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slow eddie slow eddie is offline

slow eddie

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
    02-21-2010 07:50 PM
    saw a yo-zuri Sashimi pencil popper rigged with two circle hooks, one belly, one tail. Too small for bass, but interesting none the less.

    Yo-Zuri Sashimi Circle Hook Series - Floating Minnow
  2. Playin Hooky
    02-21-2010 02:47 PM
    Playin Hooky
    The reel is a Diawa TD-300 Luna. The specs are:
    Gear ratio 5.1:1
    Weight 12.9 oz
    Bearings: 5 + 1 on roller: anti-corrosive CPBB
    Free floating spool
    11-disc drag
    Line capacity: Mono
    380yds #12
    320yds #14
    245Yds #17
    190Yds #20
  3. SirWinston
    10-06-2009 11:08 AM
    Heh - need the grey stuff!!

    PWD is 'password'.
    Oak used 'BP', and I couldn't reply with the acronym for obvious reasons!!!).
  4. vanstaal
    09-22-2009 01:59 PM
    Happy birthday to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. RIGeezer
    03-08-2009 11:20 AM
    Hey Ed:
    Would like you to give me a call when you can at 401 207 1195.
  6. Crafty Angler
    03-04-2009 11:27 AM
    Crafty Angler
    Hi Eddie - Went back to work for the 1st time last night - the last couple of hours weren't fun but I lived - and slept until 11 AM this morning - doing better every day. Sounds like you're over it too - man, I hope I never get that sick again -
    Anyway, where in NK are ya gonna be tomorrow - I've got the day off can meet ya on the other side somewhere -
    01-15-2009 03:24 PM
    No Eddie. I'm good w/ the book.
  8. SirWinston
    01-15-2009 12:01 PM
    Hi Ed,

    What are the obscure phrases? The scots have a fair few words and phrases that are damn difficult to decipher. Some are derived from french (since through a large part of history bo the scots and the french fought the english...).
  9. slow eddie
    12-23-2008 01:06 PM
    slow eddie
    thanks brian. plugs are not going for much on e-bay. i have got a bunch to go, but i'm going to wait till late march and april. wait for the income tax checks to be cashed. t.c., ed
    12-23-2008 09:47 AM
    Eddie; Those Spinners are 1/2 Chartreuse... I'll save you one. The rest I'm trying to put on EBay for a couple of clams each... I have some Buzz baits as well (with the different blade style) in 1/3oz white. Want one of those too?

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  • About slow eddie
    surf fisherman
    Rhode Island
    too many to list
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    Club Affiliation
    narragansett surf casters
  • Signature
    put them back alive. i do have grandkids.
    as your hair gets whiter, your gear gets lighter.


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  • Last Activity: 03-31-2013 10:55 AM
  • Join Date: 05-18-2005
  • Referrals: 0


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