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Also known as OAK

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. slow eddie
    06-17-2011 08:33 PM
    slow eddie
    easst side of lighthouse. nice mix. sand eels all over e. mat.
  2. SailFishQuepos
    10-16-2010 05:22 PM
    Hi, I run a charter fishing Company in Costa Rica and I would like to post under the Tuna big game forum my fishing reports. I don't want to spam and was wondering what type of sponserships you have. I don't really advertise in the post, I just post a fishing report and then would like to have my url in the signature. Thanks,
    john aka SailFishQuepos on this site
  3. Sweetwater
    09-09-2009 05:15 PM
    Let me know if those 50's are still available. Any info on them (price, condition, age, etc.) would be nice.

    02-18-2009 05:24 PM
    You're welcome. Did you buy any 40.00 plugs!? Thats a lot of eels!
  5. slow eddie
    02-18-2009 08:34 AM
    slow eddie
    good morning. i can't remember if i thanked you properly last night for the goodies. if i did not, please accept my apoligies. trying to keep everything straight in my mind does become a little taxing at time.
    good luch with the chateau. if you 2 ever start looking for furnature, let me know. i do know where the bargains are at. thanks again, edski
  6. slow eddie
    01-15-2009 03:02 PM
    slow eddie
    i love the blond. just picked up some stuff at a buy out. i bought a book called" life and death in a coral sea" by jacques-yves cousteau, with phillippe. any interest?? i have 5 into it.
  7. slow eddie
    12-20-2008 09:50 AM
    slow eddie
    good morning. just ducky out. 4 or 5 yrs. ago gene champlin and i were fishing the coves between the c.g. house and monahans early in the a.m. i was useing swimmers and pencils. they've always worked for me in theose places. gene was useing a spinnerbait. caught 4 to my one. and his were larger. when ever you think you know it all, there's always something new coming along
  8. slow eddie
    12-09-2008 10:00 AM
    slow eddie
    of course you know who bought the vs. you'll never guess wo was selling it. that's right . bill nolan. even if i do not end up useing it, i can sell it for a profit
  9. slow eddie
    09-11-2008 06:46 AM
    slow eddie
    narry town beach. dropper and a egg. you DIDN'T hear it here

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    Westlery, RI
    Anything but Fishing of course! Why would anyone partake in such a silly pastime???!!!???
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    Originally Posted by #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&
    "For once I agree with Spence. UGH. I just hope I don't get the urge to go start buying armani suits to wear in my shop"


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  • Join Date: 04-14-2003
  • Referrals: 2


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