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Go Back   Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating » blondterror

Conversation Between blondterror and tothelimit
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. blondterror
    03-16-2011 12:41 PM
    I'm sure but I sold it yesterday to a guy in Cambridge ,MA. If I see another lami/abu 6500/7000C3 I will let you know. This is a popular old school rod/reel at the Cape Cod canal. Some guys are able to almost cast across the entire width of the canal with this rod...

    best Chris
  2. tothelimit
    03-16-2011 09:27 AM
    Hey Blondterror, I was interested in your Lami/Garcia setup. Are you really considering selling it? I live in NJ but one of my closest friends just moved to the Cape and I'm sure she would drive over to get it for me. Please let me know if you'd like to let go of this and we'll make arrangements to get you money etc. Thank you!
    Allen Won aka tothelimit

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