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Go Back   Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating » JohnR

Conversation Between JohnR and Pete F.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. Pete F.
    09-03-2020 10:49 AM
    Pete F.
    I wanted to post this but I'm being a good boy, feel free to post this from the Grumpy Economist

    Last week, Abbott Labs announced (more info here) that (finally)
    the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for its BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Ag Card rapid test for detection of COVID-19 infection. Abbott will sell this test for $5. It is highly portable (about the size of a credit card), affordable and provides results in 15 minutes. BinaxNOW uses proven Abbott lateral flow technology, making it a reliable and familiar format for frequent mass testing through their healthcare provider. With no equipment required, the device will be an important tool to manage risk by quickly identifying infectious people so they don't spread the disease to others.
    Note the last sentence. Abbott gets it -- the point of this test is not to diagnose sick people, it is to keep most sick people from spreading the disease.

    the whole thing is 3x this size

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