in advance.
    PS Hoping to attend --The Great Big Sea--nov 28
  8. benjiwhite
    01-27-2013 08:02 PM
    I live in North Carolina and have been turning plugs for several years. what started off as a hobby and a few gift plugs to my fishing buddies has esclated into what may become a small business for me. I noticed from reading a lot of your replies and posts that you seem to know your ins and outs when it comes to machining,etc. I am seriously considering purchasing a vega duplicator,but really don't know where to start or what to buy. I have an older delta lathe. I also have a grizzly hobby lathe (which is how I started out). The delta can turn up to 36 inches, but I never use it for anything more than plugs. It's a rather old lathe probly from the late 70's or early 80's but is in great condition. It actually came with a delta duplicator that doesn't seem to have much precision. I want something that I can crank out a lot of plugs in a shorter period of time. I understand about making a pattern out of plexiglass or lexan. Any advice is welcomed and appreciated.
    Benji White
  9. MarshCappa
    01-09-2012 01:39 PM
    Hey Paul,

    Did you delete my post about my bands show that was last Saturday at BBC Pembroke? I spoke to John about putting our gigs up and he said go for it. I've offered our band to play any local events that an S-B member is hosting at reduced rates or free if it's for a fundraising cause. I would think promoting local talent would be encouraged. No big deal either way, it's not like alot of the fossils on this board go out but there are a few of us who support the local music scene. If my band posts are annoying I'll stop posting in muzic forum.

    Rock On!

  10. linesiders247
    03-22-2011 09:40 PM
    are you heading to the massbass show?
    i am going up sat,i have something unique i would like to get you input on.
    thanx alan

About Me

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  • About ProfessorM
    Lakeville Ma.
    Fishing. Who has time for more
    Mr. Mom Days- Machinist Nites
    Club Affiliation
    Any club that would have me as a memeber I wouldn't want to join
  • Signature
    "A beach is a place where a man can feel he's the only soul in the world that's real"


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  • Last Activity: 10-22-2023 04:26 PM
  • Join Date: 03-03-2003
  • Referrals: 11


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